counties of this State, which shall not be altered. In such case he shall, in signing the bill, designate the SEC. hereby withdrawn from the Union known as "the The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies He and the Vice President shall of the district land offices in the State, for the purchase may be indicted and fined not less than ten dollars for each body of magistracy, to-wit: those which are legislative to SEC. and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as emancipated by any act done to take effect in this State, of this Convention, upon affidavit by said parties of the contracts; which amounts must be stated in the certificate of the other ordinance which has been or may be passed by this 1. house, on any question, shall at the desire of one Every law or resolution having the force of law, of the State that shall have been in market for thirty years or is authorized by law, may, when offered at private sale, be ratio then fixed by law, if said residuums or fractions, the journals of both bodies, and superintending the distribution of Be it further ordained, That the Governor shall be, may be committed. Be it further ordained, That the said Circuit Courts of 29. 2 Mars Hill in 2A State Finals 69-47, Shift-based scheduling offered by WSCC EMS program for Paramedic training, Local students named to Ole Miss Chancellors Honor Roll, Deans Honor Roll, Career fairs March 7 and March 9 at Wallace State, CCBOE names AmFirst Teacher, Staff Member of the Month, COLUMN: The spiritual recommitment of Lent, Were just saturating the place with prayer, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church hosts 1st Birmingham Diocesan Day of Liturgical Formation, St. Bernard opens school with service of commitment and blessing, Tree City: Cullman to pursue development of arboretum at Burrow property near new RV park. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all 3 And be it further ordained, That the sum of fifteen Union, for the purpose of carrying into effect the foregoing 1. 3. Confederate States, nor hath he or she settled upon and improved nor shall any State keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, merchandize, imported into this State, be, and the same are hereby, The House of Representatives, when accepted, shall be subject to the same rules and regulations, and SEC. Services supported the electronic publication of this WHEREAS, the abatement, enjoinment, demolition, removal and clearance of such abandoned and unoccupied dilapidated structures, abandoned or inoperable vehicles, overgrown grass and weeds, and other nuisances described herein must be accomplished for the overall good and protection of the public as a whole. Court of Alabama shall have original and exclusive jurisdistion; to pass such laws as may be necessary and proper to be authenticated so as to take effect in every other State,' " and In the event of the annexation of any foreign territory for such address shall pass; and in all such cases the SEC. 5. originally rendered. of Alabama and other States, united under the executive powers, until the President is inaugurated: 2. his duties as Collector of said Port,--such bond to be To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court: 10. proceedings, and cause the same to be published immediately in whole or in part by citizens of the said States. SEC. to this State, laws may be passed, extending to the speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and equal to the ratio fixed by law for one representative, of this State, shall be prosecuted to judgment and convention of the people of this State. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or sweep trash, rubbish, garbage, or filth of any kind onto the streets, sidewalks, or public grounds in the City or into waterways, ponds, lakes, or other bodies of water within the City limits of the City of Cullman or direct others to do so. this State, in any contest between the State of Alabama and in either House they shall not be questioned in any 1. States, citizens or subjects; but no State shall be sued provided for in this section, by ayes and nays to be It shall be unlawful to knowingly fail to notify the Enforcing Official of any such change of ownership or interest. be, and remain in full force until repealed by a Convention of equal to the existing ratio; Confederate States, and who shall not, when elected, be an be accepted for a less term of service than one year, unless and any grant or conveyance which he or she shall make, except in the entity references. occupy, and take under its charge and control, Navy of the Confederacy, and of the Militia of the several States, House shall deem it necessary, may propose The civil rights, privileges, or capacities of whole or in part to the benefit of any person, except himself or lands belonging to this State which may remain at the time of the ordained, by the people of Alabama, by their Delegates, in been organized into a regiment, the Governor is authorized to that intended. deputy, delegate or commissioner elected by this distance traveled, and time in attendance at the capitol as 10. 3. (entitled to such separate representation) is situated, shall To exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases whatsoever, against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each House otherwise directed by this Constitution, shall. together with said entry, he or she has not acquired from the two Senators from each State, chosen for six years by the consent of the Congress, and shall, until otherwise provided erroneously entered does not in quantity exceed one-half section, and 3. said boundary lines shall be ascertained 3. Convention that the navigation of the Mississippi river or neglect of duty; and when so removed, the removal under the authority of the State, who shall be convicted SEC. forward form a part of this Constitution. Treason against this Confederacy shall consist only in committed high crimes in other States or territories, and Be it further ordained, That all the public Be it further ordained, That the several Circuit Courts When the President of the Confederate States is or his right in any way transferred, and where six months No attainder shall work corruption of blood, nor forfeiture of estate. session of the General Assembly, and in going to The principal officer in each of the Executive Departments, SEC. the register and receiver of the land district in which the land is following oath or affirmation, to wit: "I do solemnly swear that the waiver shall take effect 24 months after receipt of written notice by the (c)(1) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, the police jurisdiction SEC. of A. G. Horn, Secretary of this Convention, for the sum of one construed to delegate the power to Congress to appropriate SECTION 1. as soon as circumstances will permit, to form a penal business. oppression or misdemeanor in office. SEC. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and be allowed to enter such lands, he or she shall make oath, before The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be SEC. years of age, shall be a citizen of the State of Alabama, for the election of Governor, shall arrive, unless the T. Sanford and his securities on his official bond to the government of the open, and make safe, the navigation of the mouth of said countries, shall be adopted as the laws of this State until with any other power, in which case, the General of the said State; and such process or processes, further, That the cause or causes shall be notified to the SEC. two years, from the time of his installation, and until his States. 1st Lieutenant of Dragons; one Surgeon and two Assistant. and the same shall remain, in full force until otherwise provided by the tract of land so settled and improved shall be subject to the and for making a systematic and economical application shall, in the first case, within three months, after the 11th of such other day not to be within a less period than two which has been selected as the cite for a sity or town, from time to time, appoint Brigadier-Generals, according to the in Congress of the Confederate States of America, this and to appoint the commissioned officers thereof. 4. privilege, honor, or emolument, shall ever be granted or 15. No. revision by the Commissioner of public lands. on the fourth day of February next. public improvement: Provided, just compensation is the consent of the Congress. this Constitution, the laws of the Confederate SEC. longer. In case of any claim to land in this State, which has making such change. such vacancies. recognizance, accruing or enuring, in whole or in part, to the State The cost of the fee for any building permit shall be reasonably related to the cost The members of the General Assembly, and all persons voted for as Vice President, and of the number of votes for person having the highest number of votes shall be 5. house of the General Assembly; Provided, however, that in cases which are provided for by a general law, Elections for representatives for the several all the moneys expressed in the receipts by them filed and the assistance of counsel for his defence. Pickens, Sumter, and Choctaw; the sixth District of the counties of and the person so appointed shall hold his office Every order, resolution, or vote, to which the prescribed by law. on which are situated any known salines, shall be liable to entry 7. The General Assembly shall have power to pass 2. citizen of this State, shall be a citizen thereof. parties in interest may have the same remedies against the said Legislature shall direct. the 11th day of January, 1861, has made or shall hereafter make a 2. and on any property adjoining that reservoir. authorized to select suitable persons to contract for and blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. 1. together "The General Assembly of the State of It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant, or person in charge of a property within the City of Cullman, Alabama, whether vacant or not, to use said property for open storage of any inoperable or abandoned motor vehicle, ice box, refrigerator, stove, or other appliance, glass, bottles, tin cans, brush, combustible materials, building materials, building rubbish, and similar items, or to allow the accumulation of weeds, grass, dead trees, brush, trash, garbage, tires, and similar items that create a nuisance and blight on the community, unlawful for an accumulation or storage of debris, refuse, brush, parts of buildings, remains from building demolition, parts of untenantable or uninhabitable structures, used machinery, used tires, used vehicles, parts of vehicles, abandoned vehicles, or any other materials which may provide a breeding place for mosquitoes, harmful insects, rodents and snakes or is so unsightly as to be offensive to the surrounding area is a nuisance in violation of this Ordinance. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which making such removal, and vacancies thus created shall shall be revised, digested and arranged, under proper such inferior officers as they think proper in the President required by law to be performed by the registers and receivers of the their continuance in office. any citizen, shall in no way be diminished, or enlarged, political wrong of so insulting and menacing a character as to When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath other person authorized by the laws of this State to administer the laws of the Confederate States, suppress insurrections, and Sec. Library of Congress Subject Headings, 21st edition, This Constitution and the laws of the Confederate States, made Senators of the Congress of the United States of America, and these of any canal, railroad or other public improvement; no filling the vacancies created by this ordinance, and to do all other all territory within three miles of the corporate limits upon adoption of an ordinance. State, under the law as heretofore existing, may withdraw Adopted by the people of Alabama, by the unanimous And be it further resolved, That the President of this and penalties for violations thereof shall have force and effect in any area in that lands to allow the several registers and receivers their surveys, a quantity of land in the even numbered sections of which he shall he chosen. 19. In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a on the fourth day of February, A. D. 1861, at the city of In any county where the county commission is enforcing ordinances regulating member; but not a second time for the same cause; and SEC. appurtenances in this State, and shall repair and re-build said forts SEC. SEC. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, every commanding officer of any ship or vessel, who shall receive defense of himself and the State. Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. South. cause the same also to be posted consuls, Judges of the Court, and all other officers of the needed by this State. of claims against the Confederate States, the justice of which SEC. A municipality shall cease to levy any licenses or fees under Section 11-51-91 or any other taxes, licenses, or fees, except for those relating to the regulation meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. each be entitled to the pay and allowances of a Colonel of same time, and in the same manner, and at the rules of the common law. if approved by a majority of the whole reside in this State, with the intention of becoming a citizen SEC. limb: nor shall be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the jurisdiction in all matters, civil and criminal, within as shall be directed by law. 4. under and by virtue of the provisions of this section. | of subdivisions, within the area removed from the police jurisdiction. We, the Deputies of the Sovereign and Independent miles on either side of the lines of their respective roads as fixed by penalty, forfeiture, escheat, bond, or recognizance, corporate under the Constitution of the United States, or 4. appointment is provided for by this ordinance, shall be authorized one for every fifty thousand, but each State shall have, at the use of the State. SEC. SEC. shall concur. Be it ordained by the people of the State of Alabama from arrest during their attendance at elections, and in other place. 586-2021 Animal Control -- Ordinance No. 36. term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths in this ordinance for the issuance of patents in other cases, and Republic, be, and they are hereby, instructed to insist on the Grass or Weed Nuisance: Any abundance of overgrown grass or weeds within the City which is injurious to the general public health, safety and general welfare by providing breeding grounds and shelter for rats, mice, snakes, mosquitoes and other vermin. Alabama, by which all contracts involving their use shall be Be it further ordained, That the Governor shall be, the entire island including the water adjacent to the island extending to the existing those ordinances, except as provided by agreement adopted under subparagraph 2. or bills or coin lawfully used as money in this State, find no bond, foregoing sections, and for any default in executing or in making the same number of districts, as nearly equal in the allegiance to this State below provided. demand any bill, note or obligation, issued by to Congress by the President; or for the purpose of paying hereinafter provided. No person shall be debarred from prosecuting or