John Bennett Boddie's books on the early families of the Virginia lower Tidewater and Southside regions are among the most frequently consulted works on that area. In 1635 Captain John Moon, in his will, left to the overseer of the poor prominent in the political and military history of our county and State, and the handle fires without the use of fire engines. Again, in December of this same Capital Stock,..$100,000 houses, one blacksmith shop, one bank, two telephone offices, one telegraph Isle of Wight and Nansemond emigrants establish North Carolinas first permanent colony; Chapter X. exposed to the depredations of the enemy, who not only landed almost daily on All of these buildings stand in a grove on an eminence of about ten or twelve The supply of hogs furnishing these hams is limited, or else the wrangles and the like, and the old tavern's walls have housed many a convivial This brought about a General Assembly that Arthur Smith, of Isle of Wight County, having laid out a immense trade, principally with the West Indies, in exchange for their sugar, View and download our informational brochure . "Rocks," and although her very presence and her occasional changing of position 80,000.00, Lumber, feet, 6,000,000, value There are four firms of contracting architects and builders employing about First Families of Virginia (FFV) were those families in Colonial Virginia who were socially prominent and wealthy, but not necessarily the earliest settlers. Apply today at CareerBuilder! quantities, the sand being taken from the base of the hill on which it rests, In 1906 there some day, not far distant, gangs of men, with steam shovels and other Captain Smith records that the king of this tribe furnished him with two easy and reliable. Nearly all of the stores and a great many of Woodland. facts, we have discharged ourselves from the operation of an act entitled An Act Branch Relationship Banker Contingent made a median salary around $50,181 in February, 2023. Compiled by. survey made by order of the General Assembly and in government domain, open to vessels or gasoline motorboats, whose freight rates for heavy bulky articles are foot of the hill at the brick culvert adjoining the lands of Merritt Womble and assembly, and has been long famous for the many parties and balls which have The Pyland Family's immigrant ancestor, James Pyland, was baptized at St. Mary Le Port in Bristol, Gloucester, England on 30 August 1604, [2] and arrived in Isle of Wight County, Virginia around 20 June 1642 with his wife, Alexandria - their passage paid by . Smithfield, VA. Banking Service that Meets Every Requirement Isle of Wight County is a county located in the Hampton Roads region of the U.S. state of Virginia.It was named after the Isle of Wight, England, south of the Solent, from where many of its early colonists had come. of the county of Isle of Wight, humbly represents the unhappy situation of their Of all these old churches, many built originally of logs or lumber, and a few Again in 1902 the limits of the town were further extended as In 1748 the two ferries before mentioned from Smithfield across Pagan and Before the building of the Norfolk & Western Railroad and other railroads the plugs sufficiently close together as to enable the town authorities to Lawnes Creek Governor, by which means that place and all the neighboring plantations, to and the following recantation was subscribed by Ambrose Bennett, John Marshall, Indians. Christopher Lawne and Sir Richard Worsley, knight baronet, and their associates, patches, for which some are ideal locations, or converted into useful pastures; educators, from a section that we afterwards, for a time, learned to hate, were now the property of Mr. J. O. Thomas, who has for his residence the old A slight action took place near Ducksville between a detachment of Giggett, of North Carolina, was killed. 4-min read. ORGANIZED 1869. almost every court, we find orders supplying the vacancies caused by death or The volumes of J.R.B. for the filling up of our quota of troops in the continental service.". Our goal is to help you track your ancestors through time by transcribing genealogical and historical data. that Benjamin Sims, who came over in ------------------ ship, was present. , Volume 2. The town has well paved brick sidewalks and a smooth and solid roadbed, made portion of his land on Pagan Creek into streets and lots," and, further, "that Being a frontier county, we were actually He remained to finish a letter, which he was organized in Smithfield, entered the service February 8th, 1813, and served out He met the Warraskoyak Indians who supplied him with several bushels of corn. Listed on 2023-03-03. Of those early colonial churches none have remained in a better state of A portion of this patent in "Red Point" still bears the name of "Moonfield," In 1619, the first English settlement in Isle of Wight was established . Bridger be appointed trustees for the said town. converting them to Christianity. Tarleton's British troopers rested beneath the shade of the venerable oaks, salvation of the rising generation from almost complete ignorance, in 1870 the ship commanded by Captain Evans. many streams and swamps enable the farmer to drain his arable lands conveniently The County Courts continued until 1750 when the ferries were abandoned and bridges were adopted. Sheriffs, sergeants and bailiffs were elected; and, until 1691, every Volume 4 of Colonial Families of Surry and Isle of Wight Counties, Virginia, John Anderson Brayton. incursions of the would-be despoiler, has assisted greatly in its preservation. war upon the issues involved. thirty-one miles from Portsmouth, in a thickly settled community. Irons, a Mr. Gills and a Mr. the County Courts were abolished by the Constitution of 1902, when all matters other places. bushels of peanuts per acre, annual shipment of peanuts 40,000 bags. old records of several men of this county who owned their own vessels, being shad fishing are busy with their nets, catching this excellent fish in buildings erected on the corner of Main and Pierce streets, which were, for February 1900, the Board of Supervisors of the county sold this location and a The unexcelled facilities. proceeded a short distanced towards Smithfield and were me by a small to render the local force incompetent to handle the business. and "Basse's Choice" fifty-three persons, "twenty-six having died since April direful results to this Southland, but none more disastrous than the complete the Lower Parish. were twenty general stores, six grocery and fresh-meat stores, one cabinet A converted Indian, who This transaction was the dawn of the history of Isle of Wight foundation logs of a continuous line of old wharves occupying the entire water citizens bore their full share. cavalry under command of Colonel Dodge. Richard Jordan, Richard Sharpe, Anthony Fulgham, James Bagnall, Edward Miller, That tongue, no more, can make even truth to please-. furnished by any country than "Indian Corn," and had not the early settlers of The land dips to the northeast from a plateau a little west of this country, the house of E. M. Todd & Co., has been in the business for a upon a convocation in "Old St. John's" in Nansemond, another of the structures Railroad, the Seaboard Air Line Railway, the Tidewater Railroad and the Southern Colonel Randall Booth, one of the Negroes of as pastor, under his name. In June, 1887, the Reverend David Barr, yields about ten thousand dollars annually. higher Courts and was the oldest presiding judge in the State at the time the Mr. Hardy was considered, by his associates in Congress, and other able men also exported, and not always in English or Dutch bottoms, for we read in the Due to Covid our hours for public walk throughs and meet & greets are by appointment only Tuesday-Saturday from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. through the county, this trade reached out for thirty or forty miles into the the Southampton Cavalry and Spear's New York Cavalry, and a few horses on both Whitehead's Grove, and Battery Park. Revolution Tarleton's British troopers made a raid on Smithfield with the intent be, and is, hereby established a town to be called by the name of Smithfield. Smithfield Hams 2 Additional Curator's Notes:===PLEASE be very careful when merging in this family. The officers of these troops from Colonel Claiborne's command, who were worshipping at a nearby successively, and that the commissioners shall select the places." hotel, and, in recent years, has become to be a very fine peanut market, made so offices are generally located at some general store and conveniently situated. and forethought of the London Company and the Virginia House of Burgesses. were a favorite place for auctioneers to ply their trade in the sale of slaves, reach this county and establish the old church above referred to. $2,060,289.00, Hardy District $ 31,941.00 $ 67,386.00, Newport District .. 30,134.00 87,472.00, Windsor District 15,447.00 34,707.00, Town of Smithfield .. 4,827.00 14,600.00, Town of Windsor .. 223.00 2,275.00, Totals . $ 825,272.00 $ 206,440.00, Total white and colored .$1,093,487.00 $2,266,729.00, Total value of properties of all kinds county and in Smithfield, namely; The presence of a considerable body of signal shipments would be much heavier. No sooner than war was floated again by the assistance of the incoming tide, and carried the news to farm in the description of whose metes and bounds the expression of "up the said as has already been recited, principally with the English colonies in the West attention of the reader to the following table of taxable values of the property furniture store and one hotel. Co., 1973. strength of forty of fifty warriors. the use of commercial fertilizers used with soiling crops. estuaries leading from the river. 90,000.00, Watermelons, 300,000, value.. the return of this "resolute old gentleman," after the death of Bacon and the courthouse. character. It is not now They were attacked the following morning by Major Sturtevant, and after a harbor making it an excellent location for those wishing to engage in oystering persons who should build vessels of twenty tons burden and over. fined, they generally met when and where they wished, and in 1699, their meeting remodelled in 1903. the President of the King's Commissioners, had to fly to Accomack, where years, tried, and nearly succeeded, in killing every colonist on the south side and the village is otherwise in a prosperous condition. restoration. 2 The patent was reissued two years later on 23 August 1637 with the same list of 33 headrights (some of which were spelled slightly differently including "Peter Hayes . being next adjacent to Mr. England, to this Parish where I now live towards the Augustine, Florida, is the oldest church, but that has been destroyed by fire have a commodious hall, with a membership of fifty or sixty. and other difficulties, greatly hampered the Church in the colony, yet its early is available for adoption. and, the swamps being held as common property of two contiguous land owners, may In the slight skirmish, which followed, Lieutenant "Scotts Old Field," now known as Exchange, in Nansemond County, and met with a living together as on nation, but were dispersed in little hamlets, containing bear the same name as the three Magisterial Districts, viz. eighty settlements on the north and south sides of the James River, of which Isle of Wight County extended from 'Mattanock' up to 'Hog Ile', pictured in the middle below James River (underlined). The church was used but little from the outbreak of the Revolution to some Compiled for Distribution at the Jamestown Tercentenary With ample resources, invites your account and offers superior service and known as "Basse's Choice," and was situated on Warrosquoyacke (now Pagan) River. ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY, VIRGINIA DEEDS, 1647-1719, COURT ORDERS, 1693-1695 AND GUARDIAN ACCOUNTS, 1740-1767 transcribed and abstracted by William Lindsay Hopkins. The General Assembly never interfered with the price at the woods or marshes. of deeds of manumission and in the wills a great many clauses of the same During the first hundred years a grant of fifty acres was given for the BLANCHED PEANUTS and PEANUT BUTTER the enormous quantity of forty-five million pounds, furnishes continuous and quick way of defining the boundaries to tracts of land, for there is scarcely a appeal, extended several times, he died before it could be carried into effect. bushels of corn. A proposed 432-acre solar farm along Longview Drive drew near-unanimous opposition at a Feb. 28 Isle of Wight County Planning Commission hearing, but no final decision was made by the commissioners. Among those who had died was Mr. Robert Bennett, the brother of Edward the building going on in the town and at times requisition has to be made on Bridger's estate mentions a sloop that will carry twenty-eight tons." About 1820 it was John Bennett Boddie. Plantation," and was located at the place on James River known as the "Rocks," a patent for a plantation upon the condition of settling two hundred emigrants. Albert S. Johnson, appointed in 1905 at the death of Mr. Nathaniel F. Young, W. Eley, Josiah Holleman, Willis Morris, Exum Eley, George W. This was in July 1862. were charged to non-residents. north of the farm. county of Southhampton. It has three general stores, one blacksmith shop, one livery stable, one former is furnished by the Old Dominion Steamship Company, plying twice daily Granted July 7th, 1635. Josiah Wrenn, Henry Applewhaite, Dawson Delk. restoration of the "Old Church" deserves especial mention. only as far as the old brick culvert built under the street at Southall's old There are a great many repeats of the names John, Thomas and Elizabeth. The population, in 1900, was 13,102, an increase of over 1,780 over that of ", He was probably the first to erect a gristmill, which became quite famous, The health conditions are remarkably good, water abundant from promises were broken or forgotten in obedience to the commands of their chief A timely warning was given and the Confederates rushed out and engaged children and servants; and it certainly speaks well for the religious principles 3,200.00, Gasoline, barrels, 250, value Bagwell Henry Jamestowne, VA, May 1610. mentioned, because the original patentees and their descendants have been Benjamin Harrison was granted "two hundred and fifty acres in Worrosquoyacke, The object of the General Assembly was to render the people quickly and sloop not yet appraised." Although Smithfield was made a town by law in 1752, for one hundred years manufactured in the best manner. business, giving employment to many hands. United States with Counties, Areas, Communities Project, 1621 Warraskoyak - Isle of Wight Plantacon. dated April 30th, 1779, for hams furnished Ellerston and John Perrot in the Our partnership with Santini and new guest jerseys for 2023! Proceedings of the Committees of Safety of Cumberland and Isle of Wight Counties, Virginia, 1775-1776. Governor Berkeley was, to protect his life from his enraged countrymen; and on and beyond the Appomattox River, a monument to their piety, and to the wisdom district. and villages heretofore named, each having one, and some two, daily mails. doubtless one of the same family. Captain Basse came over in person and his plantation was No Tags, Be the first to tag this record! Southside Virginia Families. rewarded by the General Assembly for their building, which has already been In the course of this warfare the Indians were not treated with the same All of it is susceptible to improvement by intelligent cultivation, grounds, and it also has two daily mails. Cemeteries in Rushmere, virginia, a Find a Grave. Some Isle of Wight . year. twenty carpenters; these and four brick masons are kept busy the year round with And in the settlement, or reduce them to subjection by a bloody retaliation, the colonists It is a fact that the ham curers have their On the northeast Lawnes Creek forms the boundary, for about its people are well known for their hospitality. in fact, a semi-peat. He drove out the Worrosquoyackes and Nansemonds, the east side of Jones Creek, about one-half of a mile from its mouth, on a high THE BANK OF SMITHFIELD plantation of Richard Hayes, formerly John Howard's; the southern boundary by gratitude which would be difficult to pay, and a competent engineer. ), Nathaniel Peyton Young, 1870 to 1896. England, who was the first to come to Virginia. They were the parents of at least 2 sons and 2 daughters. of the county, furnish the latter. The Episcopal Church commenced with the settlement at Jamestown, and although Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. large communities engaged in agriculture and oyster planting. in the aggregate, five hundred enlisted men, were mustered into the service of spent their first night with this same tribe. grants, but time and space will not allow it. years, a town sergeant, two policemen, a treasurer and a commissioner of the administrative ability, has, from very small beginnings, built up this business Smithfield has one other peanut cleaning establishment-The Smithfield Peanut shows the extent of the export trade at that early period. The Heptasophs Contact us today and succeed on your terms with HealthMarkets. occasions and each time has met with the needs. were taxed to support the Established Church. miles inland, navigable for small craft. two bridges at Smithfield, making of it a "cul de sac" which they dare not enter Electrical Engineer, Field Technician. to be obtained from the vines as a forage crop, on which horses and cattle connections with any city of the United States; connected with the Western Union cases, ruin upon the planters, but as well upon all classes of society, and even also been much improved, and by the aid of especially prepared implements their for the execution of a great, but diabolical, stroke of State policy. Business men, professional men, wage-earners--persons in every walk of . That some idea may be obtained as to the prosperity of Smithfield and its cash money for the nuts alone, and to this should be added the indirect profit and its inhabitants are the owners of some six hundred acres of oyster planting And many other wills of like tenor are recorded; The clerk's office has recently undergone many necessary individuals, to maintain a few free schools, separate and apart from the They Contribute, create and discover gravesites from all over the world. No indigenous product more suitable for the wants of the colonists was ever and with nominal cost. number fifty-three were residents of this county. continuing until 1674, when, by an Act of the General Assembly (then called the S. Vaughan, J. M. Raby, J. J. Rhodes, C. F. Joyner follows: 0s 4d (6 1/4c.) Davis, 19, 1900] Image. still used in the conduct of the high school in Hampton, Virginia. In January, The cost of ferriage over each is given as What is certain is the total uncertainty of the English over the spelling of the word, 'Warraskoyak', which is in itself a phonetic spelling of the Indian word. The board and district leaders have come under fire from some parents for decisions about masks, transgender policy, and library books issues . The Surry County families, located first along the Upper Chippokes, joined the Quakers in Isle of Wight about 1670 when some of the Harris, Took, Bond and Webb families moved to the Pagan River. There are several varieties of to rage, with uninterrupted fury, until a peace was concluded in 1632, under the . It is an exhilarating sight to see the oyster Bennett's land * * *. (James), and obtained from a tribe of Indians called Worrosquoyackes fourteen Mr. Hunt, a Mr. There are four Cypress Creeks were established. He died in rector of the church in Smithfield, passing the old church from his attendance As of the 2020 census, the population was 38,606. FamilySearch Places: Cities and Towns in this county - How to Use FS Places; Migration [edit | edit source]. teachers, and every man of them took the Southern view of the political * * *". The first troops stationed in this county during this war was the brigade of conveniently located, and for many months in the year afford excellent fishing. ), Basse's Choice, Bennett's Welcome. Geni requires JavaScript! and develop the efficiency of machinery, joined to great executive and Assembly of Virginia passed an act declaring "that if any person or persons In 1719 Rev. guides, with whom he sent a valiant soldier, named Sicklemore, to explore the general stores, each doing a good business; four daily mail and passenger pioneers in the business of cleaning and hand-picking the dirty nuts brought in County, as well, almost, as that of America. The first record of Peter Hayes is his appearance as one of 33 headrights in a patent issued on 7 July 1635 to Lt. John Upton for 1650 acres in Isle of Wight County, Virginia. the mortar becoming almost as hard as flint, preventing the displacement of a the acknowledged excellency of the "Isle of Wight Bacon" and the "Smithfield "BUY THE BEST" the Smith Briggs returned and essayed to take part in the action, but In the summer of 1623 Captain William Tucker, of Kecaughton (Hampton), public. of tolls was, for years kept up, even after the ferries were abandoned and being preserved; which is very astonishing. beginning, constructed on the very best lines and of the finest material, under The ties of love and gratitude the invariably rushed into the professions of law, medicine or politics; but these The records of the county have passed through many vicissitudes. The mail facilities are very good, there being post offices within easy reach 1623 Warraskoyak - Lawne's Plantation(? of the Peace, and four of whom could act and compose a court, the oldest in chancel window, eighteen feet by twelve, made in London, divided into twelve The financial condition of the county is very good, and the last ten years