Example below: As the UK player, there is 60% intel about Italy's air force. Air warfare is managed in the corresponding strategic air map mode. Permanent link; Page information; Ad Space Strategic bomber. From my experience the British AI doesn't really focus on their army the same way Germany or the USSR does. Dropping a nuke is done from the Default Map view. Press F1 to switch to it if you're using another view. Ai is so shit you dont need any strat. This needs to be verified). I only start bombing if I know this would be a even fight or I might even lose if I don't slow down the enemy war machine. Everything from fighting for air superiority, protect your bombers and intercept enemy bombers. They can perform Close Air Support, Strategic Bombing, Naval Strike, and Port Strike air missions. No, they're worthless. They improve the following stats of aircraft executing the respective mission type[1]: Escort Efficiency belongs to the same family of modifiers but has no effect. Solution? Hearts of Iron 4 MP in a nutshell(Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer)Too many bombers.Go check out: https://www.twitch.tv/unhistoricalEpisode 186Mods: Spot opti . Most missions are conditional, in that planes will only fly if there is a known target at the time a wing mission is being chosen. Use a Tank/Plane Designer Company to give your tank/plane extra stats (designer works even on tank/plane variants, even when the designer was hired after the base model had already been researched). Available for: Naval Bomber, CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Even though the medium airframe can be designed to have more CAS damage than small airframe CAS, it is much less cost-effective, so not recommended. The excess intel will begin to tick down, and only when it falls below the effective cap will the player begin to lose effective intel against that nation. In single player games, the UK is pretty much the only nation you'd ever need to bomb, since it can be non-trivial to get troops over there. Questions, Paradox @jellestuifzand Good idea, I'll do that later! Each land-based air base can support 200[1] planes per base level without any penalties. All rights reserved. Intel advantage + air superiority can go from 25% to 40% bonus. All air stuff is worthless except heavy fighters. If the current number of planes is lower than the reinforcement level, new planes will be added to it as long as there are sufficient stockpiled planes of that type. Bombers are much slower and less agile than fighters, so players designing defensive fighters will find guns are most effective. Wings with this mission target enemy ships, both inside and outside of naval battles. the left side's bonuses, if they worked fully, would also obviously be even more impactful if you happened to have two of your sorties run at night - not all that uncommon. The supply given by this is used to make up supply deficits in the assigned strategic region, meaning that only units that don't receive sufficient supplies from normal sources will receive air supply. What links here; Related changes; Special pages; Printable version; Permanent link; Page information; Ad Space Strategic bombing. Try to capture an enemy air base as quickly as possible, so that the player can redeploy some fighters and CAS there. This means that in some parts of the Pacific planes will only fly one sortie during the day, which can really hurt carriers depending on where you engage. Does this work ? I always thought that strat bombers were kinda bad cause tactical bombers could do their role for cheaper "price" and 1 less research slot, but now with BBA, maybe it kinda makes no sense to use tactical bombers for strategic bombing? This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Strategic Bombers are not worth investing in unless you have the capability and resources to make your own Willow Run. Available for: Strategic Bomber, Jet Strategic Bomber, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. It's better when playing against Human players as they feel annoyed that they have no infastracture and factories after some heavy strategic bombing compared to the AI who just automates and isnt emotionally effected by it. the night penalty isn't -50%, as you guessed, but -90%. Using carrier fleets might also be very useful if the region has a coast where the player can (safely) anchor the fleet. Up to -35% defense/breakthrough to enemy divisions. When attacking ships, the probability is [13]. I thought that stat-wise regular fighters were superior, not the least because of the higher production numbers. Interactive corporate website, Enemy bombers are detected in an assigned air zone, At least one undamaged building, including state buildings in partially covered states (if any), Enemy divisions or air wings are receiving supply from a supply node, At least one friendly division with a non-zero supply consumption is present, If the wing's range does not cover the entire strategic region, it will get a, The mission efficiency of the strategic region is the. I am struggling to find a reason to get purely strategic bombers when a tac bomber can do the same job plus do ground. This page was last edited on 13 October 2022, at 14:57. Trying to get air superiority over the UK but can't beat their vast numbers of aircraft? Its also silly to have to whittle down Britain's nearly 20k plane reserves by 1940. No point in destroying factories if they only get shot down and your troops cant push. What is better: large or small divisions? It still gives +20% strat bombing compared to day bombing's +30%, which isn't that much less if you factor in the additional +20% from the final doctrine tech (so you're looking at +40% vs. +50%), while also giving you a -50% modifier to strat bombing during the night . Can we apply the medium tank templates to light tanks?If we can,how much will they be effective? While either the strategic air or navy map mode is selected, hovering the cursor over a region containing mines will show the number of mines that have been laid, along with the number of enemy ships damaged or sunk by the mines. 50% more aircraft are involved in a port strike if you have the first "Base Strike" naval doctrine). Heavy fighters have a long range and powerful weapons. Medium tanks typically offer the best of both worlds. Interactive corporate website. It may be advisable to put air wings on standby during such conditions. You can find that here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBCKdXwKFwShORB2SBpH_GgokEmM9EdFs Heavy tanks are similar to mediums, but have low speed, the same armor and higher breakthrough, but very high base cost. @Kayzer Light, Medium, Heavy, Amphibious tanks should all use the same division template: Those designs are a trade-off between offensive power (tank) VS. Org/HP (motorized/mechanized). Send an attach to countries that are at war to receive 10% War Support, and 20% of their army xp gain. It is VERY effective, but numbers play a big part. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forug-and-strategic-bombers.1450114/post-27193574. These apply on the small airframe, since the small airframe is used as CAS. It might even be worthwhile if the player captures a state without an air base to build their own level 1 base there as quickly as possible. Join. Note that in the same way as naval bombers are better at killing ships than tactical bombers fighters are better at killing fighters than heavy fighters; the difference is primarily range. supposedly this was fixed in v1.9.1 in an. It is not just a problem of strategic bombers as a whole but there are also no specific missions for tactical air, which is a lot more accurate. The effects are scaled inversely by the size of the wing relative to 100 planes, to a maximum of 10x at 10 planes. Strategic Bombers attack enemy buildings and infrastructure, starving them of precious industry. The priority rating is excess air wing range (in map pixels) plus number of total division on both sides of the battle. At the same time I will . I composed the music for the Battle for the Bosphorus pack. I usually forgo strat bombing for that reason, but I haven't played an MP game, so maybe it's more valuable there than in SP. When an air base gets captured, planes automatically relocate to other air bases if available and won't be lost. Available for: CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. By that point, every plane they had suffered a 100% overcrowded airfield penalty, and all of their units suffered from attrition. urban environments, across rivers, forts, etc. At the same time I will be talking a bit about the historical development of the strategic bomber concept.The other part of the series is a Let's Play of \"War in the West\", where we explore target selection and the findings of the Untied States Strategic Bombing Survey. The auto-repair mechanism also means that bigger wings are better. Oh, and you have to wait. Information, Frequently Asked Strategic bombers are very expensive to construct and in many cases a significant number are required to have any meaningful impact. Up to -30% movement speed to enemy divisions. However, different models of plane within the same type (e.g. Nukes help a lot. If you can win without bombers, you should do so, since you'd rather be able to use their factories and infrastructure without waiting for repairs. This is a community maintained wiki. Given that air warfare is the only type that directly affects all three types of combat (on top of the strategic targeting), the air war is something the player must take into account when devising successful strategies. In addition, combat width, reliability and support companies are discussed in detail. But AI UK is actually pretty good at protecting convoys (one of the few things HOI4's AI does really well) so you take a lot of casualties for little gain. The air superiority mission doubles as escort mission, protecting bombers operating in the region by reducing disruption from enemy fighters. 90% -> 99%. Is there a template that negates this, other than the Ancient CAS? Honestly, I want those factories when I conquer the territory, and I have no interest in having to repair them when I do. The AI does not understand how to use the tools available to it, and should not be used as a metric for balance testing. Redirect page. Doctrines can increase this penalty by multiplying the final air support penalty by 1 + the bonus from doctrine (ex. For modules, try to get more defense, without compromising range too much. That's really useful information. Valve Corporation. If the total number of stationed planes exceeds the capacity, every additional percent of planes causes a 2%[3] overcrowding penalty. To make it even better, could you add all plane/tank module names in text as well? I think they changed it to local time a few patches ago so there'll be exactly one night sortie per day except maybe in polar winter? The technology, Aerial Minesweeping, must be researched before aircraft will become capable of detecting and neutralizing enemy naval mines. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. CAS wings will contribute planes to the battle up to 54 planes. within the strategic region by clicking on the proper button. if you're only doing one sortie at night, then you're going from ((100% + 100% + 10%) / 3) = .7 to ((100% + 100% + 55%) / 3) * 120% = 1.02, a 45.7% overall increase in output. Bomb Scotland's infrastructure into dust and watch them all die. An air wing may be assigned up to one ace only. If no units have a supply deficit in the region, the mission doesn't do anything, but the planes will still consume fuel and possibly get shot down. World War II bombers were inaccurate, and therefore the amount of bomb damage varies greatly from day to day. If your target is beyond CAS range, then you can have 10K CAS and theyre useless. The maximum allowed CAS in the battle is adjusted by the type of terrain in the province where the land battle takes place (see the "enemy air superiority" column). Railway guns decrease enemy attack, defense and entrenchment. Wings with this Deals damage to enemy divisions on the ground. The increased numbers are shown in the Intel Ledger in the Diplomacy screen for a country. Every 1 point of air superiority advantage in a strategic region gives a +0.7% air support penalty (called enemy air superiority on the combat screen) to enemy land combat defense and breakthrough. The CAS frontage of a battle can be filled by planes from multiple friendly wings. Bomb their country to dust. After all, we're here to explain how to use nukes in HOI4. The minimum size of an air wing is 1 plane, and the maximum size is 1,000 planes. Close air support, also known as air support or ground support, is the use of aircraft to assist troops in land combat. They can perform Air Recon air missions. Wings with this mission provide supply to assigned ground troops if land-based supply is insufficient. hoi4 isn't an easy game, people opt to play it . They can perform Air Superiority and Interception air missions. But this may only work if their air bases are already close to full capacity. You don't build them because they're the best at what they do, you build them because they're cheaper and easier than building CAS+NAV+STRAT bombers. Decreasing enemy stats is quite simple; a fleet on 'hold' command (or the 'naval support' mission) will fire at enemy divisions fighting on a coastal tile, giving them a up to -25% debuff to soft/hard attack and breakthrough/defense in combat. Cripple that economy. Press J to jump to the feed. Especially if the attack on the region is being carried out by a. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. If you're the USA I think they can be useful, if you're anyone else I'd say just go for Tactical bombers. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Combat_tactics, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Attrition_and_accidents, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Land_battle, https://github.com/Vezachs/hoi4-combat-guide/blob/main/combatwidth.py, https://trinket.io/embed/python3/a5bd54189b, https://www.codabrainy.com/en/python-compiler/, https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/hoi4v-1-10-8-province-summary-spreadsheet.1496152/. In HOI4 you can't decide what to target and you potentially find yourself advancing into states that you just bombed into oblivion and run out of supplies and incur in attrition because of this. Does it affect just CAS or any aircraft with a CAS mission available, i.e. See, PDXCON if you don't do it/for CAS, you should just turn off night missions, since they're not worth the AA losses. In a fleet with multiple ships, the target is randomly selected (note: increased ship's surface visibility may increase its chance to be selected as a targetmore visible targets are more often struck. The maximum penalty without doctrine is 35% at 100% air superiority. I have recently been getting back into Hoi4 after playing for a couple weeks post launch then shelving the game until a few patches could come out. Only worth it if you already have air superiority and sufficient CAS. It still gives +20% strat bombing compared to day bombing's +30%, which isn't that much less if you factor in the additional +20% from the final doctrine tech (so you're looking at +40% vs. +50%), while also giving you a -50% modifier to strat bombing during the night which should result in overall higher damage when bombing full-time (and especially when only bombing during the night, obviously). I couldn't build a navy big enough to kill all their carriers and battleships, so instead I built some radar stations and piled 1,000 naval bombers into the Mediterranean. The maximum damage reduction of 75%[8] is already achieved at 10.7[8][9][10] average anti-air attack. This damage appears to be distributed among all the targeted buildings (forts, industry, etc.) It costs 5 army xp to add or remove a batallion, and 10 army xp for a support company. Amazing guide! To make a long story short fighters+naval bombers can defend 1 sea zone away from an airfield and tactical bombers+heavy fighters can defend up to 2 sea .