Stefan lures her into trust by admitting he would want to take the cure with Elena and be human with her, and Rebekah inadvertently admits that she buried the sword with Alexander in Italy. Damon thinks Connor was supernatural for several reasons, including that fact that Klaus mentioned something about Connor being connected with the Five. Elena gathers what little strength she has left and manages to dip a finger in the blood and taste it, completing the transition. Stefan tells him that he doesn't want to kick him out but he will. Damon is surprised and doesn't know how to react but he says that they could talk about that after they take the cure. No one knows how they escaped the car. Lily tells him that Julian is nothing like Stefan's father. Stefan then helps Caroline turn hers back on by showing her one of his last memories with her mother. As they are checking each coffin, Valerie informs them that the phoenix stone is full of lost vampire souls, which means that they didn't really bring back Oscar. She also brought along Stefan to help with the dorm decorating and Caroline is surprised but still lets him in. He absorbs information very easily and is able to memorize events and dates at the top of his head as seen in. When they were human, they both fell in love with and fought over Katherine von Swartzschild, the vampire who turned them both. He tries to convince Sarah that she can do much better and after Matt tells Sarah who he is they get into an argument. She asks Stefan what's wrong with him as in the 20s he used to be 'fun'. Stefan's hair was styled much differently; flatter and much longer in length with a part in the side. In The Return, Stefan arrived at Elena's house and examined Jeremy, confirming that he wasn't a vampire. Katherine adds that when she says friend she means romantically involved friend to which they all act out disgusted. You were cut off as Stefan pressed his lips to yours, sparking feelings you didn't even know existed. After 8 seasons of protecting Mystic Falls from supernatural threats, Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) died in the series finale of The Vampire Diaries . Stefan tries to back out of it, but Bonnie insists that he tell her what's wrong. Caroline quickly lifts the bomb up with no care in the world. As Stefan is leaving the house, Elena calls him and tells him her plan to kill Kol. The guy reminds Stefan that he put his brother in the hospital. Elena observes that Stefan is awfully cheery, and he responds that he's just happy she is here. Valerie reveals the truth about how she really was coming back for him because she was pregnant and wanted to tell him in person. At the realization that Mason Lockwood was a werewolf, he even tried to protect her. Stefan Salvatore was one of the two main male protagonists of The Vampire Diaries. As Stefan watches Klaus place Elijah's body with the rest of his family. Then he tells that back in the seventies after he slept with Lexi he locked her on the roof so when the sun went up she couldn't escape from it. Then he says that deep down she probably knows that but hey are talking about Elena here-she's feeling grief more than anyone else and her denial right now is the only think keeping her from letting it all in. Stefan gives Katherine one last peaceful dream. Despite this, Stefan has engaged in fights with Damon numerous times since, sometimes besting him easily. Nora and Mary Louise appear, along with Lily and Beau. They take Luke along with them so that he is able to perform an anti-locator spell which will hide them from the Travelers. He never thought he would feel like that again until he met Elena and now it was over. He spins Damon's coffin around just in time as arrows hit the lid. Stefan continues to insist that he wasn't the one who killed Maggie, so Enzo begins to read Maggie's diary, that was found by the police, he begins to read some of the things Maggie wrote, and then Stefan recalls that he met her but he tells Enzo that he only scared her so she would leave, but that he didn't kill her. He says that Jeremy's body is starting to decompose and that they should get Meredith over here too. When Katherine asks him about what he wanted to say to her, he can't bring himself to ruin her happiness with the bad news about Aaron's death. Damon says that they'll do whatever they have to do-he'll throw Rebekah under a school bus and wrap Elena in a burlap sack. Stefan tells Damon that he wants Elena to try the animal blood diet so that maybe she can avoid hurting or killing anyone, something that Stefan feels would be especially hard for Elena. He then becomes concerned when Damon reveals that he undaggered one of the Originals. Rebekah looks at Elena, knowing she is hiding something and compels her into 'fessing up', Elena admits that she slept with Damon because she's in love with him, leaving Stefan looking visibly hurt and heartbroken at the admission. After his convocation with his brother, he asks him to put Alaric on the phone. Before season one, the brothers had not seen each other since the early 1990s; their relationship having taken a steep turn for the worse- their relationship was described as "violent and bitter". When they find Damon trapped in the house, Damon tries to scare him off but Stefan says that he is not afraid of him. Qetsiyah reveals that he will wake up in time and then mentions to Damon how his relationship with Elena is doomed. He then arrives at an unknown destination and puts a bandage on his chest where the mark of the sword is currently bleeding. After she leaves them she meets Sheriff Forbes at the party and they have an argument which ends with Elena trying to feed on Liz until Caroline and Stefan stop her. Katherine had then compelled him to not be afraid of her and after she faked her death. She does the spell in which she begins to fry Silas' brain. Light Brown Stefan kisses Valerie goodbye then goes to Caroline's news studio where Matt injects him in the neck with vervain. They banter about breaking and entering and keeping hostages before Klaus admits that Connor hasn't been forthcoming with information. In the same moment Elena appears behind them and says that she's not in denial, but she thinks that Jeremy has no longer his tattoo which probably means that he has fulfilled his supernatural destiny and maybe he's back to normal. She says if she could do anything to help she would, but the spirits won't allow her to use magic. In The World Has Turned and Left Me Here, Stefan gets a call from Tripp, who updates Stefan on his torture of Enzo. Stefan was also close with his mother, before she had died when he was 10 years old. The younger Salvatore asks where she has hidden the headstone, but she refuses to tell him as he has already betrayed her twice. I Was Feeling Epic (TVD)A Streetcar Named Desire (TO). Stefan was born July 5, 1474 in Florence, Italy. Stefan Salvatore - 1000+ Times He's one of the most selfless characters in the entire show, and yet Stefan still dies the most in The Vampire Diaries. In the novels, Stefan loved Katherine for many centuries and was horribly saddened and grief-stricken over her "death". She says while he was drowning she was having the summer of her life, she got everything she wanted, even Bonnie and she needs to know that he's ok too. Stefan retorts he couldn't even if he wanted to due to Klaus wanting more hybrids with Elena's blood. Then they are back at the Salvatore boarding house and Elena wakes up. In The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You. During the years following his transition, despite the help from close friend Lexi Branson, Stefan has constantly battled with his bloodlust, and during the 1900s after "falling off the wagon" due to Damon's unhealthy influence, he widely became known as the Ripper of Monterey due to his inability to control his blood thirst. Jo begins her vows, but she's cut short when she's stabbed repeatedly in the abdomen. By Katherine Pierce on September 25, 1864 (transition initiated by Giuseppe Salvatore) [2] Elena fatefully meets Stefan for the first time at the beginning of the new school year outside of the men's washroom. She says that Lily let her go. In Man on Fire, Stefan is with Elena at the Grill, helping her with her studies, they tease each other and in that moment Bonnie arrives, who is worried about what is happening on the other side. In American Gothic, Stefan and Damon manage to track Damon's car that Elena and Rebekah stole from New York. Damon suggests that what Stefan is really afraid of is that Elena will become like Stefan's ripper alter-ego or, worse, that she will be like Damon. But she is not alone, Enzo and Caroline arrive right behind her. In the same moment Matt also comes and when he sees his friend dead he starts to cry. ", In Before Sunset, Stefan appears the most upbeat he has been all season. To calm her down, Stefan tells her the story of when his mum got sick. He tells her that if she wants to have fun they should go somewhere more privately. He touches his abdomen and his hands become covered in his own blood. They open it to find a dead body of a man inside meaning Stefan is out and is hungry. Later, Sarah is about to meet Stefan and just then Enzo walks in to ruin things. When Stefan is about to bury Silas he find only rocks in the sack that Silas' body was inside. Stefan wakes up just as Damon arrives. Him and Damon worry after Bonnie shows up with news of Alaric and it is revealed that Elena is missing. Unlike Damon, who drinks human blood and feeds off of innocent people, Stefan has chosen a vegetarian diet, living on an animal blood diet. They both realize that they share many qualities, hobbies, traits, values and beliefs in common. He wakes up Damon from his sleep with a few drops of blood and they are soon dodging wooden arrows and bullets from an unknown assailant. Because of this, Damon has referred to Stefan as a "pack rat". She says that he's hurt and he's acting out, that this is not his true self. After they no longer hear Tyler, Stefan and Elena run into the lab after Bonnie's screams of help where they are stunned to find an unconscious April, Stefan feeds her his blood to heal her and forces Bonnie to get herself and April out of the school. Stefan responds that it is June 5, 1473. As Katherine asks her about her body Stefan tells her that Damon only told him that he put it somewhere where is should have been long time ago. Knowing that he was too weak from his diet, Stefan decided to start taking small amounts of human blood every day, and Elena who was against it at first, started to help him by giving him her own blood. Angered, he calls Caroline and asks if she 'would like to drive the White Oak Stake through Rebekah's heart' whilst quickly leaving the Grill. He immediately recognizes her and calls her his best friend and that she looks much hotter than the pictures. Damon was ready for a fight, but Stefan refused, knowing this was what could tear them apart with Katherine on the loose. it turned out Caroline had kidnapped Sarah and compelled Liam to do whatever she said. Desperately, Stefan tries to open the door, but fails, so he takes the board from off of the window and smashes it to get in. Valerie spits on him and tries to light it on fire, but it doesn't work. This statement seems to have an emotional impact on Stefan. This is evident in Stefan when he very quickly and easily became infatuated and fell in love with Katherine Pierce, which is evidence of his youthfulness, naivety and simplicity as a regular teenage human. He compels her to leave and never come back. In a flashback Stefan sits alone, reading the telegram. In that time Stefan steals Amara away and drags her to the woods. Stefan tries to make Damon to change his mind, Damon tells him that he doesn't want to be saved and Stefan should find himself a new hobby and that he feels better 'like' he is. Given the degree to which he's tortured him, he thinks Enzo is telling the truth that Mystic Falls doesn't have much of a vampire problem, and that it's moved down to Savannah. Stefan takes Caroline back to the boarding house and they talk about Elena. Klaus and Rebekah bicker until Stefan reminds him that he would rather be eating dinner with anyone else. He tries to reason with her saying how he wants to take down Silas just as much as she does but she mentions how she is a vindictive bitch and doesn't trust anyone. When it seems appropriate, Stefan can be very fun-loving, upbeat and humorous. How many more ways can you rip my heart out? Interestingly, Klaus accuses him of putting on a "good show". After reaching Savannah, Stefan explains to Elena that he tries to live as human a life as possible and tells her the next step to starting over is deciding who you want to be for the next 30 years. She says that she doesn't want anymore lecture and he responds that he was impressed by her actions, because she played them all very well as her intentions from the beginning were to simply find a person to feed on. However after Damon fails to return, he is left devastated at the loss of his brother as the Other Side collapses. Damon agrees to do the same and implies towards the trouble they go through for "one girl". Through this, they have proven just how far their relationship has grown from their violent past. In a flashback to 1863, Stefan is writing in his journal at a fair when he meets Valerie Tulle for the first time. As a reward, Caroline gets to sing karaoke. Katherine fell in love with Stefan when she met him in Mystic Falls in 1864. So, unless you're gonna stake me, why don't you get the hell out of my house. In The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch. She says that Elena is probably dead as she has went to meet up with a friend of hers. Damon tries to wake him but it doesn't work. In Growing Pains, Stefan and Damon are with Elena when she first wakes up in her bedroom. Damon is later taken by Rebekah and tortured. They actually may know him-he's an original brother with impeccable taste. Stefan accompanies her, but instead of digging, he drinks and taunts her until she releases her anger on him with punches and a whack over the head with a shovel. In the meantime Klaus and Caroline find him. Stefan tells Caroline to let Sarah go, but instead, she told Liam to cut out Sarah's heart. Many of them have blood falling from their nose, ear or mouth. He sees that it is Klaus and is greeted by him. Finally, Matt suggests that Elena feed from him. Stefan asks his brother what will happen when they find Elena, how are they going to make her come back home when they have in mind that she has also an original vampire on her side. In the present . Although his age allows him to best younger vampires, Stefan is highly inferior to vampires such as Katherine and Anna. He says he is Stefan Salvatore and they have a small chat until he becomes convinced that he is still inside of the Phoenix Stone. Stefan says that the same goes for Katherine because Rebekah is with his brother. Salvatore Family, Forbes Family, Mystic Falls Gang, Mystic Falls High School. Stefan tries to assuage her fears, suggesting that the witches might just be messing with Bonnie's head to teach her a lesson. Stefan agrees and goes to Rebekah who is preparing for the 80s decade dance. Stefan played the position of wide receiver on the high school football team, both on the show and in the novels. Caroline wants to know since Valerie is out of the prison world, does that change anything for him? In Age of Innocence, three years from now, Stefan calls Tyler Lockwood to ask if he's spoken to Caroline. Klaus announces that Jeremy will draw the tattoo for them, though Jeremy insists he won't help him. He reaches into Stefan's chest cavity and pulls out his heart. He scoffs when she says she fought through her grief over Bonnie all by herself. Three years later Stefan is frantically trying to wake Damon up. Klaus, however, questions that and adds that Stefan mustn't underestimate the allure of darkness because even the purest hearts are drown to it. They would spend every birthday of his together, once attending a Bon Jovi concert. After Elena asks why he sent Damon to look for her, Stefan admits that Damon seems to have Elena's trust in ways that he doesn't anymore. Stefan thrusts a stake in his hand and demands that Jeremy kill the vampire, who protests but stakes the vampire after Stefan threatens he will let the vampire loose. Damon turns down Stefan's offer to help, reminding him of their deal that whoever Elena didn't choose would leave town. As things begin to spiral out of control, Stefan was unexpectedly killed by Julian, a Traveler warlock, while trying to protect Caroline, but he was resurrected after Damon, Caroline and Elena's plan to bring him back from the Other Side is a success. He later shares an antagonistic relationship with her. Later, Stefan and Elena are about to go into Alaric's apartment and Stefan tells her that he is not trying to hurt her, he just can't be what she wants him to be right now. In For Whom the Bell Tolls, After Stefan loses his memories, spending time with his brother Damon who is determined to help him recover his memory. Stefan and Elena begin to bond and slowly start to develop a romantic relationship. Deceased (Found Peace on March 8, 2018) Elena apologizes, and Stefan scoffs whether she 'sorry that it happened, or sorry he found out' before Rebekah appears, striding into the room with a grin on her face. When Damon told Stefan to turn off his humanity, Stefan refused in case he escaped. Stefan remained in denial of her claims, and stated that even if Katherine was right, all of his love had turned to hate. But Caroline tells him that Ric just really needs her there. Stefan ask if won't they kill her for helping them out, but Maria is doing that for Julian, her husband, she ask for him, Elena says that he's permanently passengered into one of their best friends so yes, they know about him. He said he learned French at his mother's knee. Damon admits that he didn't do anything to stop Rebekah but he thought that if she takes it all of his problems go away and then when she really took it he realized how badly he screwed up. But she says that maybe everything is a blessing in disguise and that even if she can be human again she won't be the same person because thing changed the minute she got off the bridge. I won't-". Stefan confronts him about it and Damon explains that he brought the blood bag for Elena, and they argue again about what is best for Elena. He then tells Klaus, "And neither can you. Katherine tells Stefan that what he is suffering is called PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder). First they talk about Tyler and Stefan says that there's a way for him to run away from Klaus and not be found as Katherine has already succeed in doing the same. However, not too long afterwards he began to display remorse for the horrible person he at some point seemed to be, openly calling himself a monster and admitting that he even scared himself once he nearly killed a innocent girl while thinking he could handle it. Stefan ignores her warning and goes straight to saying what he should have said at her mom's funeral in hopes that it'll will her to turn her humanity back on. He gives her a koala corsage and then they dance. Later Stefan finds Elena and makes her dance with him and she tells him to let go or she'll bite him Stefan reminds her that he's the one that hates to dance and Elena says that she finally sees why, Stefan then asks Elena that she's only here to help Rebekah get the cure on what happens to be the most sentimental night in high school and Elena asks him if he thinks that this is her cry for help and that she'll be happy to show him what a real cry for help sounds like, Stefan asks her does she feel anything about them she says that feels nothing Stefan says that he doesn't believe her and she says that she doesn't care, Stefan start to dance slowly with her and asks her that she doesn't remember what it used to feel like when they danced and when his hands would touch her waist as Stefan slowly puts his hands on Elena's waist, Elena says no and Stefan holds her hand asks how does she feel their fingers would touch Elena says she feels nothing and then Stefan lays her down and asks her if her heart refuses to remember, Elena asks what heart and leaves, later Stefan asks Caroline to dance with him after Elena stole her dress and asks Stefan if she can kill her, Stefan notices that she found another dress Caroline says its from Klaus and Stefan says that she has him wrapped around her finger she says that if she had Klaus wrapped around her finger then she will be with Tyler and asks him about any progress with dress thief, Stefan says its affecting him a whole lot more than its affecting her Caroline asks him what does he mean he says that every time he tells himself that he's moving on there's this part of him that just can't seem to shake her, Caroline says that normal and that they were in love and that doesn't go away because he declares that Stefan asks what, Elena smiling? Outside, Stefan demands to know what Klaus knows about Elena's hallucinations. She flashes back to the day she became a vampire, when Matt's truck fell into the river under Wickery Bridge, Stefan suddenly cowers in pain. Stefan was very close to his older brother Damon growing up. Later, Stefan is seen at the hospital with Damon and he says that he just "missed the donuts" and explains that he was burning off a few thousand hate filled calories with Elena and asks why he didn't help him and Damon was avoiding because he knew that her goal was to end Katherine's life and it wasn't going to simply disappear with Pilates, Sheriff Forbes is seen and they ask her why were they invited and she explains that hospitals kept the blood banks empty since they were raided and they thought it would keep the vampires away and then she shows them a dead body and that there were four other victims had been nearly drained of blood and asks if they think its Silas, Stefan assumes that he is fueling up for something big. Stefan's childhood and best friends during his human life were named Ethan Giffin, Brian Walsh and Matthew Harnett. Katherine than agrees to lead them to the cure. Stefan and Elena are sitting in front of fireplace, they talk about their visions, but Stefan makes it clear that what they had in the past was real in, it was not only for the prophecy of the doppelgngers. Later on, Stefan, Damon and Tyler begin to desiccate Klaus' body with help from Bonnie. Stefan tries to make it sound fun by suggesting they see the world, just the two of them. Stefan suggests that the situation has changed now that Elena is a vampire. His mother comes with Damon to the grill where she says her story and Stefan turns his humanity back on. The first immortal follows him in the woods and has a heartbreaking confession with Amara until Stefan catches him from behind. Later, Caroline shows Stefan how lively the cancer patient is now. Stefan is a very ancient descendant of the world's first immortal being and man. Stefan helps Elena and later takes her home. Stefan explained to Tyler that Elena had to be sacrificed to break the curse and Tyler released him. They talk a little more and Damon says that he'll get the cure for Elena even if she doesn't want to take it but in that moment Rebekah comes from behind and breaks his neck. He gives Stefan until the end of the day to be gone from town. In the meantime Elena gets some of Katherine's stuff so that she could impersonate her better and she leaves for the meeting, leaving the original sister and Katherine talking. He gets her home and as they park the car in front of Elena's home Damon let's the girl go inside and asks Caroline to bring Stefan out as he has to talk to his brother. When Stefan was a human, although he and Damon were very close, Stefan always had an independent personality. In the last moments of the episode, it flashes back and forth as Stefan tries to save Elena. Damon swore to avenge all of Stefan's murders. Stefan says he wants to have dinner with Caroline that night. Stefan was forced to attack Elena. Klaus realizes that Stefan had not given him all of the stakes but Rebekah releases Damon anyways. Qetsiyah arrives and tells Damon, that she plans to use a spell to link Stefan and Silas so that she can strip Silas of his mind control. Stefan had also asked half-jokingly once entering the Salvatore tomb if there was anyone he didn't kill in their family. Stefan tries to stop him but Damon just waves him with which he says that Stefan needs to stay away. Caroline flips the tables and stabs his instead. Stefan possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire. In 500 Years of Solitude, Stefan is in the hospital worried about Katherine. He was always willing to save people, especially those who need saving the most at a particular time. For parties, there's a lot of talk about life. Stefan said it was like this because his emotions were off and Klaus says that this is the reason why he was more fun. Stefan tells that the other side is falling apart and he think it's allowing Enzo to mess with them. After the talk with his brother Stefan manages to find the third spot with Bonnie and the witches. Stefan Salvatore is a 172-year-old vampire and one of the two known doppelgangers (and the last living of these doppelgangers) of the World's first Immortal Man, Silas. After being picked up by the Traveler that freed them, the trio head back to Mystic Falls in her car, Maria tells them that It was too risky to haul them out of there for herself, so she had to circle back. On that night, Damon frames Lexi for the death of a local boy and the police apprehend Lexi. Stefan says that it would be easier to find her if they split-he goes to look around the road and Caroline stays to search the wood. Still a drama major, Caroline auditions for the school musical with a song about how much she hurts. He retained his intelligence and logical nature, shown when he figured on his own he had once dated Elena and had come back to Mystic Falls because of her as well as pointing re-enacting their first meeting would not make him remember her. Stefan, a vampire, ironically completed the Brotherhood of the Five's mission by killing Silas. Stefan is lonely and he don't want talk to anyone when he is drinking in The Grill Katherine appears and begs him to stay with her, he reluctantly agrees. In Let Her Go, Stefan is first seen viewing Damon failing at his attempts at writing Liz's eulogy.