And she tells him all. The prophets of Baal attempted to call down fire from heaven but were unsuccessful. But the situation was impossible, as Sarah was too old to have a child. 1. You are at a disadvantage because you adhere to the covenants of Lucifers deception, and have convinced yourself that science is all that is and the bible is not of divine origin. And the angel answered and said to him, 'I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God; and I have been sent to speak to you, and to bring you this good news.'" Remember those impossible prayers answered in miraculous ways and keep leaning into Him! Just because the bible isnt 100% fact and in fact is based on other earlier religions and stories doesnt mean there is no magic or god or (gods for that matter,)in the universe i know for a fact that you have a astral body that can seperate from your physical body and in that realm which is just as real as this one you can do things that are impossible in this one. This is an impossible situation, as it would have been impossible for such a small force to defeat the Midianites. I am just saying that interpretations by man of God may not fully divulge who God is in the Bible, as man cannot understand Him. 7 Examples of Hope in the Bible For When Believing Gets Hard How to hope in God and keep believing when we face disappointment, pain, and pressure. 8. The story of Jesus resurrection is the most remarkable example of impossible situations in the Bible. However, Gideon trusts in God and follows his command. So if our beloved David was actually a sinner, why . Bold prayers honor God, and God honors bold prayers. One person stands out in particular. Related: 33 Powerful Bible Verses About Confidence in Christ. So yeah, lots of little holes in there. .gsatelite:hover {opacity:1;-moz-transform: scale(1.3);-webkit-transform: scale(1.3);transform: scale(1.3);} function renderGSatelites($, e) { $('.gsatelite').remove(); Ive seen far to many of these debunking the Bible type blogs in my sixteen years on earth and there are always heated arguments following them. Furthermore, mistranslation from the original texts proves to be a problem. Things that look impossible to us are nothing before Him. 5. They then rip out his eyes and force him to be their amusement. Without God to save them, this was an impossible situation for Israel. if(!window.jQuery||! return setTimeout(gt_jquery_ready, 20); The story of Zacharias and Elizabeth is not over, but we have already seen some great lessons to live by: 1. Thank you for the promise that you will save me, you will deliver me from trouble, you will fight for me. 3. Because our GOD is the great I Am and with him ALL things are possible. $('.gsatelites').parent().position() : $('.gsatelites').offset()),vpHeight = $(window).height(),vpWidth = $(window).width(),tpViz = + y >= 0 && + y < vpHeight,btViz = + y + 24 > 0 && + y + 24 <= vpHeight,ltViz = positionGSatelites.left + x >= 0 && positionGSatelites.left + x < vpWidth,rtViz = positionGSatelites.left + x + 24 > 0 && positionGSatelites.left + x + 24 <= vpWidth,vVisible = tpViz && btViz,hVisible = ltViz && rtViz;if (vVisible && hVisible) {break;} else {j++;}} while (j - i < 10 * count); There is no condition that God cannot change, and there is no battle that God cannot win. That means this woman had been a social outcast for more than a decade. My friend, Valerie, is a housewife in Richardson [Texas], and the mother of four young children. Why? We anticipate His movement in one direction, but often it is in another. My friend Valerie now has that kind of faith. Helpful Not Helpful What then shall we say to these things? Do I even need to explain this. God can do His best work when we are faced with such impossible situations. He has wonderfully and graciously brought you to this place where you will listen, and He is pointing you to His son Jesus Christ, who has now come and died, and He is saying to you, "Start there, at the Cross." I have been praying, declaring Gods promises and even prophecies, but nothing happens. The Bible object lesson teaches about being Born Again and the new life possible in Jesus. It is filled with stories of the impossible becoming possible, proving that all things are possible with God. ". Anyone who denies this just cant think. And the Christians following with comments filled with anger and spite that show a horrible reflection of our belief. Our God is the God of new beginnings, with Him, nothing is impossible. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); For Samsons Magic Hair, Id argue that theres a bit of truth to it. Little did Zacharias realize it was about to become one of the greatest moments of his life, and that even this experience would be insignificant compared to what was coming in the future. Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. This post may contain affiliate links. One day about noon as Abraham was sitting at the entrance to his tent, he suddenly noticed three men standing nearby. Herod the "great" was the one who, according to MAT 2:16, murdered all the male children in Bethlehem and its suburbs, of age two years and under. And rather than allowing this to be a cause for doubt, let it be a cause for growth. However, Abraham and Sarah chose to trust in God and his promise. I am all ears about how it is possible to roll man in dirt and breathe into it and create life in the realms of science. 'Remember the law of Moses My servant, even the statutes and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel. The question is not, Can God change my impossible situation? No, The question is, Will you continue trusting God, even when the situation looks impossible?. Character Analysis: Walter White/Heisenberg, Characters Analysis: Lelouch vi Britannia, Top 10 Scientifically-Impossible Stories in the Bible. Whatever it was she felt from her disease stopped, and she knew instantly that she had been healed. God. No matter how bleak our situation may seem at times, its important to remember that God is always there for us. And he will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse.'". Our marriage was a mess from the beginning. For real, give me a scientific explanation for this. Does this sound correct to you? Genesis 18:14 Verse Concepts Is anything too difficult for the Lord? One biblical figure who responded well to difficult people was David, who triumphed over many offensive characters to become king of Israel. You can. Situations and circumstances appear in the Word of God, and many of them appear . Centuries of Big Fish retellings later, instead of his farm flooding, its the whole world, and instead of a raft to save maybe a dozen goats, its every animal in the world. The reason you cant reconcile any of this scientifically is because Gods model for this dimension is what drives your scientific model and that is a small sliver of God. Sometimes He causes or allows the impossible situation for His purposes and our good. For example, if you're currently stressed about being unemployed, God may inspire you to think of new and creative ways to produce additional income, while also channeling your talents. I am talking about things that naturally you have no way of realizing, attaining or changing yourself? Hes a woman. You can receive Jesus' commendation and affirmation, too. She was out of resources. . Have you seen God work and move in your life? Jesus had the tomb opened and called in for the dude to come out. When the x-ray came back, she nearly passed out as she looked at it. Also, I refuse to believe that there is am an stupid enough to be fooled by his wife three times, when it was obvious that she was manipulating him. Jesus said that faith as tiny as a mustard seed one of the tiniest seeds on earthcan move mountains (Matthew 17:20). Viral Believer is reader-supported. Ive seen Him be faithful too many times. Now, some of these are able to be understood. And what happens to the person who comes to the end of him- or herself? It's based on John 3:1-17. The Egyptian army was close and there was nowhere to hide. 4) No sickness is hopeless! After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. Get more insights from your Bible study with Logos Bible Software Get Special Deals On Christian Books With ChurchSource Search For Christian Books On This Topic On Amazon, Viral Believer has been translated from English into 15 of the world's major languages. Some Christian believers, despite suffering personal tragedy . Ephesians 4:2 NIV. Related: When We Must Trust God To Work Everything Out For Good. Proverbs 13:25 The righteous eat to their hearts' content, but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry. Understand that seeing God move changed things. What Does the Bible Say About When Life Begins. The story of Samson is about an insane psychopath who murders the shit out of a ton of people, often in horrific ways. I mean, by the storys admission, an angel walks through the town and does the deed. Some of the books are poems/songs and some are letters, which are canonically historical, for example. What Does the Bible Say About Going Through Hard Times? Download the teachers notes, watch our Children's Message example, and gather your supplies. He begs God, who decides to break his own dumb rules about the magic power and give Samson back his strength, thereby allowing him to kill everyone there, which is estimated to be over 1,000 people. 3) No sinner is hopeless! If even one sentence were not true we would not be able to trust it. There on the film she saw a tumor the size of an avocado in the center of her brain. How To Find Strength In Difficult Times According To The Bible, Bible Stories About Trusting God In Difficult Times, What Does the Bible Say About The Death of a Loved One. - Criss Jami. Fear/ reverence for God grew all through the land. Go back here and read the intro and keep up with the series. When we throw up our hands and say, "There is no way," God loves to prove Himself God. Im buying. there is no s on the end of it. What shows were on TV? amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Earlier this year, Brandon Smith and I launched a new podcast called Word Matters. He could alter the chemistry in it to make it into an explosive. Will she live to see them graduate? Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. But Zacharias was gone for quite a while, LUK 1:11, "And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense." Now this has been a rather hot-button one among Biblical scholars. #10. Here are a few examples of Bible characters to be inspired and comforted by in these challenging times. There was this great quote by Neil DeGrasse Tyson . Gospel of Luke and Matthew Amen. It's her desirewhether she lives or diesto hear, "Well done good and faithful servant. No friends could help you; no relatives could deliver you. But as Jesus goes on to say, "the Spirit is willing" (Mark 14:38). Begin rebuilding your whole life around His eternal perspective and you will never be the same. If He can do these, is there any situation He can't solve in your life? We can be still and trust Him while we set aside the fear of the impossible things in our lives! And if we do, we will not be so surprised when God does something great in our lives. For a more detailed study, order tapes IA11-357 to IA11-359. And they were not better than you and me-God used them, and He can use you. God hardened Pharaohs heart, stirring him to change his mind and attack Israel. Father God, cover Helan in YOUR peace that passes understanding. It is unacceptable to Gabriel to question the power of the living God, even by implication. Please do not condemn or presume knowledge of God based on the stories written in a Bible scribed by human beings, which appeared well after the belief in God had already existed. He felt it proceed, perhaps in the same way you feel power proceed from you when you smack a baseball with a bat. But yeah, Jesus is told by a woman that her husband is dead. God was acting justly to deal with the pride of Egypt after God had saved them through Joseph. That doesn't mean it drained him of power. Luke 1:5-25. })(); function doGTranslate(lang_pair) {if(lang_pair.value)lang_pair=lang_pair.value;if(lang_pair=='')return;var lang=lang_pair.split('|')[1];if(typeof ga=='function'){ga('send', 'event', 'GTranslate', lang,;}var plang=location.pathname.split('/')[1];if(plang.length !=2 && plang != 'zh-CN' && plang != 'zh-TW' && plang != 'hmn' && plang != 'haw' && plang != 'ceb')plang='en';if(lang == 'en')location.href=location.protocol+'//';else location.href=location.protocol+'//''/'+lang+gt_request_uri;}, Translated into over 15 world languages and growing, Home - The Bible - Bible Examples - Examples Of Impossible Situations In The Bible.