Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, and also healed his wife and female slaves so that they bore children. "(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 21:2David said to Ahimelech the priest, "The king has commanded me a business, and has said to me,'Let no man know anything of the business about which I send you, and what I have commanded you; and I have appointed the young men to such and such a place. 1 He descended from Eli in the line of Ithamar. Does Austria celebrate Christmas on the 24th? But the NIV, ESV, and HCS Bibles have Ahimelech (or Ahimelek). He protects all their bones; not one of them gets broken. Ahimelech was afraid when he met David: . The point is: Sarah, at age 89, may have looked similar to . Abimelech (Abimelec ou Ahimelech ou Ahimelek), Roi de Guerar, ayant pris par force Sara (Sarah), femme d'Abraham, mais qu'il ne croyait etre que sa soeur, en est chatie de Dieu, et la rend a Abraham sans l'avoir touchee. Assure that you will be kind to me and this country where you have lived. The disciples would not finish going through Israel, until Jesus returned, 2 Samuel 8:17, Zadok the son of Ahitub and. @ added my thoughts on Ahimelech. The lessons of this part of the Psalm are chiefly that true goodness can only be found in a relationship with God. By the time God promises her a child, she is already post-menopausal and too old to conceive. 7). As reported to King Saul by Doeg the Edomite, Ahimelech gave David five loaves of holy bread, the sword of Goliath, and, though reputed to have consulted God for David by Doeg, this was simply propaganda against the priests of Nob. 2:18, yet in Exodus 3:1, it is Jethro. they are liable to be victimized by the unscrupulous. Psalm 34 was Davids hymn of praise after God had delivered him from the Philistines. Which one has your name on it? When Abimelech takes Sarah with Abraham's permission, God abruptly enters into the situation to protect her, speaking to Abimelech in a dream (20:6-7). "When he pretended to be insane before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he left." A beautiful acrostic psalm. The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. (1Chronicles 18:16). But in 1 Chronicles 3:12, his name is Azariah. The Handy Bible Answer Book illuminates the secrets and reveals the wisdom of the Bible. In Exodus 2:18, Moses father-in-law is named Reuel; in Exodus 3:1, it is Jethro. Who were Tola, Jair, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon? Before and after the accession of Saul some of the functions of the national sanctuary were transacted, of course very incompletely, at Gilgal (1 Samuel 10:8; 1 Samuel 11:14, 15; 13:07; 15:12, 21, 33). (2.) 26 And Abimelech said, I wot not who hath done this thing; neither didst thou tell me, neither yet heard I of it, but to day. 1 Samuel 22:20-22. Some scholars say the header of Psalm 34 contains . 16, where he is erroneously described as the son of Abiathar, whose father he was. Abraham approached Abimelech because of his servant's attacks and the loss of his well. // antiquities of the jews/, Psalm 52 To the chief Musician, Maschil, A Psalm of David, when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul, and said unto him, David is come to the house of Ahimelech., If you have any issues, please call the office at 385-246-1048 or email us at. This is deceiving an enemy in war. Le. Answer (1 of 6): The monarch, described as "Achish the king of Gath", with whom David sought refuge when he fled from Saul, is called Abimelech (meaning "father of the king") in the superscription of Psalm 34. Are Black People Jews Like Ye Said On Instagram. 21:19). He descended from Aaron's son Ithamar and the High Priest of Israel Eli.In 1 Chronicles 18:16 his name is Abimelech according to the . However, only in Ruth is the use of the "wrong" name consistent. Ahimelech is an interesting person, especially because he stands for whatever information we have concerning the priestly office in Israel during the period between Eli and David. 1. Proud member 20 But Abiathar, son of Ahimelech son of Ahitub, escaped and fled to join David. The father of Zadok, who was made high priest by Saul after the extermination of the family of Ahimelech (1 Chronicles 6:7, 8; 2 Samuel 8:17). Of David. (1Sa 21:10-15; evidently the name Abimelech appearing in the superscription of Psalm 34 is to be viewed as a title for King Achish. ANALYSIS. He probably feared, and rightly so as we shall see, that the king would kill him if he assisted David. MT unified it to say Ahimelech, and the LXX Hebrew text had been unified to say Abimelech. So David's presence made him feel very uncomfortable. Abimelech's three-year "reign" came to an end when his armor-bearer, in compliance with his dying request, ran him through with the sword, so that it could not be said that a woman had killed him. Nudity of Saul and the prophets in 1 Samuel 19:20-24. Maschil. Why the Inconsistency of the name Mary in the NT? The future king might have reasoned that Ahimelech could not legitimately be prosecuted for treason if he did not know David was on an unapproved mission. As chief priest, Ahimelech had responsibility for God's sacred tent, called the tabernacle. 22:9-10. This had happened before, in Abraham's time. Does the Bible Say the World Will End in 2012 or 2022? 1 Sa. "(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 22:20One of the sons of Ahimelech, the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David. According to Jewish works such as the Seder Olam Rabbah . Rabbinical literature linked the extermination of the male descendants of David with the extermination of the priests of Nob by Saul - deeming it divine retribution because David's action had provoked Saul's outburst - and also linked the survival of David's descendant Joash with that of Ahimelech's son Abiathar.[2]. They will perish and receive their sentence by the Judge of the world. Abimelech then became the King of Shechem, ruling for three years before a conspiracy arose against him. Therefore, it is possible that both men shared each others names. Telling the Truth for Women - Jill Briscoe, The Truth About Power! (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Chronicles 24:6Shemaiah the son of Nethanel the scribe, who was of the Levites, wrote them in the presence of the king, and the princes, and Zadok the priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, and the heads of the fathers' houses of the priests and of the Levites; one fathers' house being taken for Eleazar, and one taken for Ithamar. He is called Abimelech (meaning "father of kings"), the super-suspect of verse sal34. 2 He was the twelfth high priest, and officiated at Nob, where he was visited by David (to whom and his companions he gave five . As reported to King Saul by the Edomite Dawg, Ahimelech gave David five loaves of holy bread, the sword of Goliath, and was said by Dawg to have consulted God for David, but this was merely propaganda against the priest of Nob. The sins of the tongue are severely denounced in Hebrew ethics. Well get to that shortly. "Brother of anger", "Brother of the king." The son of Ahitub and father of Abiathar. Gravure de 1811 - Bible de Royaumont, Old Testament : Abimelech punished by God. A. Calling Elimelech, who is Mahlon's father, , (My brother) misstates his familial relationship. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 26:6Then answered David and said to Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Abishai the son of Zeruiah, brother to Joab, saying, "Who will go down with me to Saul to the camp?" Ahimelech Examples of in a sentence. Share the article on your favorite social media outlet; help the Word flow out into all nations! Schipper (here) suggests that it is because it is a more common name, but that too seems unrealistic - are there any other instances in the LXX where we see that an uncommon name is replaced with a more common one? The First Book of Kings(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 22:14Then Ahimelech answered the king, and said, "Who among all your servants is so faithful as David, who is the king's son-in-law, and is taken into your council, and is honorable in your house? Abimelech (also spelled Abimelek or Avimelech; Hebrew: / , Modern Avmle / Avmle Tiberian Amele / Amle, "my father is a king"/"my father reigns") was the generic name given to all Philistine kings in the Hebrew Bible from the time of Abraham through King David. /a/ahitub.htm - 14k, Abi'athar (28 Occurrences) RSV). The bread was changed every sabbath, and the priests ate that which had been displayed. . But the face of YHVH opposes those who do evil, to cut off all memory of them from the earth. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! Son of Ahitub (1 Samuel 14:3, 18), Ichabod's brother; the same probably asAhimelech, who was high priest at Nob in the reign of Saul (1 Samuel 22:11). Isaac went to Abimelech, king of the Philistines, in the city of Gerar. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? Follow the History Principle Prophecy (HPP) Series Here!! O rei de Gate, mais conhecido como Acish . HALOT says that Ahimelech is a conjectural reading for Abimelech, which, I think, means that it is a guess that both names are interchangeable. This" "most authorities consider the more . Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. They (the Philistines) will have an up and down relationship with Abrahams descendants for a long time to come. Daughters of Promise, Truth and Integrity Abimelech. This most authorities consider the more correct reading. Were also onInstagram, Your email address will not be published. David and the Amalekites Six hundred men went in pursuit, but a third of them were too exhausted to go further than the HaBesor Stream. Just clear tips and lifehacks for every day, Ahimelechs death was seen as a partial fulfilment of the curse on the House of Eli that none of Elis male descendants would live to old age; the other part of the curse on the House of Eli that the priesthood would pass out of his descendants was fulfilled when Abiathar was deposed from the office of High . Rabbi Shaul, in his great passage on boasting, may have remembered this saying and this episode, and recalled his own humiliating escape from another foreign king (Second Corinthians 11:30-33), and the lessons he had learned as a result. David calls attention to what God has done rather than boastfully point to his own works and accomplishments. 2And Abraham said about Sarah his wife, She is my sister. And Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah. How David Fled To Ahimelech And Afterwards To The Kings Of The Philistines And Of The Moabites, And How Saul Slew Ahimelech And His Family. He knew what fears were. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. DSS says Ahimelech in 1Sa 21:8, agreeing with MT, disagreeing with LXX. @Alex correct, but see LXX I Chronicles (or Supplements) 24, and you may find. The only bread available is the stale / old shewbread this is the bread place placed before the Lord in the Tabernacle as a reminder to the people of Gods provision ~ Fresh bread was placed there every week and this bread David asks for is the old bread. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Abimelech was the common name for Philistine kings, as was the name "Pharaoh" for Egyptian kings. This was particularly the case after the capture of the ark by the Philistines, and the deaths of Eli and his sons. Please explain. While looking for answers I also noticed each passage I quoted includes some sort of migration. But eventually Abimelech, the king of Gerar, caught Isaac showing Rebekah affection. [1] He descended from Aaron's son Ithamar and the High Priest of Israel Eli. B. At the command of Saul he slew the high priest Ahimelech (qv) at Nob, together with /d/doeg.htm - 9k, Abimelech (63 Occurrences) 18:16). In the parallel passage, 2Samuel 8:17, we have the name Ahimelech, and Abiathar, the son of Ahimelech. "Ahimelech". HALOT (Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament) gives these examples: In 2Sam 8:17 both LXX and MT say Ahimelech. This sentence was carried into execution by Doeg in a cruel manner (1 Samuel 22:923). What can we learn from the story of the Levite and his concubine. Saul, however, was an unreasonable man and later slaughtered Ahimelech and all but one of his fellow priests at Nob (22:623). Abimelech This is a fairly common personal name in northwest Semitic literature (Ugaritic and Phoenician literature). However, a translator would also continue to know the original meaning behind each name: The misuse of these names is found in Ruth, 1 Samuel, 1 Chronicles, and Psalm 52. Ahimelech, who was high priest at Nob in the reign of Saul (1 Samuel 22:11). Welcome to Matthew, Judges chapter 2 summary began with bad news for the, Matthew chapter 5 summary, Jesus the Holy Messiah from God. Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? David feigns madness before Achish king of Gath (1 Samuel 21:10-15). But at the beginning of Psalm 34, and referring to the same event in 1 Samuel, the king's name is Abimelech. (1 Samuel 30:7) [NETS]. . Elsewhere the treatment varies: sometimes Ahimelech is rendered as Abimelech, others it is unchanged, and Abimelech is almost always rendered correctly, yet once it is rendered as Ahimelech. In the parallel passage, the name is given as Ahimelech; most authorities consider this the more correct reading. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. The Philistine king of Gerar in the time of Abraham (Gen. 20:1-18).By an interposition of Providence, Sarah was delivered from his harem, and was restored to her husband Abraham. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. 15:78). It was faith that enabled David to cope with the death of his sons. Elsewhere he is called Ahimelech. In Psalm 34, Abimelech is his title of royalty, just like the Pharaoh of Egypt. This Abimelech/Ahimelech was a priest who served in the time of King David. Ahimelech Was a Regular Priest, While Abiathar Was the High Priest. Its always a pleasure to have you as we talk about the LORD the King, His Kingdomon theEarth, and HisRoyalFamily. How can I check before my flight that the cloud separation requirements in VFR flight rules are met? They essentially made peace but possibly under duress. Absalom deceives when he begins his conspiracy to become king (2 Samuel 15:7). 25 And Abraham reproved Abimelech because of a well of water, which Abimelechs servants had violently taken away. Its written in Ecclesiastes, there is a whole chapter dedicated to vows in the book of numbers, as well as in Deuteronomy, and Psalms! Only by the regular study of Scripture with other godly Christians and prayer can we know the spirit of the Law well enough so as to apply Gods commandments rightly in all circumstances. When did Hushai deceive Absalom in the Bible? Thus, (My father) is the wrong name yet better embodies Elimelech's relationship to Boaz within this narrative. The two basic themes of this Psalm are thanksgiving and wisdom. It only says priest. The term high priest occurs 78 times in the Bible, 58 in the NT, 20 in the OT. Abraham gave Abimelech some sheep and cattle as proof of the agreement. See more. Agreements are important, especially those made before the ALMIGHTY, but thats in the principles section. Therefore, it appears that both men shared each others names. Commentators speculate that David probably lied in order to protect Ahimelech from any charges of conspiracy if Saul were to later find out the priest had helped David. For friendship must ever be combined with virtue, as the examples of Jonathan and Ahimelech show. 18:16). The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. . 55 When the Israelites saw that Abimelek was dead, they went home. )At Nob, High Priest Ahimelech gives David food and Goliath's sword; David then flees to Gath, where he escapes harm by acting insane The decision to change Elimelech's name, which likely was done of necessity creates ancillary ripples in the flow of Israel's history as it is presented as a Greek narrative: I don't know for certain why the LXX writers replaced both "Ahimelech" and "Elimelech" with "Abimelech". On the other hand, in second Samuel 8:17, Ahimelech is the son of Abiathar, but in 1 Samuel 23:6, Abiathar is the son of Ahimelech. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. This can be difficult and is fraught with peril, In other words, both men had two names as appears to be the case in 2 Sam. I haven't brought my sword or any other weapon, because the king's business was urgent." 9 The priest replied, "The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed in the Valley of Elah, is here; it is wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod. Also, Jothams father was known as Azariah in 2 Kings 15:7 and Uzziah in 2 Kings 15:32. How might this be Yeshuas testimony as well as Davids in verses 15 to 22? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates, Is there a solution to add special characters from software and how to do it. Though Abraham, Sarah, and Abimelech did not live as old as people in Noah's generation (Noah lived to be 950, Genesis 9:29), Abraham was only separated from Noah by 10 generations (Genesis 11:10-26). What promises do you see in this Psalm? King of Gerar of the Philistines, who took Sarah into his harem; but being warned of God in a dream, he restored her to Abraham, and gave him 1,000 pieces of silver as a "covering of the eyes" for Sarah, that is, as an atoning present, and to be a testimony of her innocence in the eyes of all. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The title says Abimelech rather than Achish because Abimelech was the traditional dynasticname for title for Philistine kings (see Genesis 20, 21:22-34 and 26). Here is a comparison of the names in those books where the treatment is inconsistent: As shown, in these books there is one "translation philosophy" which if followed will explain most of the decisions on how a name is to be recorded: Behind the Greek and is the meaning of "My father is king" or "My brother is king." 15 Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the army; Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder; 16 Zadok the son of Ahitub and Abimelech the son of Abiathar were the priests; Shavsha was the scribe; 17 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the Cherethites and the Pelethites; and David's sons were chief ministers at the king's side. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Telling the Truth for Women - Jill Briscoe, Harvest Christian Fellowship - Pastor Mike Finizio, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). The author goes moves from the specific to the general. and are transliterations whose meanings in Greek are simply the names Abimelech or Ahimelech. ; 24:3, 6, 31. Abimelech (also spelled Abimelek), one of Gideon's sons, served as a judge of Israel following the judgeship of Gideon. Whenever the phrase: the Angel of the LORD is seen in the TaNaKh, it is always the Second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ. David's flight to Achish, King of Gath (1 Samuel 21:10-15) With this chapter begins the record of David's wanderings as an exile. LXX was less unified than MT because the LXX Hebrew text is much older. Abimelech, First King of Israel. In 1 Samuel 21, Achish is the king's personal name. The letter of the Law is not unimportant, but it can never be followed at the expense of the spirit of the Law. David lies ~ there are no men and there is no secret mission! AHIMELECH. 22 And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phichol the chief captain of his host spake unto Abraham, saying, God is with thee in all that thou doest: 23 Now therefore swear unto me here by God that thou wilt not deal falsely with me, nor with my son, nor with my sons son: but according to the kindness that I have done unto thee, thou shalt do unto me, and to the land wherein thou hast sojourned. Easton's Bible Dictionary (New and reviseded.). Abimelech (Abimelec or Ahimelech or Ahimelek . "(WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 1 Samuel 22:9Then Doeg the Edomite, who stood by the servants of Saul, answered and said, "I saw the son of Jesse coming to Nob, to Ahimelech the son of Ahitub. Lets look into it prophetically! Is LXX "Enoch pleased God" a reasonable idiomatic translation of Hebrew "Enoch walked with God"? It is vital and in this story of Abraham the Hebrew (and holder of the covenant of the ALMIGHTY) and Abimelech the Philistine, it appears the covenant was broken! "Abimelech" is a kind of combination of "Abiathar" and "Ahimelech". In contrast to the positive lead of his father, Abimelech focused on his own personal gain, hurting many in the process. But in 1 Chronicles 3:12, his name is Azariah. Same for Ahimelech vs Abimelech in Ruth. The purpose is to protect an innocent person. Since there is no satisfactory textual explanation for the anomalies, I see the most plausible explanation that the translator intentionally changed the name (or title - see below) to Abimelech. The LXX is most selective on how Ahimelech, "My brother is king" is used. DIG: Who is Abimelek? In the parallel passage, 2 Sam. The Bible is a beloved text owned by nearly all Americans. Abimelech What did Ahimelech ask David in 1 Samuel 21? Abimelech desired him, however, to leave his territory, which Isaac did. Not everybody was killed that fatally day of the massacre ~ One of Ahimelech's sons, Abiathar, escaped and came to David . Ahimelech (Hebrew: mele, "my brother is king"/"brother of a king"), the son of Ahitub and father of Abiathar (1 Samuel 22:20-23), but described as the son of Abiathar in 2 Samuel 8:17 and in four places in 1 Chronicles. Is it possible to create a concave light? How many men went with David in pursuit of the Amalekites? 22:2022; 23:6, 9. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. He gets the bread. Abimelech, the Philistine king of Gerar, .read more. Whether the Deuteronomic law for a central sanctuary originated with Moses or not, its provisions were very imperfectly carried out during the times of the Judges. The priestly head of the establishment at Nob is represented to have been the man who had the right to the office through his descent from Aaron. Abraham and Abimelech Genesis 20:1-16 narrates the story of Abraham emigrating to the southern region of Gerar, whose king is named Abimelech. 18:16 he is called Abimelech, and is probably the same as Ahiah. (I have my own idea, but again, I'm interested to see other approaches.). 8:17; 1 Ch. In his time he had led the Israelites against the Midanites, a rival tribal group in the land of Canaan, and governed the tribes as Shoftem . However, is not simply a name, it is a concept within the Law: When you come to the land that the LORD your God is giving you, and you possess it and dwell in it and then say, I will set a king over me, like all the nations that are around me, you may indeed set a king over you whom the LORD your God will choose. Your email address will not be published. What destroys the wicked? In 1 Chronicles 18:16 his name is Abimelech according to the Masoretic Text,[1] and is probably the same as Ahiah (1 Samuel 14:3, 18). Abimelech glossary term meaning as seen in the King James Bible.