The important thing is not to feel unsuccessful, but to be able to recognize your own mistakes in order to correct them in the future. This transit sometimes occurs when changes on the domestic front leave us feeling alone in this world, such as when we move out on our own, are separated from family or other loved ones, and so forth. The transit of Mars conjunct your natal Saturn can be quite difficult. This, to ancient peoples, was regarded as disaster. At the very least, our self-expression becomes more sober and practical. But sometimes it's hard to figure out whether the source of your slow-yet-steady advances is due to your circumstances, or holding yourself back. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. You're right to be suspicious of the easy victory or the free lunch. If you are normally less disciplined, this transit may prove very difficult. The square and opposition may bring temporary trials, delays, frustrations, or oppositions that force you to pare down your life in realistic ways, or to face responsibilities that you may have neglected. This is an excellent time to focus on a personal goal and pursue it without being deflected from your course. You can now plan your actions and projects to guarantee greater independence and personal security. This transit ensures the ability to perform well in any circumstance, however difficult it may be. Demands from family and loved ones might be, or seem, greater now than usual. Transportation. As well, you are now especially concerned with how a partner makes you feel attractive and wanted. More commonly this affects your social and work life, but it can also affect your personal life. We may need to re-evaluate our lives further as Saturn moves through Aquarius. Friends after hard to find. This book is heavy reading, but powerful and insightful. Others may think you deserve a promotion. You may not be attracting things and people that you want in your life as easily as you were before this transit, and this can be eye-opening. Fears that you might get hurt could be self-fulfilling prophecies if you are not careful now. Mars meets Saturn just once every two years and this aspect can signify a major turning point or transition. You may have difficulty getting motivated, since overcoming inertia may overshadow every impulse. Transportation Services provides the students of Brevard Public Schools with a reliable, safe, and friendly ride to and from school, events, and other district approved activities. Mars will conjunct Saturn at 2224 Aquarius on April 4. With this reading you receive. Both the younger generation of saturn in gemini. Although we may long for emotional support from others, we dont receive it well if it is forthcoming. Saturn Transits: Predictive Astrology - Techniques for Predicting the Future Back to Predictive Astrology Main Page Overview: Saturn takes about 28-29 years to come full circle. One friend with transiting Mars-Saturn squaring her natal Pluto wrote, "I'm feeling confronted with this left, right and center." You can hear Mars in the word "confronted" and the overwhelm feeling that can be . As you go with the flow, you need to be brave to take the risk. Accept that, at this time in your life, things may move at a slower speed (even a snails pace). How each of you approaches the relationship in terms of commitment, loyalty, and pleasure are likely to be issues on the table. However, it can also be a time where you can accomplish a great amount of difficult work. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! rise Using the Midheaven, the True Node and Saturn discover where your true potential and Career lies. When Saturn transits conjunct the Sun, our level of maturity, realism, and responsibility come up for inspection. Suppose you are burning your candle at both ends. I felt a clearing release nasally. Saturn comes around and you get sick. It is a time when we are called upon to take a realistic look at our personal and emotional lives. Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. The best way to handle Saturn transits is to look way ahead and see when they are coming. If the Moon rules our seventh house, we might notice that our partnerships (including marriage) become more practical and goal-oriented. mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. Because if you don't volunteer yourself, it will turn into frustration. You must not low your guard down and have your relaxation. During the Mars conjunct Saturn transit, you may tend to divert your attention to important issues, requiring that enough focus is placed on making your motivations more realistic. You might also be learning to curb some of the excesses in your life, as well as to go about getting what you want in a more mature, temperate, and moderate manner. Although Saturn transits are not traditionally considered blessings, Saturn does seem to know when we are in need of some stability, steadiness, and even cooling down, and these periods are often when Saturn trines and sextiles our personal planets or points. sun & moon mercury & venus mars, jupiter & saturn. Always remember that you need to strengthen your trust and have more experience on your own. But panic won't help you. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Mars teaches you to conserve your energy and use it more efficiently, as well as to discipline yourself, with its resultant inhibitions and frustrations. Mars Conjunct Natal Mars. Frustration is due to other people standing in your way. It is an excellent time to outline projects because you know exactly how they should be carried out. You don't need to go over and take the risk. hope I make it. Saturn always brings clarity and you may see events or experiences more clearly or from a mature perspective. It can be anybody but it should be someone you respect the most. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this. Mars Conjunct Mars An urgency seizes hold of you that prompts you to focus more on what you must do. Results are not immediate, but will eventually come and bring healthy rewards. Which house does the Moon rule in your chart? We feel considerably more mature and capable of handling our personal lives. Even though you know to yourself that it's boring and you get lazy on thinking about it. The part of your life thats being touched by the Saturnian energies needs to grow upwhich, despite the lies were all told, is not a process one mysteriously completes on ones twenty-first birthday. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. Because of that, your inner security can suffer and you will realize your inferiority complexes and weaknesses. Note to self that Saturn has a different temperament. Saturns influence is direct and personal when it transits conjunct a personal planet. You may provoke others or they may see you as a threat. It can choose you to your right path, excluding you from experiencing misnomer. You may have fights and arguments with your co-workers because they do not seem to show you the respect you want. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. You may become very self-critical in these areas. The superficial reading is that they bring all sorts of calamities. You will be learning about your own inner strength during the course of this transit. Saturns influence is felt more acutely and in the form of a challenge when Saturn transits square or opposition to a personal planet. As the transit progresses, you will be learning to direct your energies into endeavors that are truly helpful and useful to you. The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Mars teaches you to conserve your energy and use it more efficiently, as well as to discipline yourself, with its resultant inhibitions and frustrations. What is in fact foretold is the trend of circumstances and the nature of the individual's reaction to the situation. Only by confronting yourself will you overcome doubts, and you will be able to distinguish the part played by external circumstances in your difficulties, and the part you play yourself. Yet, life has taught you how to pace yourself and persevere. This may be a time when we cut out projects or possibly relationships that are no longer working for us, or that have been built on weak foundations. You should examine the intentions of the people you are dealing with and proceed with caution if you want to do any new project. Like, you're angry about getting overlooked again for a promotion. Beliefs or methods that previously helped to soothe you may no longer satisfy. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. Angeles, California, In fact, it may very well be exactly what you need right now. It would be beneficial on your way to keep your focus. What has carried you to date in the world of your social and romantic relationships may no longer feel satisfying or worthwhile for you during this transit. You set out to make things last, including your body. Financial blocks are quite possible at this time, especially if the Sun is associated with the second or eighth house by position or rulership. Saturn Conjunct Mars Natal You set out to make things last, including your body. It is a good time to act towards a predetermined direction and work hard to achieve the goal you want. Home. well, I am old and I am alone. When transiting Saturn is conjunct your natal Mars: Depending on your temperament, this can either be a time of great frustration or major achievement. But that's not all; you were able to do those hard work without taking the rest that you want to have. You may begin to see serious flaws, and any superficial interactions may begin to bother you. Should you have the freedom to follow your dream, you likely still have to persevere against setbacks, as progress generally is slow. We are more in touch with our bodies in the sense that we see them for what they are, and many begin exercise programs during this transit. The situation can benefit you since it can set up the fire for your darkest desire. However, it is important that we examine how we are communicating with others, as it is likely that our words are strongly colored with negativity. This can lead to considerable frustration where the smallest things can send you over the edge. Life situations or blockages bring you to question whether your expectations are too high or unrealistic. Taking a slow and steady approach to life is necessary now. As you can see, you get to do things in time. Some more Interpretations of Transit Saturn Conjunct Mars from our astrology reports and readings: I have bought so many reports and I have to say this - you guys are the best resource for astrology. As you can see, you will read here more about Mars Conjunct Saturn Transit. You may be withdrawing yourself emotionally as you become more serious, critical, and concerned about a significant relationship in your life. Disappointment comes from unfulfilled desires. In tradition, like Mars Trine Pluto Synastry, Mars Conjunct Saturn Transit would give you a hard time when you want to express your anger and repulsiveness. It could even mean no job. You know in what area you must be disciplined and where you must apply your effort in order to overcome your difficulties. For Entertainment purposes only. You may participate in some healing therapy to overcome any physical conflict. The most probable truth is that you're learning how to consolidate and concentrate your energy and efforts, in ways that sustain you and what you build without bitterness or resentment. You can now get more control over your life and be your own master, so you must be clear about your goals in order to direct your efforts with persistence and tenacity. What Saturn transits really do is bring things to a conclusion. During this transit, you need to make a great effort, and also be able to recognize the validity of what you have been doing. Also, individuals with Mars Conjunct Saturn Transit and with Mars Conjunct Chiron should avoid getting into a fight because of their frustration. This might manifest as an authority figure demanding a great deal from you, and you becoming increasingly frustrated with the requirements or your own progress. While the changes come quite naturally and flowingly with the trine, the sextile represents opportunities that need to be grabbed. Excessive or wasteful endeavors and personality traits may need to be tempered now. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording session to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. Others may push your buttons, and you react excessively. Family matters assume more importance in our lives now, and we meet our responsibilities with maturity and competence. You may feel a little stiff around people as a result. The second time this transit happens will be at age 56, and it is also significant because it marks the . Any discipline that is a combination of mental and physical training and that concentrates your energy in a purposeful yet deliberate manner likely produces positive effects which can offset any disappointment now. Conjunct means: Power joins together the energies of Saturn and Mars. Its a time to draw on your patience and determination since obstacles tend to emerge more than usual, but theyre also temporary. Are you and your love interest meant to be? When transiting Saturn trines or sextiles our natal Moon, we feel more in control of our emotions, our domestic affairs, and our personal habits. The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Saturn is the most important period of life since it always happens around the age of 29, when you begin to be older and totally responsible for your destiny. I also fear losing my energy level because in Sept 2010 Saturn was opposing. The quality of your relationships is most important to you now. Transiting Saturn sextile or trine Chiron You can order a personalized forecast report from our Future Forecast Reports page. This could lead to many pent-up feelings, including anger. Financial matters might be stressful for the time being, which forces you into a position of conservation and moderation. When Saturn transits conjunct Mars: The purpose of this transit is to cool your passions in some manner, to conserve your energy for what truly matters, and to discipline your approach to getting what you want from life. I m the older. I m around family for 10 yrs now so maybe time to move on or what. This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. Then to make a hard choicethat is, to reach an emotional bottom line and not be crippled by your awareness of the ambiguities in your situation.