Landscapes are Good for the Air and Water. Its important to test your soil and make the necessary amendments for your specific xeriscape before you plant. The initial set-up may be a bit expensive. The only maintenance needed is a tiny amount of trimming a couple of times every year. Your email address will not be published. Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. That way, once theyre established, the majority of the maintenance falls away. This benefit allows each partner to tackle tasks based on their areas of specialty. Success brings with it many advantages: Independence. Southwestern cities and towns, including Las Vegas, NV; Aurora, CO; and Los Angeles, CA, offer rebates (cash for grass programs) to encourage you to rip out your sod and replace it with a low-water landscape. The initial investment may be a bit high but, once established, a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant garden can save gardeners a substantial amount of money. Here are ten of the most notable: Water conservation: Xeriscaping can help conserve water by reducing the irrigation needed to maintain a healthy and attractive outdoor environment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here are my problems with xeriscaping: Unlike traditional landscaping methods, xeriscaping is sustainable into the future. Now imagine you stopped watering your lawn today. If you live in a dry climate, maintaining a traditional lawn might prove near impossible even if there arent restrictions. Someone is bound to take a trip to the emergency room. Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. This one is subjective due to beauty being in the eye of the beholder and all that. One of the positive elements I found in 2021 Juniper Landscape Company. A xeriscaped landscape needs less maintenance than an area landscaped with grass and water-intensive plants.Drought-Tolerant PlantsThe most common example of a xeriscape-friendly plant is the cactus, which has hundreds of different species that are native to North and South America. You have entered an incorrect email address! More efficient irrigation is also achieved when types of plants with similar water needs are grouped together. After the first year, ease of maintenance is one of the primary benefits of xeriscaping. Fossil fuels provide a reliable energy source, but this is simply a short term solution for the long-term problem of global warming. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. Xeriscaping is a unique landscaping technique. Advantages and disadvantages of diversification. Just another site. Xeriscapes must be designed more carefully than other landscapes. While xeriscapes arent entirely maintenance-free, you can put the mower away and give the weeding gloves a rest: Most ground covers (like sedum and sage) only require trimming, and mulch and rocks will prevent most weed growth. Reduces the vegetation in the yard; it greatly affects the aesthetic appeal of any lawn, making it lose its lush green look. Helps conserve water. Why Is It Important To Have Good Lighting, Importance Of Tortoise And Its Direction In Vastu Shastra. The Benefits Of Owning A Hose Reel: Is It Worth Your Investment? Xeriscaping acknowledges the limitations and the possibilities inherent in your unique property and location. When these birds abandon the nests, other species, such as the elf owl or cactus wren, often take them over. Expense: When considering xeriscaping advantages, consider the expense over the long term. Probably quite a lot. Expense: When considering xeriscaping advantages, consider the expense over the long term. A xeriscape landscape can support wildlife, maintain healthy soil and reduce runoff of harmful chemicals into water ways. If you want to play games, its perfectly feasible. The original landscaping was VERY high maintenance and not attractive. The gila woodpecker and gilded flicker are two bird species that are good at carving out nesting sites in the saguaros. Comment below and let us know. 10 benefits of xeriscaping 1. Theres no need to push around a lawnmower on a hot day or spend money to hire a lawn care company to take care of your needs with xeriscaping. Recommended: Benefits of technology in education today Advantages of Online Shopping (Merits) 1. Here are some of the advantages that you can get if you use xeriscaping for your lawn. Im sure youll get a pleasant surprise with your next water bill. Saves time 6. The amount of work depends on what youre starting with, but its a lot of work either way. What makes a lawn a xeriscape? Attracts future buyers 5. You can't get fired. In addition to that, weeds only grow in the spring. During this time they were primarily used to play sports on, but the industrial revolution made it possible for nearly everyone to have a lawn of their own. Since lush plants and vibrant flowers require substantial amounts of water, xeriscaping seeks to avoid water use by incorporating elements that can survive without water, such as drought-resistant perennials or cacti. Fill out the following form for more information. This, of course, adds to the material cost of the project because landscape fabric isnt cheap. You won't have to worry about cutting the lawn, fertilizing, aerating etc. It may be for privacy, safety, security, or merely for aesthetics and curb appeal. Reduces or eliminates chemical needs 9. The pros of xeriscaping include: Reducing your environmental footprint and impact as much as possible Decreasing the amount of time needed for landscaping work by you over the long haul Cutting back significantly on your water bill and water consumption The potential cons of xeriscaping include: Why xeriscape? If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. You dont need a carpet of green grass to make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood. In the right context, outsourcing might be a terrific option for both large and small business owners to increase efficiencies and boost their bottom line if used correctly and strategically. It is low maintenance Your ground covers will spread and suppress any weed growth, and a whole ecosystem will begin to establish itself in your yard. Dams can isolate fish and other sea life, causing genetic mutations and differences over time. Plants that are drought-tolerant grow slowly, which means they will require occasional trimming, pruning, and weed whacking, too. This article discusses the pros and cons of both xeriscaping and traditional lawns. June 10, 2022 Gives you access to financial incentives 4. Give us a call today at 505-375-6901 and hear our expert advice on how to best achieve the landscaping effect you always wanted. Additionally, if you want to set up irrigation, you should do so beforehand as installing it after your xeriscape can be a hassle. You can visit some local nurseries to gain a better idea of the types of drought-resistant plants . For many homeowners, this is a huge turnoff. Most (not all) water-wise plants thrive in full sun. Convenience: This is the greatest benefit of online shopping and its most significant allure. Xeriscaping means constructing a yard that uses less water, but doesnt necessarily mean its a good thing. Xeriscapes dont have to be grass-free, but they use turfgrass wisely and only when needed. Website monitoring lets you catch errors fast to keep your site at peak performance and customers happy. But the most common reason, 2023 Evergreen Landscape Pros - All rights Reserved. Your guests will certainly tell that it isnt an actual lawn. This means xeriscaped landscapes need little or no water beyond what the natural climate provides.Xeriscaping has been embraced in dry regions of the western United States. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. 4 Pages. Traditional Lawn- Advantages vs. 4 Ideas For Lawn And Garden Ornaments For Your Yard Make Over! Here are the six biggest benefits it provides. Xeriscaping often means replacing grassy lawns with soil, rocks, mulch, and drought-tolerant native plant species. They dominate the desert landscapes of Arizona and northern Mexico, and can grow as tall as 15 meters (49 feet). Decent Essays. During the hot and dry summer months, water can become scarce so it is critical that everyone in the community conserve this natural resource. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Xeriscaping is a landscaping approach that focuses on water conservation by using alternative landscaping features such as rocks, gravel, perennials, and cacti to decorate lawns in areas where water scarcity is a problem. Disadvantages of Blockchain Technology: This section discusses the disadvantages of blockchain technology. Desert plants and shrubs need no fertilizer while also being very resistant to pests and diseases. It is also a wise use of available resources and an answer for busy gardeners who dont have a lot of time for high-maintenance landscaping. With a bit of forethought, you can design your landscape so that it actually reduces the amount of needed resources and effort to maintain it. Pros And Cons Of Xeriscaping. In Novato, California, residents were offered conservation incentives (reductions in their water bills) to convert from traditional lawns to xeriscaping. There are several advantages to xeriscaping your lawn, including: 1. We all recognize traditional lawns. Xeriscaping alleviates the potential for water shortages: When less water is used on lawns, more water can be conserved for drinking. Sick of seeing your water bill skyrocket in summer? National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Because lawns are softer, theyre also more child-friendly, so if you want your Billy or Jane to enjoy the all-American childhood you always dreamed of for your kids, traditional lawns are the way to go. Xeriscaping is most common in water-restricted environments such as Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. June 8, 2022 advantages and disadvantages of xeriscaping. As many native animals and insects face habitat loss, your xeriscape can be the home and food source they need. The grass withers, the flower fades, BUT the word of our God stands forever. This reduction is significant in regions where water is scarce. Top Ten Advantages of Xeriscaping. The most common advantages and benefits of using xeriscaping includes making the water available for other important purposes and uses, reduced maintenance, less cost to maintain the structure, reduced pollution and waste, lowered consumption or usage of water, and promotes rainfall retention. He has sound analytical and technical skills. These factors make the up-front cost of a xeriscape very high, and unaffordable for many people. As with most great things in life, there are a few challenges to consider before embarking on your new xeriscaping journey: If you, like us, can see the myriad of benefits and you are ready to make the leap, keep in mind that Living Earth specializes in various rock types and can help you select the ones you need for beauty and function. Exotic. Most partnerships like to have one person focus on big picture concepts while the other manages accounting or financial obligations. Excellent incorporation. Xeriscaping refers to landscaping in ways that do not require supplemental irrigation.It is promoted in areas that do not have easily accessible supplies of fresh water.The word Xeriscaping was coined by combining xeros (Greek for "dry") with landscape.Plants whose natural requirements are appropriate to the local climate are emphasized, and care is taken to avoid losing water to evaporation . The first and likely most important principle of xeriscape gardens is water conservation. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. So what are the main advantages and disadvantages of each? Xeriscaping cuts back on energy use so fewer fossil fuels are burned, more water is stored for future use, and fewer pollutants enter your watershed. Many herbs and spices are used in xeriscaping, such as thyme, sage, and oregano. Xeriscaping is one of the best options in populated desert areas in the US. Well talk about it in this issue. During the dry and hot summer months, water can become scarce. Xeriscaping is by no means zero-scaping. I must say that Juniper Landscape Company exceeded my expectations, completing the job in a timely fashion and for a fair price which we negotiated ahead of time, and which did not change even though there were difficulties with the terrain around my home in Stonebridge Estates (Scripps Ranch). Planting a rock garden, designing an edged patio, or creating a wildflower-filled sanctuary (complete with a chair or bench for reading) can be rewarding and fun, and it might just inspire your neighbors to follow your example. While xeriscaping has many advantages, there are also a few disadvantages to using this type of landscaping. Drips and soaker hoses direct water directly to the base of the plant and prevent the water evaporation that sprinklers allow. For this reason, huge, grass lawns are not used in xeriscaping. Users don't want to wait around for pages to load or buttons that don't work, especially if they're in buying mode. All rights reserved. The money savings transcend the water bill since almost every xeriscaping product is less costly compared to green shrubbery and rolls of sod. Thats just the way nature works. Drought-resistant and drought-tolerant plants require little water use, and native plants dont need expensive fertilizer or harsh pesticides. If youve been thinking about creating your own garden, being aware of the term xeriscaping would greatly help you. We are trained to help you develop the perfect landscape with the right choice of plants and techniques. Using less water means you can't grow as many plants, equating to less maintenance. Some plants used for food are drought-resistant, such as black walnuts, Jerusalem artichokes, and sapodilla, a sweet fruit native to Mexico. For water-restricted areas, they may be prohibited. Now they keep it up every week, and it looks gorgeous. Review and Overview of Drought Tolerant Landscaping in Sacramento. All youve got to do is to just plant the desert flowers and pour rock throughout the lawn with xeriscaping. Secondly, a xeriscape uses very little water and is largely drought-tolerant. From spring to fall, there are many tasks you must do to maintain the traditional lawn. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. However, a xeriscape can be created just about anywhere. Water Conservation. When you cluster together plants with similar needs, you minimize water waste and reduce overwatering and underwatering. The population of the US accounts for approximately 4.25% of the world's total population.. This can affect the overall habitat of a river and take away from what nature . Theres the regular mowing with (probably) a gas lawnmower, plus all the time you spend maintaining a huge patch of grass. This post does not address the advantages and disadvantages of xeriscaping, which may include a variety of considerations, including effects on property value based on the desireor lack thereofof xeriscape. The citys water department estimated that the houses that chose xeriscaping saved 120 gallons of water a day.Another main component of xeriscaping is installing efficient irrigation methods. As a business owner, you're your own boss. Open Document. One of the best advantages of xeriscaping is that you will need a lot less water to preserve the landscaping. Wunderdog Magazine: Celebrating the Stories and Triumphs of Rescue Dogs, Creating the Ultimate Home Cinema System with Smart Home Installation, The Benefits of Attending Gardening Workshops and Craft Courses, Organic Towels: A Luxurious and Sustainable Choice for Your Bathroom. Lets take a look at what makes xeriscaping an eco-friendly, money-saving landscaping option. The most obvious benefit of a xeriscape is that it requires significantly less water. Consider well before taking out a backyard that focuses on native plants to replace with a landscape that focuses on low-water plants. Advantages. Theyre experts at handling your specific soil type and weather patterns, and theyll resist local pests and diseases. I really appreciate you talking about the lowered water maintenance requirements that Xeriscoping can bring you. The first and most obvious benefit of a xeriscape is that it requires very little water. Xeriscaping doesnt mean getting rid of all your turfgrass, but it does mean rethinking where you need it, how much you need, and whether you can replace some with a more drought-friendly option. Some people, like myself, love gardening. Are you a fan of xeriscaping? Incorporating the natural habitat into your landscaping or planting native plants protects the environment. Conserves water 2. Its difficult for people to relax on a bed of rocks. A thick layer of mulch is essential for a healthy xeriscaped lawn or garden. However, outsourcing isn't ideal for every situation, so consider carefully before devoting time and . National Geographic Magazine: Green House, National Geographic News: Cactus Smugglers Threatening Desert Ecosystems. advantages and disadvantages of xeriscaping. Extends the life of water resources infrastructure 8. ; Reduces nutrient leaching into the environment (and you save money); No pesticides, if you provide a sterile environment to the plant. The main advantage of xeriscaping is that it can be a valuable tool that you can use to save water. V = s p: V represents the value of flood regulation and storage, yuan; p is the total rainfall intercepted, m 3; and s is the construction cost of a reservoir per unit volume, yuan/m 3. Juniper Landscape Company is great. In fact, you could have a xeriscaped front yard and a backyard full of green, or vice versa. 4. Wall And Ceiling Lighting What Should You Know. As previously mentioned, traditional lawns require more maintenance costs, with fertilizer driving that expense. A xeriscaped lawn makes use of hydrozoning: Grouping plants into zones based on their water and sun requirements. Grass-based lawns are much better to hang out in with family and friends, especially if you like to play sports or games with your friends that involve the lawn. Their waxy skin reduces water lost to evaporation.Cacti are far from the only plants appropriate for xeriscaping. Not with Backyard Boss on your team, anyway. Traditional lawns are also much cheaper to install. Additionally, the traditional lawn takes up a lot more water, and may simply not be an option for those that live in water-restricted areas. I know we are all exhausted due to the demands of filming and the logistics of the project with so many people involved. Xeriscaping is different from traditional landscaping. Xeriscaping requires careful planning to conserve as much water as possible and qualify for a rebate. The point is, if you xeriscape your yard, you wont have to water nearly as often as you would a regular lawn. The less you depend on water to enhance your landscape, the better. In a well executed xeriscape, you can reduce water usage by as much as 70 percent! Additionally, xeriscaping can save water by creating more efficient water delivery pathways. Advantages and Disadvantages of Selected Tillage Systems. Main Photo Credit: [emailprotected] | Flickr | CC BY 2.0. Before you make a decision, lets take a look at somexeriscape pros and cons. The whole idea behind xeriscaping is that once its established, its low maintenance, water-wise way of maintaining a garden. [2][3]In some areas, terms such as water-conserving landscapes, drought-tolerant landscaping, and smart scaping are used . by The idea is to choose native plants that have already adapted to your specific climate. If your yard is feeling a bit drab, a xeriscape could be the perfect makeover to transform your lawn into a real 10 out of 10. Required fields are marked *. Get the latest posts delivered right to your email. Versatility The amount of work needed in the early stages of your landscape installation will be significant, If not done properly, replacing lawn with xeriscaping can cause more heat to radiate into a house. 10 Flowering Plants That Attract Pollinators, Why You Should Sprinkle Epsom Salt Around Your Tomato Plants, When You Should Fertilize Your Lawn in Spring. Once your plants are planted, and theyve had some time to establish themselves, the necessary maintenance begins to fall away. Additionally, as the problem of water conservation continues to grow, xeriscaping and its effects are becoming more and more relevant for people everywhere, even areas seemingly unaffected by water scarcity. Closer plant spacings or adequate water the first few years will help. After the first year, ease of maintenance is one of the primary benefits of xeriscaping. In an era plagued by low rain, it's a huge advantage to reduce your water usage as much as 50% (depending on where you live)! They are able to provide you with a lush and overflowing lawn while making water less necessary on the more practical side. In this project you will research and write an essay on xeriscaping and its advantages and disadvantages. Sign up to receive updates, The results? They completed the job on budget and on time. If a big lawn is necessary for your lifestyle, then xeriscaping isnt for you. If this is you, then xeriscaping could be a good solution to your conundrum. There are plenty of both pros and cons when it comes to xeriscaping. For many areas, such as the Colorado landscape environment, traditional lawns arent an option. 5. Landscape architects began to notice the glaring need in the west for alternative landscaping methods for areas without readily accessible water sources. A lot of people opt for turf landscaping since it helps them save money and save water. The best part? Without annuals to tend to, grass to water and excessive weeding, you are more likely to have a yard thatlooksamazing all year long. Reducing our upkeep here and saving money in the long run has always been something I want to constantly improve on. A lot of maintenance. Proven Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing. If you are busy or physically limited, watering, pruning and weeding can be daunting. For those who prefer vibrancy and that recognizable green we associate with lawns, theres no substitute for the traditional lawn. They cost a lot less compared to sod or turf if you choose a range of rocks. However, once established, a xeriscaped area will bring you more savings for a low-maintenance, drought-surviving garden for a longer time. The truth is that xeriscaping allows you to use any native plant in your region. In desert areas like Phoenix, Arizona, xeriscaping allows gardeners to plant native xerophytes such as ocotillo.Supporters of xeriscaping say it can reduce water use by 50 or 75 percent. What might be some disadvantages of xeriscaping? So keeping it clear of vegetation will be tricky. Saves money. Choosing whether xeriscaping fits your situation depends on where you live and what you prefer. Native plants attract beautiful pollinators like butterflies, bees, and birds, so youll soon have a colorful show in your own backyard. No matter where you live, you can benefit from xeriscaping your yard. Natural XeriscapingThe saguaro is a cactus that has become a familiar icon of Western movies. Prolonged droughts have led water to be regarded as a limited and expensive resource. There are many advantages to xeriscaping and xerogardening. The main advantage to xeriscaping is that xeriscapes are very low maintenance. It is also a wise use of available resources and an answer for busy gardeners who dont have a lot of time for high-maintenance landscaping. Allows various attractive planting choices. to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I have used them for landscape design, and they have transformed my yard into a garden retreat. We were very satisfied with how the whole project progressed. Whether your dream garden is a houseplant sanctuary, a bountiful vegetable garden, a pollinator paradise, a bright and bold flower bed, or a backyard oasis Gardening Know How has the perfect gardening guide just for you. Xeriscaping can increase your property value by 14 percent, and its growing in popularity as a more sustainable type of landscaping. One of the primary benefits of exporting is access to a global market of buyers. The potential cons of xeriscaping include: Deciding to go with a total xeriscaping approach can be a very difficult decision to make, but it doesnt have to be an either, or situation. Acquiring an existing business has many advantages for entrepreneurs, as shown below: Businesses with an established image and track record are a significant advantage of acquiring existing businesses. The block size is 1 MB due to which it can hold only a couple of transactions on a . Xeriscaping (pronounced zeh-ri-skayp-ing) is the process of creating a landscape that requires little to no watering. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. During the dry and hot summer months, water can become scarce. Carefully chosen plants will attract honeybees, birds and butterflies. The term is said to be coined . You can keep a swath of Kentucky bluegrass in your backyard for kids and pets to play, and replace the rest of it with lower-water grass, native plants, or a rock garden. 5. If you make up your mind to install a xeriscape, be sure to plan it correctly! 2. You are also saving money on your utility bill every month because you are basically saving water. Because it incorporates different rock features, you can achieve more three-dimensional features. Hardscape features, like footpaths, pavers, patios, and fire pits. Whats the Difference Between Landscaping and Hardscaping? So, buyer beware! Theyre a great place to have a picnic, lounge about in the sun, or for children or dogs to play. As well as a planting plan, you need to plan for the growth of the plants as well. Aerating, fertilizing, and most importantly mowing are only the beginning of maintaining a traditional lawn. Aside from the few positive thoughts about xeriscaping mentioned earlier, more benefits await those who try to apply it in their own gardens. Finally, if you live in a neighborhood with a lot of trees, getting rid of leaf litter can be a nightmare in the fall. They require little planning, minimal labor, and low material costs. Less lawn space also requires less maintenance, which reduces emissions from gas-powered vehicles. The term xeriscape was coined in 1978 by the Denver Water Department. It keeps roots cool in summer, insulates soil in winter, retains soil moisture, protects against weeds, and prevents erosion. Plus, hydrozoning (grouping plants based on water requirements) reduces overwatering and underwatering. Its a good idea to consider all the angles, which this post will help before you decide to go the xeriscaping route. Timeliness considerations. Background Read the background information about your project.