Thank you so much for requesting! Johnny: This would be fine with Johnny, considering the fact that he was born in Chicago and his first language is English. Taeil would want to confront you, but didnt want to make it seem like he didnt trust you. Huge range of colors and sizes. He'd absolutely hate all of that. but nonetheless Renjun sneaks in a few extra kisses whenever you wear his stuff because how could he resist? oops i was the one who sent a tbz reaction request, I just saw that the request were closed after I've sent it it's alright then pls ignore it if it's closed. Im so ridiculous he spoke and all you could do was nod at him. Lets go home yeah?, Your number one hype man. You know to not disobey me. He said calmly, caressing your hair to try and calm you down. It was a silly thing for you to do, but being near Hongjoong when he was angry made you stressed. Just, never do that again. I live in Norway, and I really wanted to celebrate me finishing my bachelors with a trip somewhere. Jisung. If Beta, you/your oc has to be an Alpha), Build A Jisung (Give him whatever personality traits you want [sensitive for example], whatever kinks you want, however tall you want, etcc! Show. Obedient Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically), Bratty Jisung (Sexually or/and Romantically), Hybrid Jisung (Omegaverse. Aissoo, have those guys never seen you before?Its because Im wearing something revealing, baby.Yeah, butHavent they seen clothes like this before? Chenle: Would outright fanboy in front of you and he smiles/blushes a lot too. Realising you two haven't really spent any time just cuddling and . Naka would just warn you of the consequences if you kept trying to hide, letting you off with a little warning. Not that he would ever in a million years admit to that. He started calming himself down, thinking of everything he just told you. If I see you near them again, there will be consequences. . He immediately went over to you and stood infront of you, blocking the view of you from the others, and he took the drinks from . Thats what I was trying- I was worried about you, you left so late at night but I didnt chase you and I dont know why. NCT COLLECTION. When one of your friends messaged you saying she is having a bachelorette party, you were excited. ? Taeil also stood up with a look of hurt. Jisung ran his hand through your hair in a comforting way.Keep away from my weapons, okay? Good. But he would still hope to teach you the basics of Korean so you could communicate with his members. I would NEVER do anything to hurt you and you know that, please you have to know that. 15. Aii, no looking at my babyyy! Mark:His daughter looking like Taeyong? Y/N. Sorry, its just my members dont need to see you in this way. With a deep breath, you approached the couch and sat down beside him, avoiding eye contact for fear of his reaction. Kun stood at the door way watching as you hoped in a car full of already drunk girls. your lucky Im tired if not I will still be walking around. YouWill NEVER disobey me againDont you dare everSay you are afraid of me, little slut. Yes, she may look like Jungwoo. So you got ready, putting the best clothes you could find and walk down the stairs. AT A FAN SIGN. ! He whined, hugging you from the front so no one could see your beauty, while you laughed at him with the members. Taeyong: Taeyoung walked in to your apartment to find you asleep on the couch, he was supposed to come over earlier but completely lost track of the time. Which you were butttt . If Omega, you/your OC has to be a Beta or Alpha. JEALOUS? BUT I will do basically anything else (EX: BDSM, DDLB/MDLB/CGL, Ageplay, petplay, omorashi, etc etc. He seemed to only care about himself lately. Didnt want to think you would ever cheat on him, but what else reason would there be that his daughter looks like she could be Marks? You saw him working on some files with a stressed-out expression. Nct Dream reaction to you wearing their clothes. He felt confused when he saw tears in your eyes. he asked if you had a crush on him. No no, listen to me. This is mature, if your minor do not interact. They are the ones being penetrated or whatever. Thank you for requesting!! But before he could get a word out, you were crying him a river.BabyPlease calm down. He cooed, wiping the tears. I do: Fluff, smut, angst, agere/age-regression(Little Space), AUs (School, modern, work, yandere [maybe], omegaverse, & so on), etc! I just feel like he would stare at you. Jeno walked behind you, noticing how every second person you walked past stared at you. Now you want to talk? I love you so much Mark. He smiled and kissed you. Remember that next time, okay? after you said yes and asked . Please forgive me, atleast say something!. Then he saw you, dressed better than he has ever seen you before. He glared at his members, which made them quickly look away. Here, go in my bag over there, and take one of my tanktops to change into and a sweat rag. He softly said, handing you a cold water. Can I request mafia!wayv getting jealous after a arranged marriage?? He got your attention by yelling your name super loud, making you run over to him.OH MY GODD, (Y/NNN)!!! Hiiii no its okay! Almost upset to the point of tears. Thats what I was trying- I was worried about you, you left so late at night but I didnt chase you and I dont know why. You are the love of my life. can I request nct dream and WayV reaction to you wearing revealing clothes? As last time, this isn't a "unpopular opinion" thread, and keep it civil. Did hyung teach you nothing? He would hug you, and just sit you on his lap as they all took a break.(Y/N), do you want to go for icecream after this? This is mafia AU if that makes you uncomfortable please dont interact. You didnt think you had to warn Kun you were going, hence him ignoring you every given chance. Where the fuck did you go? Out. Taeyong: He wasnt the best at English, but he did try very hard at learning it and had a basic understanding of the language. You being scared of him to the point of hiding broke his heart to pieces. Kun only just got home, taking of his blazer, chucking over the sofas back. You starting getting dressed yourself, pulling on Chenle's shirt. Yeah, he was a devil in disguise.Babe. He would immediately stop so he could look you up and down, then slowly look over to his members. Do you Y/N? You looked closer aswell. Maybe even jealous, considering that Y/N does hang with him a lot. Do started to take Johnnys words into consideration, realizing that hes actually right and he was just imagining things. Thats the exact reason this fight started in the first place. Interesting and cute. Renjun: actually recognises when he's falling for you so he's less surprised by it. I love you baby, so so so much. DONT WANT MY JAGI GETTING COLD OR PERVERTED ON, PERVERTS!I AM NOT A PER-PERRRRVERRRTTTSSS~, Jisung: He was very shocked himself, staring along with his fellow dreamies. -Do not worry about replying immediately. he took the chance to tease you though, something like ahh you just missed me so much huh?, Haechan is sUCH a teasing boyfriend, but he would cuddle up to you as soon you pouted about it, he offered you like 20 of his other shirts to keep and you guys agreed that you could wear his mj shirt when he was away, Haechan normally wouldnt allow anyone to steal his clothes (other than mark) but youre an exception he doesnt mind making, this little flirt master will be so cocky when you wear his hoodie around the dorm bc of course you look stunning, he makes sure to point out that its his hoodie youre wearing when around the other 00 liners, jaemin will shamelessly wrap his arms around you from behind and sit you in his lap Bc he cant resist how comfortable you look, jaems loves seeing you in comfortable/athletic wear, he believes its the best look on you, hell also throw sweats and hats and shirts your way so when hes away and miss him you have them to comfort you, truly has no idea how to react, his shirt was lowkey big on you and it made his heart race, especially when you told him why you borrowed his shirt, because I missed you :(, Chenle has a huge soft spot for the people he loves and girl does he love you, of course he teases you but it never lasts long, he kinda wanted his shirt back but was too scared to ask for it so you just kinda still have it, but Chenle isnt one to share much, but with you hes willing to share anything, jisung is extremely bashful about it bc first of all thats his favorite hoodie and hes not sure how to ask for it back, second of all, you look really cute in it bc odds are its kinda big on you considering its big on him, he just kinda rubs his neck and laughs, he never really expected to see you in his clothes, jisung doesnt ask for back immediately but after like a few weeks hell definitely be like uh y/n? Here have some popcorn!, Yukhei (Lucas): He would look around in disbelief almost, lowkeyan I ooping. he liked the memes you sent so he dmed you. If I send a paragraph, I do not expect just ayeah. back. But in all honestly, he would secretly try hard in learning English, convincing himself to keep trying. Urghh. Which eventually turned into something more, much to your denials. I do maleXmale, femaleXmale, and genderneutralXmale. Just ask!) If they did anything, like touch you when you were wearing clothes like this, or stare at you weirdly. When he asked Johnny, all he said wasyou must be paranoid. Sort by. Like a playoff from your latest mafia wayv?? Nor do I do necrophilia or bloodrelated-incest (AKA related by blood). You wouldnt.Y/N! when you visit in his T-shirt and some leggings Mark nearly falls over on the spot, youre his whole angel and he feels so much love in his heart for you because seeing you in his stuff makes him feel secure, it just kinda reinforces to him that you love him equally when you steal his clothes and brag to *certain* people that this is your boyfriends, Mark probably wouldnt ask for the shirt back, hed give you a pair of sweats to match and then buy the same set for himself, when Renjun found you sleeping in one of his hoodies he had to cover his mouth from awing too loudly, he took his chance to lay beside you and curl up next to you while you slept bc lets face it honey boy doesnt get enough sleep, injunnie was excited to see you in his clothes the first time bc although its a small gesture, it meant a lot to him, kinda signifying that you trust him and love him and miss him even though youre literally in his bed in his dorm. Kun only just got home, taking of his blazer, chucking over the sofas back. Why does my daughter look so much like you?I mean, I dont know. Not that he would ever in a million years admit to that. Jisung: goes through about 5137492 emotions and reactions in 30 seconds. He'd be kind of surprised there are really people like that out there, who would lay their hands upon the person they 'love'. WHAT? After yelling at you, he decided to aggressively kiss you. Hed clear his throat, taking off his shirt and forcing it on you. But what? Isnt that to short? Taeil:Honestly, when he saw how much his son looked like Yuta, he was conflicted and so nervous. Im actually kinda offended youd even think that.. He added, making Jaehyun calm down. NCT Reaction To You Wearing Revealing Clothes Near Their Members. -Its fine if you want to change the age of yourself to be older than Jisung/Changbin. "You're not going out like that.". Jeno, Im not cold. Pranking them, messing with them,jokingly insulting them slightly. If not thank you xx. So do not expect me to answer immediately. I have to scold you once in a while so you know better, you dont need to be upset because of it!Im sorry, I cant h-help it!I know, baby He exhaled loudly, kissing your tears away.He gave you some chocolate and a blanket, sitting you on the couch so you could relax. And you know she would NEVER EVER do that, she loves you and only you! Tae convinced. So if its not good Im sorry about that. Kun stood at the door way watching as you hoped in a car full of already drunk girls. Why would you ever cheat? So I made another blog which going to be dedicated to my rated/mature reactions and imagines! Out for the night. Now go sit in that corner please.. Then lets get covered up., Kunhang (Hendery): He wouldnt make a huge deal about it, because you probably wouldnt even exit the bedroom looking like that before he stopped you. Like everyone had their own style that differs them from one another. As soon as you walk into the dorms his eyes in on you, but he wouldnt say anything until it was just you two alone. Wait- Nono! -Meeting A Fan And Its Love At First Sight. But trust me, (S/N) is yours and Y/Ns child.He snickered, realizing how stupid and aggressive he acted for no reason. nct dream, you and mark were at a karaoke place. You worried the fuck out of me! Hugged you and didnt let you go until at least a half an hour later. - He leaned forward on the table to make you flustered and to grab your hand. And if you want to start again, just say so! So hed just shrug it off and go over to greet you, welcoming you in. Lee Mark~ He would be a little flustered being the shy guy he is! It was a total accident, breaking Seungmins camera.You knew you had to tell him, so you practiced what to say in the mirror for around an hour. But he would bother you a lot to teach him more English, sometimes even wake you up at 2 in the morning just to tell you a new word hes learned. Ill be fine. He could be any hybrid you want [kitty, bunny, etc]. svtgot7reactions: "Nct Dream reaction to you wearing their clothes A/n: my heart bust an uwu this is a cute request, day 3 of the posting everyday for a week celebration :)) Mark: can't resist. gets a little jealous of every male that looks at you. The way he would only stare at you with a glare, the way he would only speak to you if he had to. LISTEN TO make me go by twice. Would think your trying to make him mad or something. He'd hate it when you wear such tempting short skirts, exposing your bare legs like that. : Yes! This is also mafia au so if that make you uncomfortable do not interact. The personality traits I used in this do not reflect on any of the members used. You can be new to it, Im patient! Lets talk you scoff, hands crossing over your chest. here. He walks behind you quickly, eyes narrowing and brows shifting while he follows you into the bathroom. yeah can I um have it back?, dont worry though, hell offer you another hoodie of similar size and style and almost melts when you get excited over it. For me? It kinda freaked him out, so he decided to tell you. I like it. TAEIL. Hah!. He really tried. Something about you had him feel different. Ten is a bit naive. You can only wear clothes like that infront of me. " hahahah ". Johnny -pool party with friends. Look at this picture! Jealous wayv! Im sorry okay., Hiii! He lifts you up bridal style and lays in bed with you. so sorry about it. A/n: my heart bust an uwu this is a cute request, day 3 of the posting everyday for a week celebration :)). By bottom/sub, I do not mean just sexual. but every single challenge those groups get they always deliver!! "y/n, aren't you cold?" you just laugh but not in a mean way ofc. This was an important camera, used for missionsHad a lot of important stuff on it..But its okay, well get a new one! "Hi.". Johnny:Instead of confronting you, he just confronted Mark. As I realise a lot of my followers dont really like reading mature stuff and I understand that so therefore Ill be moving that type of stuff on to my other blog. Yah yah, no staring. So please do not DM this account if you plan on wanting Changbin/Jisung to be the top/dominant one(s)! Out for the night. Scared as hell, then relieved when he found you. Im sorry it took so long !! He would make sure to give his members a small scolding later. -The moment you appeared in front of him at a the fan sign, he immediately had the urge to be close to you. Jin: Jin took one look at your low cut, skin tight dress and his eyes almost popped out of his head. It was a silly thing for you to do, but being near Hongjoong when he was angry made you stressed. Doesnt make sense does it? Yandere!NCT 127 | Finding Their S/O Hiding From Them. he's just a savage little cutie who deserves lots of love. Please put some effort?<3. Go downstairs and sit down at the counter, Ill be down in five.. You manage to pull both sides of the jeans together so that the button and the hole line up. So pretty for me. Naturally, you move onto your jeans. Would you like to go shopping for new clothes darling? We're going to a party downtown, I should be home around-". Then on certain days, he would take his time to help you learn Korean while you help him learn English, so it would be a win-win situation for both of you. Renjun Im not wearing it for their eyes, to be honest Im not even wearing it for you you laugh making him smile along with you. . If not thank you xx. This is also mafia au so if that make you uncomfortable do not interact. Do you understand now?Good. He took off his jacket and put it around you, making sure none of the members were staring.Ai, you shouldnt wear clothes like this infront of them!Well, it was hot out.Well next time, pleasee stick to a t-shirt and athletic shorts?. NCT REACTION what they would do if you flinch away from them. 10? Nct 127 reaction: you're wearing their clothes. #nct u scenario #nct u mtl #nct 127 scenario #nct 127 reaction #nct 127 mtl #nct dream mtl #nct dream . it was obvious that Kun didnt want you in his life. The argument was petty on his behalf. To begin roleplaying, just like and reblog this post. you found it slightly amusing that he was jealous. You don't even ask to be invited, but take a seat in his lap wrapping your arms around his neck. But if he caught one of the younger dreamies staring, he wouldnt hesitate to lightly smack them upside the head. He realized how wrong he was with even assuming anything. Do you think its too short? He ask after a while. I also do not roleplay with people who dont put in any effort. He wouldnt miss a second of your little English lessons, just like you wouldnt miss his Korean or Chinese lessons. -The genre I enjoy doing the most is smut personally! Except hed feed you, bathe you, and everything he normally would. all was going well, jaemin held your hand tightly as always. Haechan:To be honest, it just started a screaming match after he confronted you, looking very angry.I CANT BELIEVE THIS, YOURE CHEATING ON ME WITH JOHNNY! Why? Okay bye and with that he watched you walk out the door. NCT DREAM reaction to when you wear revealing clothes . so sorry about it. He found it funny when youd try to hesitantly explain the word to him, not knowing he already knew what it meant. you were celebrating nothing, you were all just bored and wanted to do something. You thought maybe Hongjoong fell asleep, he probably didnt care that you walked out at almost midnight, it wouldnt surprise you. M, WAYV reaction when you wear revealing clothes, Requested? He decided to take the risk anyways.Uhm, babyPlease dont take this in any offensive way, but do you notice how much our child looks like Nakamoto..?Hm? I need you to go get 10 cold waters. Thai is my first time actually writing a sort of smit like thing for wayv or NCT in that matter. I just need you to tell me when youre going to the garden or anywhere like that. Sometimes he would get confused and say random things, but thats what made it so cute. nct 127 NCT taeyong nct taeil johnny johnny seo nakamoto yuta doyoung jaehyun winwin jungwoo mark lee haechan nct reactions NCTU nctdream kpop reactions. Hed go up and give you a kiss, then lead you away from his members gazes. The thought of you being scared didnt upset him, just angered him. Now the button. I love you so so much and Id do anything for you. thank you for requesting. He stood next to Chenle, looking you up and down then blinking multiple times fast. Then he would go upstairs and grab a penguin onesie from the closet, thinking of an idea.ANYONE WHO DRESSES UP IN A ONESIE FROM THE CLOSET IN THE HALL GETS EXTRA FOOD, *whispers* and cuddles~, SiCheng (WinWin): He would smirk and go to back hug you, pecking your neck lightly.