We want to create balance and harmony in our lives, and we are willing to compromise to achieve this. You have been born to consolidate, resolve, associate. A pure Leo would be more playful and carefree than a Leo with a Capricorn rising sign. Astrology Leo Leo Sun - Libra Moon Sun in Leo - Moon in Libra - Ascendant in Capricorn Leo Sun and Libra Moon Ascendant (Rising Sign) Transits: Leo Sun - Libra Moon - Aries Ascendant Leo Sun - Libra Moon - Taurus Ascendant Leo Sun - Libra Moon - Gemini Ascendant Leo Sun - Libra Moon - Cancer Ascendant Leo Sun - Libra Moon - Leo Ascendant For some reason, you are afraid you will infringe on others if you push too far. They use the energy of both planets in their everyday life, but never to excess or detriment. You are not an especially hard worker but tend to achieve success through the influence and pull of others. This is mainly because they love to hoard money, so they have time to spare for vacations, hobbies and leisure activities. To find out what your Moon Sign & Moon Phase reveal about you, Get a Free Personalized Video Moon Reading here. As a Libra Rising individual, you tend to have a strikingly good-looking face, graceful and symmetrical bone structure, and a radiant smile. Your Leo Moon gives you very noble and lofty ideals. You may also want to find ways to nourish your need for attention and appreciation. Love can be storm and strife for the fun-loving and sensual Capricorn Sun Leo Moon individual. You set your life priorities early and direct all your energy towards achieving a specific goal, while making sure that nothing and no one gets in your way. Leo always imprints power to any sign. We will discuss the characteristics of these signs and how they influence your life. Were you born on a Capricorn Full Moon? Your desire for power and your greed can take you on paths of solitude. This gives you a unique perspective and lens through which to view the world. Whatever path you choose to follow, you usually emerge on the sunny side of the hill. Not all Capricorns are the same. As long as you keep that expansive ego within bounds, there is no end to the wonderful things you can accomplish in life. When you are in love, you cant believe that this is happening to you. The goal is to take advantage of them. Its hard to show your feelings. But when it comes time to tackle a project, the passion you had hidden in a corner emerges. However, my Capricorn moon means that I also have a strong sense of determination and discipline. Having a Capricorn Sun Leo Moon, you are a very ambitious individual, with a healthy appreciation of yourself and your abilities. This can create a tension between our need for stability and security, and our desire for relationships and fun. Those who have a Leo rising are typically very outgoing and magnetic, and they tend to be natural leaders. But dont forget to add a little flare when tackling these endeavorsyour courageous Leo Moon gives off an infectious confidence so others cant help but join in on all the fun. Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. Taurus makes you loyal and reliable, but those characteristics do not develop well in a cold and calculating sign such as Capricorn. For those rare folks born with a special combo of Capricorn Sun Leo Moon Leo Rising - the proverbial '3-headed dragon' of astrology - their lives are blessed (or cursed?) Laughter and hard work; inferiority and superiority; forceful; vibrant;authoritative; powerful; proud; honorable; creative and capable; responsible andambitious; dignified warmth; assertive and theatrical; romantic but skeptical. Joys and sorrows, days and nights, pass by without you stopping to think about the here and now. Having Leo Rising, you have a great sense of showmanship. Making creativity look easy is one signature trait they bring to any situation! Strong figure, independence, much travel, changeable conditions, keen sense of justice and others' needs. With a Libra Sun Capricorn Moon, if you use your social talents exclusively to bolster your vanity, you may just become another Iago or Molotov. With Libra Rising, you gravitate toward artistic and creative endeavors, but sometimes your artistic flair lies dormant and unused, for you dislike hard work and prefer to take the easy way out. Capricorns born with the Moon in Libra are true artistic souls whose greatest fulfillment is to be surrounded by beautiful and elegant things, but they are not losing the practical vibe to things. You prefer to throw the first stone, rather than see yourself wronged. I believe in treating others fairly and I always try to see both sides of every issue. You sense that loneliness is the immense solitude imposed on humans by nature and eternal laws. Proud and dignified, you want the attention and adulation your ego demandsand you have quite an ego! You can be a good soldier, since, in addition to discipline and obedience, you are the king of duty. You learn from mistakes and you increase your experience. Likely, you have a strong sense of setting goals for yourself and others. Libra Sun Leo Rising Love All Librans love to love. You are one of those who think that true love is found by treasuring experiences. For those rare folks born with a special combo of Capricorn Sun Leo Moon Leo Rising the proverbial 3-headed dragon of astrology their lives are blessed (or cursed?) He may be a loner at times, but at other times he will crave for attention. You fulfill your duties to the letter, and you exhaust yourself with work. For those out there with a Capricorn Sun Leo Moon Rising chart: you dont have to cross the line between ambitious and passionate why not combine them both? You may want to consider ways in which you can express your creativity and leadership qualities. They often have high aspirations and love to create an outstanding life for themselves which really sets them apart from others. As a Virgo, you love to take something and make it better. You breathe rarefied air. The combination of Capricorn and Leo reveals your ambitious characteristics. As an individual with a Leo Sun Capricorn Moon, unless you were born into royalty, this is not an easy combination to live with. Though youre forever innocent in your approach, your ultimate aim can be merely to enhance your own position and gain power. Dont be so hard on yourself. Whatever you set out to do, you do it with flair and a sense of dramatic self-righteousness. What you want more than anything is simply to be adored and appreciated for the wonderful human being you know yourself to be. Like your fellow Libras, you are charming, congenial, and outgoing, but deep down inside you probably feel a lot of uncertainty. Your innate talents need to be developed so that they can grow. Their sense of being is that they want everyone to be happy. The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon person is someone who is ambitious, patient, and easy-going. It is not advisable for people to ask you for money, because your alligator arms will not reach inside your pocket. You are not an especially hard worker but tend to achieve success through the influence and pull of others. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. Do not think that because you are the king, you have no faults. The Keywords associated with Capricorn Sun Leo Moon are Power, Creativity, and Passion. Sagittarius and Capricorn join in the same spiritual resoluteness. Just how do you make positive use of your resources? He has refined tastes and is influenced by those who have achieved some measure of fame when he was younger. As an individual with a Leo Sun Capricorn Moon, you have wonderful organizational and leadership qualities. The influence of Venus bestows beauty, charm, social graces, a romantic nature, an appreciation for art, music, and decoration. You are happiest in the role of leader. To less flamboyant types you may appear ostentatious, show-offy, and extravagant. The Sun in Capricorn woman is an ambitious and confident lady. Capricorn Sun With Leo Rising "Generous and aristocratic" The combination of Capricorn and Leo reveals your ambitious characteristics. As an individual with a Capricorn Sun Leo Moon, respect is what you crave. Your projects will always include others. And what does it all mean? But your showy displays are not only to get attention; you see life in larger-than-life terms and aspire to the highest and the best. The Sun in Leo Moon in Libra is bright, exuberant and self assured. Yet when it comes down to it, these folks know how to use logic and love, perfectly blending two opposing aspects as nobody else can. The Capricorn Sun Libra Moon combination is in conflict. You dont struggle to find success; luck often comes to Libra Rising individuals through a partner, mate, or close association. Another difficulty you have is making up your mind. Another difficulty you have is making up your mind. The spotlight is something these natural leaders seek out as they possess an undeniable sense of self and unyielding courage under pressure. Leo is the sign of pride, and Leo Rising individuals have this in abundance. As an individual with a Libra Sun Capricorn Moon, you observe others from a distance, forever comparing and evaluating to decide which qualities to admire and emulate and which to disregard. As a Libra Rising individual, you tend to have a strikingly good-looking face, graceful and symmetrical bone structure, and a radiant smile. ), this fiery duo is always ready for connection! You are always thinking about the most favorable conditions to develop yourself. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, when the moon is in Capricorn, we are more serious and practical. Libra Rising individuals are refined, neat, and discriminating. You are so realistic that you despise pipe dreams. You love to put on lavish displayswhether it is decorating your house with expensive and elegant things or dressing in attention-getting clothes or throwing a splendid dinner party. So dont waste time stressing over what kind of partner is right for ya. You are so reserved that, publicly, you condemn those who you see as extroverts in love. You are self-confident and have a resolute faith in yourself. The Scorpio Sun Leo Moon Capricorn Rising is one of the lucky few with an incredibly unique astrological combo. The combination of Capricorn with Cancer rising does not help you enjoy your path because youre too busy entertaining thoughts about new goals or new projects to start. Leo risings may have a hard time taking criticism, but they typically have a strong sense of self-worth. Capricorn and Taurus are both earth signs. A balanced combination of masculine and feminine energies in the Libra moon sign leads to stability and everlasting happiness, despite this signs tendency to startle others with its honesty. With a Leo Sun Capricorn Moon, you take yourself with utmost seriousness, and no one who knows you would dare make fun of you. However, many times Saturns rigidity wins and gives rise to a cold being, devoid of affection. They are earnest and sophisticated, and they want others to see the best of them. A person born with this Sun Moon pairing is blessed with grace, charm, and beauty-both inner and outer. You elaborate on ideas and theories like a psychologist would. Your rising sign represents your outer self how you appear to others, and how you come across in social situations. They can also be very loyal friends. The rising sign, also known as the ascendant, influences you, contributing qualities, defects and tendencies. When you understand your Leo rising sign, you can use it as a tool to help you better understand yourself and your place in the world. He has a lot of drive and he is not just motivated by status or money, but also by creative achievement. With a Capricorn Sun Libra Moon, you are a very sensitive and idealistic Capricorn. Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Leo Rising individuals are also known for their strong work ethic and determination. You will accept your neighbors only if you must, and only if they appreciate independence like you do. Maybe youll mature after dating for the first time. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. They may be a writer, an artist or musician. The Sun in Capricorn Moon in Libra woman is the enchantress. The Capricorn Ascendant makes Leo less extroverted, flashy, and spontaneous. You always tend to isolate yourself and see your environment as mundane, mediocre and petty. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and having a rising sign in Leo means that you are naturally happy and confident. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them or avoid them. He loves spending time with his family and writing about astrology and numerology. When you are not mulling over what you will do when you come up, you will be thinking about how much you miss your childhood. Much more extroverted and congenial than your fellow Capricorns, you can go far in life. She has a penchant for the aesthetic appeal. As an individual with Libra Rising, you are born with a great sense of fairness, and nothing angers you more than to see injustice go uncorrected. Faced with love, you are reserved and cautious. Napoleon Bonaparte was a Leo Sun Capricorn Moon. You happily throw yourself into enterprises that promise excitement or diversion. Confidence in yourself is always in the foreground. They like to get people together and put on a show with their nice singing voice or acting skills. You can conquer the world with your unique blend of Capricorn Sun Leo Moon Leo Rising energies! These women are known for their love of family and things that are expensive such as jewelry. These individuals want to get the upper hand in every situation or relationship, struggling to listen to different points of view. His constant striving for self-improvement and the uncertainty surrounding his personal relationships can result in a restless feeling, particularly around members of the opposite sex. Despite your natural personal charm, you are pretty serious and cool individualpowerful and self-sustaining. Leos are confident in their creativity and charisma, and Capricorns are certain of their cleverness. Their motto is I want it done right the first time. A Moon in Libra gives a strong sense of balance and fairness, and theyre very good at juggling both sides of an argument. Whomever put this column together, I would pay for an interpretation of my whole chart. To find out what your Moon Sign & Moon Phase reveal about you, Get a Free Personalized Video Moon Reading here. Capable of tremendous and frightening effort, you do not think you are right, you know it! Her knack for visual arts combines well with design talents, as well as poetry or music. To preserve yourself, you give up any kind of amorous contact that seems to last, although finding a soul mate is a vital necessity for you. Your need for balance and justice is an obsession, and it serves you well in any business. Let your analytical capabilities dig deep into problem-solving while letting those creative juices flow its like having two sides working in unison. The planet Venus, which rules Libra, is very prominent in your birth chart. Learn to love and value yourself for what you are, rather than what you feel you ought to be. The words that define you well are discipline and obedience, qualities that you also expect from others. You test yourself and others to get to the truth. They rule the 7 th house of love and relationships, and, to them, a life lived without love, is not a life lived well at all. These qualities allow you to develop your skills and reach the highest levels in a professional career. Your aloof quality is sometimes hard for others to figure out, but it will never leave you even though you function so well with other people. The weekly combination horoscope gives you a full view on your week ahead by taking into account your sun sign (your personality and spirit) as well as your moon sign (the inner you and emotions) and your ascendant (your outer image) To use this feature, you need to know your sun sign, your moon sign and your rising sign (ascendant). They may have difficulty making decisions when there are multiple options available to them. If you really want it, you will achieve happiness. Once you set your sights on somethingbe it a job, a lover, a special prizeyou are almost guaranteed to get it. Sometimes, you can even overreach and go beyond what is allowed. Home Astrology Capricorn Sun Leo Moon Leo Rising. Going down extreme or unclear paths will leave you confused. They are confident and enjoy being in the spotlight. You must try to become more flexible. She is a successful businesswoman who maintains a beautiful home life balancing work and family. The twins may use their masks at their convenience. Having Libra Rising, you like travel, new people, new projects. The Libra sun Capricorn moon Leo rising influence is said to be one of the most powerful and influential among all astrological placements. Cancercorn Astrology Virgo Sun, Capricorn Moon and Rising See more ideas about virgo, leo sun libra moon, fairycore aesthetic. However, he tends to use it defensively, preferring to remain aloof and cool rather than commit himself or reveal himself emotionally. This quality draws others to you and, in itself, attracts power and influence. Like all natives of Moon in Capricorn, you are well aware of your limitations and you dont need to be reminded of them, but you are also fairly aware of your talents and capabilities. To find your sun, moon, and rising, go to a birth chart calculator like this one and enter your exact time of birth (like, to the minutenone of this, "I was born in the morning" stuff), birthdate, and place of birth. With Libra Rising, one of your problems is that you are easily thrown into despair and depression, especially by downhearted and discouraging people. Having Leo Rising, you have a great sense of showmanship. What does this placement say about your personality? For those lucky enough to have been born under the Leo Sun Capricorn Moon Leo Rising - you are made of starstuff! You want to see everyone happyeven at the expense of your own happiness! For this woman, life is a series of endless duties and responsibilities. Once you have overcome or resolved your inner conflicts, you can put some of those insights of yours to work. Capricorn is a tradition-bound sign with great values who is practical, reliable, and ambitious. Hes conscious of the impression he makes on others and how they perceive him. Sun in Libra with Moon in Capricorn and Leo Rising Personality Traits: With a Libra Sun Capricorn Moon, you are a very serious and sensitive individual. No other sign is as capable of turning a dating experience into a fairy tale romance. He gives cordiality, generosity and some glimpses of optimism, which sometimes manage to get you out of the oppressed state. You can look at a man's Moon and a woman's Sun, or the Moon and Sun placements for the partners in a same-sex couple. my chart Sun: gemini Moon: gemini Rising: gemini Mercury: gemini Vertex: Libra Mars: Leo Jupiter: Capricorn Venus: gemini Saturn: Virgo Pluto: Capricorn Neptune . He can be quite obstinate when he wants to be, and rarely lets go of his opinions or beliefs once he has latched onto them. They are usually quite confident and self-assured, but they can also be quite proud and stubborn. Keep the Leo Rising energy nearby if you need a confidence boost while conquering those relationship goals but dont forget that practical side of your personality! Mars plays a fundamental role in your life and challenges you by making you face critical situations. Look for spiritual qualities, as well as material ones, when you choose a life-mate. Shop leo sun capricorn moon scorpio rising mugs created by independent artists from around the globe. Please leave a comment below and let me know. 28 Feb 2023 22:17:35 The combination of these three signs creates a unique individual who is often described as being charming, ambitious, and creative. You have a wonderful sense of humor. It's very possible they will only focus on their career. This combination is too rigorous to work face to face with people. Somewhere along the way Libra Rising individuals are likely to gain wealth and material possessions through a marriage partner. my fav zodiac placements sun- leo capricorn moon- taurus, capricorn, cancer rising- taurus, sag, virgo, scorpio mars- scorpio, libra venus- leo, capricorn, cancer, scorpio mercury- leo, sag, gemini. As I am a Libra, I was intrigued enough to look it up: "The sign position of the Moon reveals much about our habits, reactions, & instincts." [deleted] 36 min.