It was no longer about his own efforts, but God's. What other uses did the building serve at the time Photo 1 was taken? But while his company was thriving, Penney had made some side investments in Florida real estate that eventually went sour, and he almost lost his entire holdings of $40 million. He even helped many of his store managers become part owners of new stores. By 1932, the number of stores had increased to 1,473. As a result, the church dismissed him. 2. J. C. Penney personally interviewed five thousand men in one year. New York: Garland Publishing, 1993. Someone read a Scripture passage: "Come unto me all you that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Fax: (801) 961-5574 . He and third wife Caroline became active in the New York Metropolitan Opera. Abstract During the release of the J. C. Penney company's results of the 2nd quarter, Ron Johnson who is the CEO of the departments store of company was getting ready as he was reconsidering the dramatic changes that he initiated in favor of the business model and brand image Penney.". Much of the building served as the headquarters of the Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company, a business which employed some 3,000 African-American women and men to manufacture and sell hair products and cosmetics. J.C. Penney Foundation Archives. "It takes two flints to make a fire." Louisa . Let competition say what she will. The company's rapid expansion was fueled, in part, by encouraging store managers who had saved enough money to open a new store as part owner, with Penney providing two thirds of the start-up capital. "Effectively, change is almost impossible without industry-wide collaboration, cooperation, and consensus." Simon Mainwaring. By 1929 the J. C. Penney company was so highly regarded that both Sears and Wards tried to merge with it to obtain their retail and buying expertise and improve their own chains. An elegant theater in the new building would welcome African Americans. 2801 West Tyvola Road He went to Salt Lake City, Utah, approximately 125 miles southwest of Kemmerer, where he established the headquarters for the growing chain and consolidated his buying and accounting operations. The company was like the retail version of the Marines: tough to get in, brothers for life. The lesson was edited by the Teaching with Historic Places staff. (You might wish to describe the success stories of people like the men who developed Apple computers, William Gates and the Microsoft Corporation, or Sam Walton who founded Wal-Mart stores.) Whenever in a store, he waited on customers. He grew up in a stern, joyless family. Detroit: The Gale Group, 1998, s.v. He seemed to have a knack for merchandising. J.C. Penney was born on a farm outside of Hamilton, Caldwell County, Missouri to James Cash Penney, Sr. and Mary Frances (ne Paxton) Penney. (503) 232-8844 Despite miners often being paid in scrip that could be spent at mining company stores, The Golden Rule only sold for cash, rare for the time. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. And above all else, cooperatingwith headquarters, with the other Golden Rule Stores, and within their own communities. I am not ashamed of my past; I am not ashamed of my humble beginning. The company gradually entered larger cities. Photo Credit. What conditions of her childhood made Sarah Breedlove Walker understand the value of hard work? Jim was relentless. Uncategorized. He arrived in Denver, then booming from mining on one side and farming on the other. Penney moved to Colorado for health reasons and his life changed. Kemmerer boomed to a population of 2,000. Schultz succeeded in turning a tiny regional operation into a national coffeehouse chain while Rousseau was a chemical engineer who designed the first commercial penicillin plant. By the time he died in 1971, JCPenney had more than 1,600 stores, many in newly-built suburban malls, and was the fifth . Jim then profitably raised and sold hogs. There are reasons for everything. She went through a second, brief marriage and became active in the St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church. His father, James Cash Penney Sr., was a minister and civic leader who ran unsuccessfully for Congress on a populist ticket in 1894. This is the first building constructed in Indianapolis to house the manufacturing operations of the Madam C.J. Questions for Reading 1 Before her death, Madam Walker planned an ambitious new building for her headquarters. As that happened, he renewed his support of various charities, putting millions of dollars into the Penney Retirement Community in Penney Farms, Florida, Christian Herald magazine, and more than 100 other organizations ministering in the United States and around the world. With many observers not believing in the future of the company, the stock in recent months hit an all-time low of under $3 per share, valuing the company at less than one billion dollars. Jim wasnt happy, but went along with his fathers wishes. In 1925 when the company's 674 stores generated sales of $91 million, Penney was again giving some of his good fortune back, this time by establishing the J.C. Penney Foundation to fund a myriad of family-related agencies. "No matter what his position or experience in life, there is in everyone more latent than developed ability; far more unused than used power.". relates to the following National Standards for History: Era 6: The Development of the Industrial United States (1870-1900). Compare and contrast the two images in terms of the appearance of the buildings, the activities of the people, the surrounding landscape, the general look of the street, and the vehicles. What do you think he is trying to convey to the viewer? If there was no date attached to the photo, what clues might help you figure out when it was taken? Why do you think Madam Walker would have wanted to include all these facilities in the building she planned? Although seven stores had to be closed in 1933, the company's total profits were almost double those of 1932. The young couple lived above the store, using shoe boxes for chairs and packing cases for tables. Each manager could own part of the next store, if he trained a good manager for it or for his own store so he could move on to the new one. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. He often visited his birthplace, Hamilton, Missouri, where he helped build the school and library. He brought in good men willing to work from all over the United States, and funded everything. But his father pointed out that those selling watermelons inside the fairgrounds had paid a concession fee, and insisted Jim stop competing unfairly. "It was a life-changing miracle, and I've been a different person ever since. Penney knew he could not control the daily operations of many stores with such wide expansion. "1 Many in Kemmerer thought Penney's business would fail. Although Penney's father was a figure of some consequence in the community, he was constantly short of cash. He strongly urged his church to start a Sunday school, and that was an unpopular position there. ", In later life Penney, who now had the financial means to do what he pleased, operated cattle farms, became involved with charitable and religious endeavors, and pursued frequent public speaking engagements. In May 2020, the J.C. Penney chain announced it would close nearly one-third of its remaining 846 stores after filing for bankruptcy. "J.C. 2. Penney's first job was clerking in a general store for a salary of $2.27 per month. 2) To compare and contrast Walker and Penney for similarities and differences in backgrounds and business methods. As a teenager, J. C. Penney worked on surrounding farms growing watermelons and feeding pigs. His store carried men's, women's and children's clothing, shoes, notions, and fabric for sewing. He was quickly employed by T.M. Another manager, hearing of the new competitor, wanted to run ads showing how much better the Golden Rule was. Both had to become self-reliant at very early ages and learned that hard work alone would not fulfill their aspirations. --J. C. Penney. 4. They know they must give us the Right Price or they cannot expect our business. In your answer, compare and contrast their achievements. The Madam C.J. Even in 1927, when the company ceased operating as a partnership and sold its stock publicly, managers were given stock in the company, and eventually all employees were included in profit-sharing plans. THESE ARE BUT FOUR OF EIGHTEEN MADAM C. J. WALKER BEAUTY PREPARATIONS--AS FINE AS MONEY CAN BUY. This building housed the Golden Rule Store, a dry goods business that grew into the J. C. Penney Company, the first nationwide chain of department stores in the country. He continued to serve the company on the board of directors until his death in 1971 at age 95. Kemmerer profits rose to $9,800 and then $11,250 in the next two years. J. C. Penney, as he was now more often called than Jim, had no limits on his ambitions. She built a factory there that employed local African-American men and women. "Penney, James Cash Reading 3 was compiled from materials provided by A'Lelia P. Bundles and the J.C. Penney Archives, Dallas, TX. (Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology). Over 20% of them were past or present presidents of their Chambers of Commerce. He met that crisis by going back to work full time for the company, and eventually he recouped most of his losses. She built a factory, hair and manicure salon, and another training school. The stores net worth had risen from $500 to $50,000 in the ten years since its 1889 founding. The basic biography of Penney isMain Street Merchant: The Story of the J.C. Penney Company, by Norman Beasley. Yet this was done by the late Madam C. J. Walker.[She] made and deserved a fortune and gave much of it away generously. "It is given," he said, "to few persons to transform a people in a generation. A comparison of values is all we ask. Penney decided to return to the dry goods business, taking temporary employment as a clerk in Callahan and Johnson's store in Longmont. Walker Manufacturing Company. Despite Callahans hesitation at hiring a butcher, Jim Penney got hired at the Longmont Golden Rule as a part-time sales clerk when a senior clerk was ill. Our system about which you are familiar consists of buying goods right. Questions for Reading 2 He feared it would cause customers to buy things they didnt need. Indispensable for bobbed hair and unsurpassed in the opinion of social leaders and well-groomed gentlemen. Why did Walker move to Denver? As he once wrote, isn't serving people "part and parcel of business? When to Buy. Callahan and Johnson had previously promoted store managers to partners, and implied to Jim that the same might happen to him if he performed. Many innovative and unusual employee benefits and insurance were introduced. They closed each day just before midnight. It was not uncommon at that time for managers to earn $3050,000, ten to fifteen times the average American family wage. "Cheap Goods" are dear at any price. For the next 17 years, Sarah supported herself and her daughter as a washerwoman. (Prolonged applause). Following is a copy of "The Penney Idea," a declaration of ethics and purpose adopted by the J.C. Penney Company in 1913. --James Cash Penney. Our mission at JCPenney has changed little since Mr. Penney founded the Company in 1902: it was, and is, to sell merchandise and services to consumers at a profit, primarily but not exclusively in the United States, in a manner that is consistent with our Company ethics and responsibilities. To test our every policy, method, and act in this wise: "Does it square with what is right and just?". Walker Web page, owned and maintained by the great-great-granddaughter and biographer of Madam C.J. Have students discuss the careers of Madam C. J. Walker and J. C. Penney, using the following questions as a guide: When James Cash Penney moved his dry goods business here in 1904, the building also housed a saloon, offices, and apartments. Offers information on this organization, which was founded by Booker T. Washington in 1900 "to promote the commercial and financial development of the Negro" and to bring African Americans into the middle-class mainstream. Walker Building" (with photographs) and "J.C. Penney Historic District" (with photographs), as well as other sources related to Madam Walker and J.C. Penney. Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy, 1921-1929. Walker continued to tour the country promoting her business and hiring hairdressers and door-to-door sales representatives. Penney again found love, marrying Mary Kimball in 1919. .this year (up to the 19th day of this month . He died on February 12, 1971, at the age of 95, as the founder of the nation's second-largest department store behind Sears. If so, how? by Gary Hoover | Dec 7, 2017 | American Originals, From inauspicious beginnings rose one of the great entrepreneurs in American history, a man with unusual dedication and exceptionally high ideals. Standard E - The student describes the role of specialization and exchange in the economic process. When he was twenty-one, the family doctor noted that Jim was wearing down and risked getting the dreaded consumption (tuberculosis). In the midst of the Great Depression, one of America's leading businessmen sank into a personal depression of his own. - James Cash Penney. Activity 2: Changes in Advertising When the day of modern shopping centers arrived in the late 1950s, Penney's chain was so strong financially that it succeeded in suburbia too. He developed one of the nations top herds of Guernsey dairy cattle in Florida and at Emmandine Farm in Dutchess County, New York. His financial fortunes began to be restored in the mid-1930s. Callahan. ", The Daily Digest for Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders. It shifted from its small-town Western base into a major national retailer as an anchor in malls from coast to coast. With a child, it was too small, and Penney bought this two-storey house in 1904. 3) To consider the role advertising played in the business success of Walker and Penney. Each preparation was beyond the point of experiment before it was followed by another. C. Penney under The Golden Rule. By 1919 it was determined that all stores should go by the new common name of J. C. Penney. For more information, contact Kemmerer's J.C. Penney Store at 722 J.C. Penney Drive, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101. As late as the 1960s, Penney would still make the rounds of his stores, even stepping behind the counter to assist customers. . 3) two advertisements for Madam Walker beauty preparations and Penney's Golden Rule Store; 2. Penney increased his profits each year. (A'Lelia Bundles/Walker Family Collection). The National Register of Historic Places' on-line travel itinerary, Places Where Women Made History highlights 74 historic properties in Massachusetts and New York that are associated with the many varied aspects of women's history. This man was not a religious leader--he didn't even join a church until he was in his 70s--but he was a business leader. The company opened its 500th store in 1924 in Hamilton, Missouri, James Cash Penney's hometown. Another aspect of J. C. Penney himself was his ability to trust men, and to delegate. Jim could not tolerate the unfair practice and immediately quit. Students can establish their own categories or you might suggest grouping together advertisements with an emphasis on price, quality, style, convenience, or importance to specific ethnic or age groups. There he competed for customers with 21 saloons. Fast forward to 2011. Only in her thirties, she found her hair was falling out. Penney followed a training strategy that allowed managers to become part owners and then purchase their own stores. Have them categorize advertisements for beauty products and services and for Penney's or similar stores such as Montgomery Ward. It is part of the J.C. Penney Historic District, which also includes Penney's first house. . But Sams decided to go with Jim Penney. In June 1897, Penney went west in search of health and fortune. (1) 42 82 34 56 Over the next few years, young Penney worked on surrounding farms, raising pigs, trading horses, and growing watermelons. Today, it houses the Madam Walker Theatre Center and various commercial businesses. Gather up a collection of fairly recent magazines and newspapers (the students can help) and have students work in groups with at least 10 different kinds of ads. In what ways did the Walker and Penney businesses benefit society? In March of 1899, Jim Penney arrived in Evanston, population 2,000, and began as a junior salesman, at a salary of $50 per month. The policy upon which we expect to build is just what the name implies. His father, a farmer, served as an unpaid preacher for a fundamentalist sect known as Primitive Baptists. Between 1920 and 1930, more than 1,250 new stores opened, most of them on Main Streets in small towns across America. Contributing to this decline is the general cloud over bricks-and-mortar retailing as Amazon and other online sellers become larger and larger. Penney's childhood and early adult life appeared quite ordinary. Penney's childhood and early adult life appeared quite ordinary. Completed in 1927, this magnificent building marks the climax of the career of Madam C.J. But Jim deferred, saying Ogden was too big, that he preferred smaller towns where he could know all his customers and their needs. Document 1 was provided courtesy of the Indiana Historical Society, Walker Collection. Fax: (704) 342-4320 . You will get BIG VALUES for your money at this store. He had been striving all his life to honor God with his business, but now it was time to rest in the Lord's grace. He opened his first store, called the Golden Rule, in Kemmerer, Wyoming, in 1902. He perpetually visited stores where he waited on customers and worked the shelvesand spoke at managers conventions to inspire and encourage his partners. In 1913, her daughter, who would later change her name to A'Lelia, persuaded Madam Walker to buy a house in Harlem as the New York base of the business. HCSC became the key letters: Honor, Confidence, Service, and Cooperation. This arrangement allowed for rapid expansion in the early years of the business. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, City of Hamilton, Missouri - Biography of J.C. Penney, Missouri Legends - Biography of J. C. Penny, - James Cash Penney: From Clerk to Chain-store Tycoon, The State Historical Society of Missouri - Historic Missourians - Biography of J. C. Penney, Penney, James Cash - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). A thousand miles to the west, in the small town of Kemmerer in western Wyoming, stands a small building that represents the early days of another successful career. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. To expect for the service we render a fair remuneration and not all the profit the traffic will bear. TwHP is sponsored, in part, by the Cultural Resources Training Initiative and Parks as Classrooms programs of the National Park Service. Frequent national and regional conventions of managers were held, with Penney and other leaders speaking at every opportunity. Our reputation as a house for giving values has become a national one. wife and our children were estranged from me. U.S.A. Soon enough, Callahan asked Jim to move to Evanston, Wyoming, where Callahan and partner William Johnson operated another Golden Rule Store. When James Cash Penney moved his dry goods business here in 1904, the building also housed a saloon, offices, and apartments. The assumption was that business is secular, and service is religious. In 2012 revenue at the company he built was $13 billion. I have been trying to get before you business people to tell you what I am doing. Do you think it would have been effective? . Why or why not? When one of his store managers had saved enough money, Penney would help him open a new store as part owner. Let competition say what she will. For your own sake we should have your business. Today, the restored six-room house is a museum operated by the J.C. Penney Foundation. Curry, Mary E. Creating an American Institution: The Merchandising Genius of J.C. Penney. Service brings satisfaction. Later that year she built her dream house, a mansion in Irvington-on-Hudson, a wealthy community north of New York City. Penney was born in 1875 on a farm near Hamilton, Missouri. Why do you think Penney's first store was so successful? One agent wrote in 1913: "You opened up a trade for hundreds of colored women to make an honest and profitable living where they make as much in one week as a month's salary would bring from any other position that a colored woman can secure. Our growth has not been chance. 3. The main customer was a local hotel. Have students choose a local business that is very successful or a business that is part of a nationwide chain and conduct research into its founding and operation. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Former industry leaders Montgomery Ward and F. W. Woolworth are long gone.