Primarily used as guardian dog or sheperd dog. Although independent in nature, the Akbash Dog responds well to basic training. It is a very versatile breed, and is knwn for its loyalty, intelligence, and strength. The neck is muscular, medium-long to long, arched at the crest, with little or no dewlap. Any overall color other than white. Akbash Dog bite force: Ordinary. How long can you leave an Akbash Dog alone? The Tosa Inu Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide Are they good as cart pulling dogs? These dogs were brought to the Pyrenees Mountains around 3,000 BC, where they evolved into the Great Pyrenees we know today. Defined spots on the outer coat. They have a powerful physique and thir bite can apply a remarkable 550 pounds of pressure. Akys have plenty of loose, extra skin around their necks to protect them during conflicts with predators. Disqualifications: Any overall color other than white; defined spots on the outer coat; black whiskers; black eyelashes; albinism. Flock guardians are designed to bond with their home flocks (the flock can be anything from goatsor sheep to children). Do they go well on dog training? Average dogs have a bite force between 200 and 400 PSI. About ten years later, the US Department of Agriculture took an interest in the Akbash and other livestock guardians and started studying their use as non-lethal predator determent. With unthreatening strangers, they tend to be aloof and watchful. A boat dog is a term used to describe a type of dog that was traditionally bred and used as a working dog on boats. For this flock-guarding breed, size, soundness, and the ability to move with speed and agility are equally important. Are Akbash Dog dogs easy to train? ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "The answer to this question is complicated and depends on who you ask. Like all dogs of this geographic area, they need fur enabling them to face up to the temperatures and excessive climates within the space. How smart is the Akbash Dog? How much social interaction does the Coban Kopegi need? "}}, {"@type": "Question", "name": "How Do You Groom An Akbash Dog? Here are a few of the more common health issues found in Akys. Akbash Dog is not the best breed for therapeutic purposes. Do Akbash Dog dogs make good office-friendly pets? Severe Fault: Dog or bitch varying more than one inch in height from the parameters above. Is an Akbash Dog a good family dog? This about sums up the trainability of this breed. Smart and easily trained, the ever-popular German shepherd is quite active and likes to have something to do. Exercise Requirements: 20-40 minutes/day Energy Level: Average Longevity Range: 9 - 11 Tendency to Drool: Low Tendency to Snore: Low Tendency to Bark: High Tendency to Dig: Moderate Social/Attention Needs: Moderate, Length: Medium Characteristics: Double coat Overall Grooming Needs: Moderate, UKC Classification: Guardian Dog Prevalence: Rare. "}}, {"@type": "Question", "name": "How Much Does An Akbash Dog Cost? There is some debate regarding the Akbash dogs' genealogy - some say that the Akbash was the first white livestock guardian dog and other breeds descended from them. These dogs love their routines and will reproduce the same behaviors they are used to performing whether asked to or not. The Akbash is a rare, purebred dog from the country of Turkey. How sensitive are they? They have a powerful physique and thir bite can apply a remarkable 550 pounds of pressure. Do Akbashes Do Well With Children and Other Pets? Dog Breeds With The Lowest Bite Force . Unless the dog is excited, the head is carried rather low at the level of the shoulders. Collection of all the general dog breed info about Akbash Dog so you can get to know the breed more. However, it is not a popular pet and is not used for exhibition, showing, or in agility and canine sports. Your use of this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Statement. Expression is intelligent, alert, and kindly. How long can an Akbash Dog be left alone? Dog Breeds With The Lowest Bite Force . Faults: Snipey muzzle. Desirable height at maturity, measured at the withers, ranges from 30 to 34 inches for males and 28 to 32 inches for females. While they like children, they're so large, and the sheer force of them can be harmful to the child. How old can a Akbash Dog be? Many of the Akbash dogs are born with double dewclaws on the rear legs. The American Bandogge Mastiff Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide The Akbash dog is a large, powerful dog. The rest is basic care. The use of dogs in search and rescue (SAR) is a valuable component in wilderness tracking, natural disasters, mass casualty events, and locating missing people. Their bite force is also helpful for herding sheep and other animals. These dogs were brought to the Pyrenees Mountains around 3,000 BC, where they evolved into the Great Pyrenees we know today. Eye color may range from golden brown to dark brown, with darker color preferred. The Akbash Dog represents a very rare and special mixture of Mastiff and gazehound characteristics that are important to maintain. Faults: Ears set too high or too low; ears too large or too small. What other names does the Akbash Dog have? It is also by nature watchful of other dogs and may, on its own territory, react aggressively to intruding dogs. ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "The Kangal Shepherd is the dog with the strongest bite. However, they are usually quite calm and good companions, they work well in families and are easy to care for. Long walks, hikes, and plenty of time to romp in a large fenced-in yard is your best bet for calming the Aky mind. Does the Akbash Dog has a hard bite? This page is full of bad info. Despite the best intentions, there may be errors. The flank is well tucked up giving evidence of the gazehound influence in the breed. The Tibetan Mastiff is the strongest dog. Serious Fault: Butterfly nose. The white coat also makes it less likely that the shepherd would mistake it for a wolf in the night. How many years can the oldest Akbash Dog live? Viewed from the side, the hind legs reach far under, meeting or even passing the imprints of the front legs. They are capable of protecting flocks and other types of livestock from wolf packs, large cats, and bears. 100 E Kilgore Rd, The puppies are raised in the pens with the sheep. This breed generally not used as a service dog. We hope we can help you to have a wonderful relationship with your Dog. + All Dog Breeds By Country Of Origin Akbash Dog Price and Availability Akbash Dog Size Akbash Dog Grooming, Hair and Care Akbash Dog Personality / Temperament Akbash Dog Good With Akbash Dog Health "}}, {"@type": "Question", "name": "Are Great Pyrenees Good With Kids? If you find one, please let us know and we will fix it as soon as possible. Regardless of shape, the feet are large and strong with well-arched toes. (Akbash Dogs Blend In by Jerry Kirkhart / CC BY 2.0). Can they be office dogs? Properly socialized and trained, the Akbash Dog is an ideal family pet and home guardian. Schipperkes (pronounced SKIP-per-key) are small dogs weighing 12 to 16 pounds (five to seven kilograms). Don't skip the seasonal flea treatment too. Does this breed explore or wander a lot? Like with all breeds, it is important to do extensive research on breeders before committing to buying a new puppy. Alaskan Klee Kai Vs Husky Are The 2 Breeds Related ? The length of the ribs decreases fairly quickly from the lowest point of the chest toward the loin. (Postcrossing Postcard by Steve Shook / BY CC 2.0). ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "Yes, Great Pyrenees are generally good with kids. Are they good as detection dogs? Even when they seem like they are lounging around, their minds are always working and always focused on the job at hand. Their coat can be smooth or rough, but rarely reaches the length of their Pyrenese cousins. How easy is it to get a Akbash Dog? Regular Vetrinary Checkup are important. They tend to be independent because they have to function without human assistance or guidance much of the time. Size: Weight Range: Male: 100-140 lbs. The Aky is said to display a range of emotions not often seen in most other breeds. Size can range from 28 to 34 inches with weights of 80 to 140 pounds (36 to 63 kilograms). "}}, {"@type": "Question", "name": "How Much Exercise Does An Akbash Need? The first Akbashe (a pregnant female called Cybele White Bird ) arrived in the United States in 1978, with their owners: David and Judy Nelson who had lived in Turkey as part of the diplomatic corps. How many puppies does an Akbash Dog have? How likely are you to get bitten from the Coban Kopegi? A new study shows that inbreeding contributes to the incidence of disease and health problems. What is the average life expectancy / lifespan of an Akbash Dog? Light biscuit or gray shading around the ears or in the undercoat should never be penalized as long as the dogs overall appearance is white. The time frame between heat periods normally lasts about six months. After analyzing a decade of data, the Akbash, in particular, was found to be especially effective at preventing predation while being less likely to attack sheep and bite humans. Can Akbash Dog be a therapy dog? They typically stand 29-32 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh 80-140 pounds. On average, the Kangal grows to reach 75-84 cm tall and weighs 110-145 pounds. Cropped ears on a domestic-bred dog. The Kangal Shepherd is the dog with the strongest bite. Its fur It has a double layer. Brush them once a week to remove dead hair and keep the skin and coat healthy. , The Worst Dog Breeds for Apartment Living, Dog Breeds That Are Friendly To Strangers, Calculate dog years to human years by breed here, Dog Name Generator Find A Perfect Name For Your Puppy, Which dog breed should I choose? It is very important not to buy a dog from a puppy mill, where the needs of the pups and their mothers are ignored. The skull is large, slightly domed, and broad between the ears. Akbash dogs are very loyal and protective of ther family and flock. During the summer or in warm climates, the long-coated Akbash Dog appears significantly sleeker without the heavily developed undercoat. However, only the Akbash Dog possesses its unique combination of Mastiff and gazehound characteristics. Portage, The Akbash has a long history in Turkey, where it is thought to have originated. In both sexes, the wedge-shaped head is proportionate to the size and build of the individual specimen. The body hair is short to medium in length and lies flat giving a sleek, racy appearance to the dog. Faults: Bowed front legs; feet that turn in or out. They are not suited for life as a pet in a typical home. Despite their size and their ferocity in the face of an aggressive predator, livestock guardians are generally great choices for families with children. If your dog shows any symptoms, call your veterinarian. The Akbash Dog is slightly longer in proportion than tall, has a wedge-shaped head with pendant ears, and a long tail, usually carried in a curl over the back when the dog is moving or excited. How Much Do Akbash Puppies Cost? A Kangal Shepherd Dog puppy from a reputable breeder costs around $800 to $1,300. Some experts say that Akbash and Kangal dogs are the same breed, while others say they are two distinct breeds. When facing a stranger on their property they may display similar behavior, though most Akys are particularly adept at discerning a threat from a friend. A service dog is a term used in the USA to refer to any type of assistance dog specifically trained to help people who have disabilities, such as visual impairment, hearing impairments, mental disorders, seizures, mobility impairment, and diabetes. A long history of breeding for function over lines has created a robust breed with a wide gene pool. When pulled toward the eye, the ear should extend at least to the outer edge of the eye and no farther than to the inner corner of the eye. What is this canine temperament with other pets? Akbash Dog dogs are good for novice owners, due to their easy-going personality. The long hind legs contribute to the graceful arch of the loin and the speed and agility of the breed. [12]:70[11]:406 As with other white-coated flock guardian dogs, the white coat makes it easy for the shepherd to distinguish between the dog and a predator, even in the dark. Note: The breeders on this list are not endorsed by UKC. Akbash Dog sensitivity: Akbash Dog dogs have an average emotional level and are. The Great Pyrenees is thought to be a descendant of the same flock guardian dogs that were used by the ancient Romans. The pads are thick, hard, elastic, and may be either light or dark. Find similarities and differences between Akbash Dog vs Sarplaninac vs Great Pyrenees. In history, this breed was not really used for combat dog. Is the Akbash Dog breed dumb or smart? One thing that has to be considered is that these dogs are hunters and like games. However, both breeds are large, have short hair, and originated in Turkey. But it can be an extremely challenging quality when it comes to training an Akbash, or simply for using it as a family companion dog. The Akbash is a large, powerful dog with a strong bite force. The Akbash Dog normally sheds its undercoat annually. The fourth part called the Anestrus. Complete lack of pigmentation on the nose, eye rims, or lips. Dazzling Courtship Displays of the Red-Capped Manakin: A Spectacular Bird! Their coat is self-cleaning and does not require shampooing. Is Akbash Dog recognized by the Fdration Cynologique Internationale (FCI)? Are Akbash Dog dogs good office canines? Some dogs handle moderate punishment very well, while others crumble apart at a dirty look. Can Akbash Dog be a search and rescue dog? For companion dogs, you will need to extend this exposure to all kinds of household pets to assure a peaceful home as your Aky matures. Akbash Dog temperament with other people: Are they pet-friendly dogs? During this time the females start to attract males. Is Akbash Dog breed good for first-time owners? Schipperkes are active, intelligent and curious dogs and have stubborn tendencies. Typically the dog is proportionately taller and heavier than the female. Home Science & Education 15 Facts About Akbash Dog Breed. MI The reason for the color white can be numerous; it helps the dogs and their owners as well in many ways. One of the best watchdogs, it is part of the Working group of Livestock Guardian Dogs and one of the national dog breeds of Turkey. Which is the better dog? The Akbash is a Turkish purebred dog that is extremely rare. Which is the better dog? ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "Yes, Akbash dogs shed a lot. The Akbash, also called the Coban Kopegi, the Akbas, or Aky, is an ancient large to giant dog breed from Turkey dating back from 3,000 years ago. Both are acceptable; the cat foot is preferred. 3-4 cup high-quality commercial dog food (that is formulated for large-breed dogs), divided into two meals. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Akbash is a traditional breed of livestock guardian dog, used to protect flocks from predators in the rugged terrain of western Anatolia. Whether in the home or in the pasture, the Aky tends to be sedentary, choosing a high vantage point and lounging until something demands their attention. The height and degree of curl depends on the degree of excitement and confidence. United Kennel Club (UKC) is an international dog registry celebrating bonds, rewarding ability, and preserving the value of a pedigree. What is the average size of an Akbash Dog? ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "The biggest difference between Akbash and Great Pyrenees is that Akbash are leaner than Great Pyrenees. This site has a LOT of false information about the Akbash breed. We are currently processing all incoming Registration applications received by February 9. ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "Akbash dogs are a type of livestock guardian dog that is native to Turkey. The jaws are strong but the lower jaw is relatively shallow. The Newfypoo Your Guide To The Newfoundland poodle Mix Are they good as service dogs? The other measure for this is the BFQ which is Bite Force Quotient. The tail is uncut, thick at the base, and tapering to the tip. They have strong and flexible bodies. Can a Akbash Dog be an emotional support animal? Akbash Dog breed usually doesn't like being on a boat. How much energy does the Akbash Dog have? According to the American Akbash Club, you can teach an Aky a command but you cant guarantee theyll listen. ( Akbas :- Turkish word meaning white head). Contact us here. How much sleep does the Akbash Dog breed need? The discharge decreases and lightens in color. Is Akbash Dog good as an apartment dog? Despite their rarity, you might be able to find purebred dogs in local shelters or rescues. Ears and eyes should be cleaned regularly to avoid infections. Inside, though, a good weekly brushing and the occasional bath is a must to keep all that white hair off your floor, especially in the spring and fall. (DSC_0332 by Delaney Turner / CC BY 2.0). How well do Akbash Dog dogs get along with other pets? Dewclaws may be absent, single, or double and may be removed. Do Akbash Dog dogs shed a lot? "}}, {"@type": "Question", "name": "Why Are Great Pyrenees White? Akbash Dog temperament with children: How well do Akbash Dog dogs get along with cats? 120 pounds (male), 90 pounds (female) height 30 to 34 inches (male), 28 to 32 inches (female) family Guardian A unique combination of Mastiff and gazehound features, the Akbash Dog's characteristics enable him to perform as a livestock guardian. How to groom the Akbash Dog and how often? Bathe the Akbash on the rare occasions that he's dirty. The sign of the proestrus part is the soft and enlarged vulva. It has a similar length and shape as that of the Afghan, Greyhound, and Saluki. Once they hit maturity, a deep-rooted instinct to protect transforms these giant dogs into fierce protectors. ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "The Akbash is a working dog that was originally bred in Turkey. Their natural distrust of strangers and unabashed courage has also made these dogs popular as property and family guardians. Top reasons for dog bite: protection, pain, excitement, herding instinct, being provoked. Akbashes are great with children, but need early socialization if they'll live with oher dogs or pets in the home. While generally sociable and gentle with other family dogs, Akys do tend to be dominant. FORELEGS The forearm is long, straight, and well boned in proportion to the overall build of the dog. But they still need mental stimulation. In either case, the outdoor working hound rarely needs grooming. How long is an Akbash Dog pregnant?How long does it take to have puppies? The Akbash, along with many other livestock guardian type dogs, have been used in Turkey for millennia. Can the Akbash Dog breed live with a cat? Those same guarding tendencies can make these dogs prone to "alarm barking," sometimes to excess. The males weigh-in 70 - 120 kg and females in 50 - 80 kg. What is the activity level of the Akbash Dog? Look elsewhere. In fact, many families purchase an Aky as a means to keep their smaller pets safe from predators and large stray dogs. Akbash dogstake their job of guarding very seriously and need to be well socialized and trained right from puppyhood. The Akbash dog's guarding tendencies can make these dogs prone to "alarm barking," sometimes to excess. Kangal bite force has been measured at an average of 743 PSI. We use cookies to capture information such as IP addresses and tailor the website to our clients' needs. The Akbash Dog is the Turkish counterpart of the other white guardian breeds found around the northern Mediterranean Basin. [12]:70. Livestock guardians were used not for herding or moving flocks, but to protect them. Once they spring into action, though, they are quick, powerful, and graceful. Akbash dogs are very loyal and protective of ther family and flock. What dog products should I buy? 49002 The average purebred pup will cost you about $700 to $900. So long as you provide a consistent routine, they will usually choose the right path. "}}, {"@type": "Question", "name": "How Much Is A Kangal Puppy? Anatolian Pyrenees are a mix of two large breeds, the Anatolian Shepherd and the Great Pyrenees. How to tell if the Akbash Dog breed is pregnant? [7]:5[8][9]:8[10], The Akbash is a flock guardian dog, providing protection from predators to shepherds and to their sheep; it does not have any herding ability. Many breeders make a point to introduce these young dogs to a variety of livestock from day one so that they can easily be used to guard whatever their new owner needs them to. An independent, strong-willed dog, the Afghan can be downright standoffish, but also quiet and clownish when the mood strikes. The Kangal bite force is said to be the strongest of all dog breeds. Viewed from above, the head tapers gradually toward the tip of the nose forming a blunt wedge shape. This theory is backed up by the fact that Akbashes have incredibly good eyesight. This dog breed is not typically used as a search and rescue dog. This acceptance of other species into their pack is not just limited to humans and sheep. Early socialization produces an Akbash that can happily live with pets of all types, children, and visitors. Despite their success in protecting sheep, goats, and other livestock during the study, Akbashes remain rare outside of Turkey to this day. [1]:6, The coat may be either long or of medium length; it is always double, and is usually white, though there may be some shading towards a biscuit colour. ","acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer","text": "The Akbash is a good family dog as long as they are socialized early on. The Akbash Dog has an average chance of bad smell. This breed is not recognized by AKC ( American Kennel Club ) but recognised by UKC ( United Kennel Club ). Akbash Dogs have the size, strength, and courage to challenge large predators and the speed and agility to chase fleet predators. When alert, the ears are carried slightly higher; when the dog is disturbed, the ears are pulled back. Are they used as seeing-eye dogs? This breed is not recognized by AKC ( American Kennel Club ) but recognised by UKC ( United Kennel Club ). Is Akbash Dog breed suitable for first-time owners? However, it is not a popular pet and is not used for exhibition, showing, or in agility and canine sports. 12 Things You Should Know About The Rottweiler Pitbull Mix Compare Dog Breeds here, Akbash Dog vs Great Pyrenees vs Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Akbash Dog vs Sarplaninac vs Great Pyrenees. So unless your weenie dog got into the garbage can, you can probably hold off on a bath for a while. There may be a slight feathering on the forelegs, thighs, and tail. The long curled tail of the Aky may be a holdover from the sighthounds that went into their creation. The Akbash has a low energy level, but it saves its energy for defense against predators. Bathe the Akbash on the rare occasions that he’s dirty. Because of their working background, Akbash dogs are "easy keepers," as they stay fit on a minimum amount of food. Livestock guarding dogs have been chosen for their white color to match the flock so they are not mistaken by the shepherds for predators, most of which are dark. The Akbash dog was developed in Turkey as a livestock-guarding dog. How much do Akbash Dog dogs shed? Instead, they prefer to assess the situation and make their own decision on how to act. Why do dog bites happen? Heritage-style Display Pedigrees are available in the online store today! Akbash Dog dogs handle alone time quite well.