Look for creative resources to fight the fire This course educates ordinary people about disaster preparedness and weapons of mass destruction. In a disaster, CERT members are also protected by the (2)______________ _______________________________, a Federal law that protects volunteers from liability as long as they are acting in accordance with the training that they have received. Disaster key element: Available personnel and emergency services may be _______ initially by * Helmet / Hard hat \hline - locate and label utility _____ CERT volunteers must be 21 years or older for liability reasons. Disaster key element: Lives, health, and the environment are ______. A. B. 3 drops c. What is the output of the following statement? 2. C. foods for all age ranges B. C. "I'm not part of the Terrorist Response Team." Home and work Dr.}\\ Assume that during the current year the company bids on a job that requires machine and labor time as follows: a. Mitigation includes any activities that prevent an emergency, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, or reduce the damaging effects of unavoidable hazards. What are the 6 objectives in assessing your post-event environment? &\textbf{Defense}&\textbf{Others}&\textbf{Defense}&\textbf{Others}&\textbf{Defense}&\textbf{Others}\\[5pt] https://www.ready.gov/sites/default/files/2019.CERT_.BasicPPT.FINAL_.508c.pptx The EOP is a document that: b. Over the last few months, these trained and mobilized volunteer groups have stepped in to fill what Chouinard calls "human power gaps" in San Diego's emergency response. Two ways that CERT members prepare themselves and their families for disasters and emergencies are by identifying and reducing potential hazards in the home and workplace and by developing a family disaster plan. Where should you keep separate disaster supply kits? Ask about emergency planning at your workplace, schools, places of worship, and other social settings Designate CERT Team Leader status to someone else in the Command Post During the COVID pandemican unprecedented and invisible disasterthe CERT program has adapted its methods. Increased risk of fire or explosion from fuel line rupture \quad\text{Effect of uninvested principal from the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) G Fund}&\text{(203.2)}&\text{203.2}\\ C. CERT assessment B. community.fema.gov & \textbf{Fees Earned Cr. all members of the community should: report __________ activity. \end{array} A. B. To build a culture of preparedness it's important to work with the whole community, including: Strategic Planning Unit (SPU) \quad\text{Miscellaneous liabilities}&\text{1.6}&\text{(0.3)}\\ As each CERT is organized and trained in accordance with standard operating procedures developed by the sponsoring agency, its members select an Incident Commander/Team Leader (IC/TL) and an alternate and identify a ________________________________________ to be used in the event of a disaster. You walk over to find a young boy who has glass shards in his leg and is unable to walk. There are different types of sheltering, and different types are appropriate for different disasters. Loss of service Have another volunteer lead the mother away Date2010Nov. B. high-rises On November 14, Hydro Clothing sold the remaining shares at $7 per share. C. Ensure personal and family safety B. Assess and communicate damage A. Then compute predetermined overhead rates in the operating departments for the current year using machine-hours as the allocation base in the Milling Department and direct labor-hours as the allocation base in the Finishing Department. B. D.Secure water heaters, 1.dividethebodyintoidenticalunits(segments), 2.initiatedbythebindingofligandtoreceptor, 3.individualswithcellsofmorethanonegenotype, 6.substancewhoseconcentrationdeterminescellfates, 7.suppressionofgeneexpressionbydouble-strandedRNA, 8.whenanullalleleisdominanttoawild-typeallele, 9.aDNA-bindingmotiffoundincertaintranscriptionfactors, 10.encodeproteinsthataccumulateinunfertilized, eggsandareneededforembryodevelopment, 11.earlyembryoniccellsareassignedspecificfates, 12.ageneisturnedoninaninappropriate, 13.atagusedtofollowproteinsinlivingcells, Chp. Also remember that, at all times, a CERT member's first job is __________________________. b. A. ATMs do not work and Credit card systems inoperable It's fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during times of need. C. personal sanitation items Assess situation 2. Freeze, flight, fright, faint, fight Students must pass the applicable course test Basic, Advanced, Military, or . All government agencies with a role in disaster response work to organize and coordinate their agencies' activities before an emergency or disaster. A. volunteers to prepare for the types of disasters that their community may face. What's your next course of action? Volunteer Training Certification. A. D. loss of hope and limited expectations about life, What are possible physical symptoms of disasters D. pandemicflu.govmunity.fema.org, Where should you place a first aid kit? encodeproteinsthataccumulateinunfertilizedeggsandareneededforembryodevelopmentk. A. (2), (1) "Good Samaritan" laws The CERT Program trains community volunteers in basic fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. Suppress and overhaul the fire because the numbers in the Diamond are small and indicate that little risk is present CERTs are a _______________ to professional responders until they are able to arrive, Community preparedness is a ________________ in lessening the impact of disasters. To become a CERT volunteer, you must complete the classroom training offered by a local government agency such as the emergency management agency, fire or police department. . CERTS provide support while professional emergency responders focus on more dangerous, skilled, and critical assignments. D. repeatedly replaying the traumatic event, What are some ways you can reduce stress By seniority (4) staff first aid booths at special events \text{Finishing}&\hspace{40pt}&\underline{\hspace{19pt}166,000}\\ Through pre-event planning, neighborhoods and worksites can also work together to help reduce injuries, loss of lives, and property damage. Quickly search the ground floor Mitigation can include non-structural measures, structural changes, and purchasing appropriate insurance. A. items for infants Volunteers are assigned according to the training they have received. (1) assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals, (3) describes how people and property will be protected, (4) identifies personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources. Get enough sleep Do not exercise C. Injury or electric shock 7 we don't do anything normal. Which of the following is another way that CERT members prepare for disasters? (2) emergency personnel may be overwhelmed D. Flight, Fight, Freeze, Faint, Fear, What are typical emotional responses in disasters Tests of security C. Acquiring supplies D. Dry runs, A friend runs over to you, a little frantic, and asks why you are not headed to the disaster site to help. The course includes four instructional lessons: Lesson 1: ICS Review, briefly summarizes the components and principles of the Incident Command System. \text{Total budgeted cost}&&\underline{\underline{\$\hspace{5pt}1,061,000}}\\\\ D. Perform CPR, What does TL stand for? }\\ A. ready.gov/community-emergency-response-team D. clothing and bedding items, Water quantity to bleach ratios: 1 quart C. personal sanitation items C. food items ), you discharge the extinguisher. &&&& \underline{\underline{\$6,240}}\\ Possible Effects are: * Medical facilities hampered - strap mobile homes to their _____ 4 drops \quad\text{Other guaranteed loan transactions}&\text{(10.2)}&\text{9.8}\\ As you conduct your fire size-up, which of the following is the least important question to consider * Flow of needed supplies (food, water, etc.) B. \text{m. signal transduction pathways} & \text{13. a tag used to follow proteins in living cells}\\ Listen empathetically * Community leaders from the private and civic sectors A. To better prepare for hazards and protect themselves, loves ones, and their neighbors. Match each of the terms in the left column to the best-fitting phrase from the right column. Develop Plan of Action 8. D. All of the above, What are possible impacts of financial services damages? Conduct a head-to-toe assessment I don't think he can breathe!" CERT members are required to wear: To put their Scouting knowledge and skills to use B. A. agitation Are CERT members trained at the same degree of professional responders? A. household documents and contact information Score .6. Survivors unable to phone for help or reach service providers assignidentitytobodysegmentsf. Consider the following recursive function: a. C. 2 week A. household documents and contact information How do you respond to your friend? Generally, why do people join a CERT? Record the journal entries for the transactions on May 27, August 3, and November 14. E. They are trying to increase the demand curve. Community leaders have a responsibility to participate in How can community leaders help prepare their community for a disaster/emergency? Step-by-step explanation. On August 3, Hydro Clothing sold 54,000 of the reacquired shares at$11 per share. B. D. Using the sterile dressings in your supply kit, apply pressure directly to the wound, .Which of these is not a possible impact of utilities damage? Participate in community feedback opportunities C. Leave immediately _____________________________ has the responsibility to develop, test, and refine emergency operation plans. A. D. The room number, You and three other CERT members begin searching the local library, a large brick building where many people in the community were instructed to take cover before the storm. B. D. Back out and signal for your buddy to attempt to suppress the fire, From your size-up, you determine that the fire can be put out with a portable fire extinguisher. C. Suppress and overhaul the fire only if the number in the blue quadrant is less than 2 A. Arterial B. Venous C. Capillary D. Mortal, What is the first thing you do to stop the bleeding? \quad\text{Subtotal-Adjustments for non-cash transactions in unified budget}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}263.2}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}250.2}}\\[5pt] Executive office of the president D. Four, A woman comes up to a disaster scene that you have determined is unsafe to enter. a.mosaicdetermination1. The goal of Citizen Corps is to make communities safer, more prepared, and ______________________ when incidents occur. \text{e. ectopic expression} & \text{5. assign identity to body segments}\\ Through pre-event planning, neighborhoods and worksites can also work together to help reduce injuries, loss of lives, and property damage. D. kitchen items, what kit: Medicine dropper Whistle Landline telephone \textbf{(in billions of dollars)}\\ . An unknown blood-borne disease Can my buddy and I fight the fire safely? This national network of state-based systems verifies volunteer health professionals' identities, licenses, accreditations, credentials, and hospital privileges before an emergency takes place. C. 8 drops Decision to stay or change locations 3. C. personal sanitation items Heavy damage D. Fire from faulty wiring, One of the steps in preparing for a disaster is to develop a disaster supply kit. Transportation \text{i. segmentation genes} & \text{9. a DNA-binding motif found in certain transcription factors}\\ B. feelings of fragility B. D. explosion site, What are possible transportation impacts? Question Asked 8/5/2020 8:31:56 PM 0 Answers/Comments D. They are trying to ensure that a social goal is satisfied A. Mix in 8 drops of non-perfumed chlorine bleach per gallon of water and wait for 30 minutes . 'Getting involved' focuses on finding opportunities to support community and workplace preparedness before an emergency occurs. They are natural, terrorist, home fires, pandemic and ______________. The survivor is in shock A. 1. segmentationgenesj. \textbf{(in billions of dollars)}\\ (5) provide feedback to community B. Nightmares * Risk of asphyxiation. Education opportunity plan \end{array} Every room in the house \text{Other property, plant, and equipment}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}10.3}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}10.8}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{19pt}--}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{20pt}5.5}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{7pt}10.3}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{12pt}5.3}}\\ \textbf{Other}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.5}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}3.4}}\\ This is an example of : answer choices. D. Distributing political pamphlets and other materials, There are five types of disasters. Before you contact the EMI Independent Study Office for issues logging into the Student Self Service Portal, please . B. A. C. Use an axe or similar tool to knock down the floor and clear the void Medical facilities hampered C. Your agency or group ID You come across a man who is in shock and bleeding from his chest. Individuals and Communities. (1) identify and aid members who might need assistance A. Pre-disaster phase A. (5) assist with installation of smoke alarms Before, during, and after disasters, CERT volunteer teams perform basic response activities, including checking in on neighbors, distributing information to the public, supporting emergency operations centers, and helping to manage traffic and crowds. What should you do if the fire continues to burn 5 seconds after you start to extinguish it? demands for their services. b. Assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals for carrying out specific actions at projected times and places in an emergency that exceeds the capability or routine responsibility of any one agency (e.g., the fire department); C. hazardous spill \quad\text{Agency securities}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.1}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.1}}\\ Pretty much the entire scope of possible disasters is covered within this training - the immediate aftermath of a tornado, hurricane, flood, and even a nuclear attack. d. Describes how to protect people and property in emergencies and disasters, What describes how the community will function in an emergency The first step in doing so is to register with the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP). A. disaster kit A. disaster kit D. never, Which of the following would a cert volunteer not respond to? A. CERT members who encounter no need in their immediate area then report to their staging area, where they take on ______________________ based on overall area needs. B. first aid kit Government emergency service providers include professionals from the following fields D. For all family members, when escape planning you should provide an exit route for * The existing infrastructure & \textbf{Account Debited} & \textbf{Ref.} C. Keep it for your own records Stay Informed? As individuals, we can prepare our homes and families to cope during that critical period. * Technological (e. g., hazardous material spill, nuclear power plant accident) Disasters are _______, with little or no warning or opportunity to prepare. The purpose of a CERT is to act as a "force multiplier" in the event of a disaster. A. D. Temporary leader, where can you find resources on the American red cross Find the selling price. Warn her that the situation is unsafe dividethebodyintoidenticalunits(segments)2.initiatedbythebindingofligandtoreceptor3. Which of the eight signs of a terrorist attack did the security guard notice? * Helping disaster survivors cope with their emotional stressors, 1) Utilities D. Flow of needed supplies (e.g., food, water) is interrupted, What are possible structural impacts? C. Collapsing walkways and stairways. (4a)(bc)(4 \mathbf{a}) \cdot(\mathbf{b} \times \mathbf{c})(4a)(bc). B. Join the CERT in disaster response efforts General Provis. What information do you write in what will become the left quadrant of this search marking? what is a person who interprets dreams called no refund policy template shopify how do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet. What is the first thing you should do? maternaleffectgenesm.signaltransductionpathways1. until professional assistance is available, Personal Protective Equipment head to toe, helmet, goggles, N95 mask, gloves, sturdy shoes/boots. B. whenanullalleleisdominanttoawild-typeallelei. Multiple-choice. In an actual disaster, CERTs are deployed progressively and as needs dictate. Volunteer Toolbox: The Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) has drafted a Volunteer Toolbox resource for non-profits utilizing volunteers in times of disaster. A. Surveillance B. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. C. bring government and community leaders together to ensure emergency plans more effectively reflect the community's needs, challenges, capabilities, and resources B. B. Monitoring the news for potential disaster threats How do CERT volunteers prepare for disasters? respond to their community's immediate needs in the aftermath of a disaster, CERTs are able to: A. * Limited access to fuel, e.g., pumps that may not work & \textbf{Accounts Rec. CERT is a training program that prepares Floridians to help their families and neighbors in the event of a disaster in their community. \end{array} funcRec(5, 'A'); ab=4i3j+6k\mathbf{a} \times \mathbf{b}=4 \mathbf{i}-3 \mathbf{j}+6 \mathbf{k}ab=4i3j+6k and c=2i+4jk\mathbf{c}=2 \mathbf{i}+4 \mathbf{j}-\mathbf{k}c=2i+4jk. * Increased risk to public health. Make a Plan Make sure your family has a plan in case of an emergency. * Available personnel and emergency services may be (2)________________ initially by demands for their services. B. KEY ELEMENTS OF DISASTERS _____ yourself, important elements of disaster response: Having a _____ disaster plan and practicing the plan with drills, important elements of disaster response: Reducing the impact of hazards through _____ practices, important elements of disaster response: Getting involved by participating in _____ and _____ programs. \text{Internal use software}&\text{9.5}&\text{33.1}&\text{6.0}&\text{20.7}&\text{3.5}&\text{12.4}\\ \text{a. mosaic determination} & \text{1. divide the body into identical units (segments)}\\ B. a functioning community is based on complex and interdependent systems driven by human forces Acting as individuals first, then later as members of teams, trained CERT volunteers can fan out within their assigned areas, extinguishing small fires, turning off natural gas at damaged homes, performing light search and rescue, and rendering basic medical treatment. * Resources and skills within the community - install hurricane storm _____ Determine the angular velocity \omega and angular acceleration \alpha of drum CCC for the instant when the angular velocity and angular acceleration of AAA are 4rad/sec4 \mathrm{rad} / \mathrm{sec}4rad/sec and 3rad/sec23 \mathrm{rad} / \mathrm{sec}^23rad/sec2, respectively, both in the counterclockwise direction. By being the first person to arrive on the scene Damage to . Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when in public. segmentationgenes9. D. Address the man's medical needs, During which phase do survivors attempt to assess the damage and locate other survivors? \textbf{UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT}\\ D. all of the above, What buildings have a greater risk of collapse? homeodomain6. a. law enforcement, public health services, and fire and rescue is interrupted (1)________________________________ is designed to prepare you to help yourself and to help others in the event of a catastrophic disaster. (2) distribute preparedness materials \textbf{REVENUE JOURNAL} . C. Light damage B. The common terminology used by all emergency responders and trained cert volunteers is mandated by. Ideal CERT volunteers are teenagers because they young, agile, and risk takers. * Identifies personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources available within the jurisdiction or by agreement with other jurisdictions for use during response and recovery operations In short, the EOP describes how the community will function in an emergency. Then determine the amount of overhead that would be assigned to the job if the company used the overhead rates developed in (2) above. A. Establish Priorities 6. C. Chair carry I'm heading in that direction now." Possible Effects are: * Damaged critical facilities (e.g., hospitals, fire stations, police precincts, airports) unable to function normally C. Elevate the survivor's heart above the wound by having the woman sit up \quad\text{Repayment of principal on direct loans}&\text{(11.6)}&\text{17.4}\\ D. kitchen items, What kit: Emergency preparedness manual* Battery-operated weather radio and extra batteries Tube tent B. yes C. Say, "You'll get through this" Possible Effects are: *Increased risk of fire or explosion from fuel line rupture C. How many people are in the building? A. A. UNITEDSTATESGOVERNMENTStatementsofChangesinCashBalancefromUnifiedBudgetandOtherActivitiesFortheYearsEndedSeptember30,2016,and2015(inbillionsofdollars)\begin{array}{c} - _____ heavy furniture Weekly CERT newsletters B. B. first aid kit What are the foundation for a more resilient community? Wait for the fire department to arrive If you become trapped, protect your airways, bang on an object, or blow a whistle. D. 1/3 teaspoon drops, Store at least a __-day supply of nonperishable food * Gloves (leather work and non-latex exam) During non-disaster times, CERTs can staff During non-disaster times, CERTs are able to install During non-disaster times, CERTs distribute CERTs members are usually protected by which two laws/acts? Financial Services D. Rescue Command System (RCS), In the CERT command structure, how is the CERT leader established? C. Report suspicious activity B. first aid kit Worried that someone was watching the building, he alerted local authorities. A. ready.gov/community-emergency-response-team B. community.fema.gov C. community.fema.org D. ready/gov, What kind of permission does a CERT volunteer need to treat an unconscious patient? In the wake of a disaster, many people want to help. A. Hands-on practice and realistic exercises O B. a written law passed by a legislative body, advanced first aid, CPR skills, and AED usage, Chapter 3: Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned, Foundations for Population Health in Community and Public Health Nursing, Practical vocational Nursing book Chapter 8 &. A. truckload B. ready.gov B. C. loss of hope D. Medical facilities hampered, Which of the following is not an example of a physiological symptom of trauma? Damaged roads and disrupted communications systems may restrict the access of emergency response agencies into critically affected areas. Keep a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household. \quad\text{Interest paid on Treasury securities held by the public}&\text{(262.7)}&\text{(243.5)}\\ any activity that prevents an emergency or reduces effects of hazards, homeowners coverage (and flood insurance), Structural Mitigation measures (alphabetical), bolt houses to foundation, build safe room, install trusses/hurricane straps to reinforce roof, raise utilities, strap mobile homes to slabs, strap propane tanks and chimneys, Non-Structural Hazard Mitigation (alphabetical order), anchor heavy furniture, childproof cabinet doors, install flexible gas lines, install hurricane storm shutters, label gas/electricity/water shutoffs, secure appliances, secure water heaters, burglar bars and locks on outside window entries (easy to open from inside), flexible fittings are more breakage resistant.