Lori: No I did not say that he was feeling literally under the weather. WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?! He even skips lunch to avoid vomit later. Lori: Looks like spirits are starting to sink. (All of the girls are eating breakfast in the kitchen, when they suddenly hear the van pulling up in the driveway. Lynn Sr: Sure son, as Lincoln got up, an brought Lily with him. -We're not hungry, said Lori, in a depressed tone. STAY, OUT, OF MY ROOM!! I wish there's some way to get away from all of this, and to just live a nice, peaceful life., Lincoln continued to to sit there angrily, and trying to think of a way out of his predicament. The Palmers and Lincoln, along with the monkeys and Daisy all went out to perform their act, which began with the group of monkeys doing their first trick with all of them doing flips to construct a monkey pyramid, with all six monkeys, and Bongo being at the very top. Later, Lincoln was in his room, resting on his bed. CartoonsLoud House Follow/FavLincoln's Injury By:AndKris An avarage school day, but Lincoln managed to destroy Lynn's baseball bat. Luna: I am not sure if I want to be a doctor. He couldn't even hear the words she was speaking even though he was this close, it was like his mind just blacked her voice out. I'm glad I have Leni give that speech about how they were all to blame for Lincoln running away, because I feel it gave her a moment of displaying practical wisdom, as well as her optimistic words later on that Lincoln will eventually be found, and things will be set right. Anything new, today? The girls just sat there gazing at the family picture, Lincoln gave their parents for their anniversary, with all of them focusing on Lincoln. Lori: (appears next to Lincoln) Why would I do that? Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. (Just as Lori was coming out of the bathroom, Lincoln accidentally ran into her, knocking them both over), (Suddenly, Lori saw her broken phone next to him. When a space rock crash lands in the loud family's backyard, Lisa loud began to run some tests on it. All of the sisters were flabbergasted by Leni's speech. I've got a proposition for you. Lori: C'mon Lori, that movie showed me that those two girls wouldn't be friends again. -And you Lynn, said Lana, always hitting him, here see how you like it, and she shoved Lynn. Lincoln: (cowered in fear) Please don't hurt me again! Leni: Hey! Rated for multiple reasons. A prequel, and/or side story, and/or potential AU to Stupor Heroics. Lori: Rule number one, keep a closer eye on your stupid spider! Title idea from @Lance1889 check his stories out. I ran away from home, said Lincoln, as they all gasped in shock. (Leni headed downstairs, while Lori looked really upset. Back at home, Lori was waiting anxiously on the couch. Leni: (from her room) Hey Linky! Lori: I do, but I've literally had to risk everything I love just for him. The Dreaded: Whoever it was that ordered the hit on Lincoln. -You've always been good to me Lily, said Lincoln, as he lay Lily down into her crib. The rest of the circus folk laughed, as Daisy put Lincoln down. Had I not met the Rolan Circus, I never would have come to the realization that the most important thing in life, is family. Afterwards, he picked up Lily, and went to join his family in the living room. Lincoln watched on with pride as everyone he knew cheered him on for his successful performance in the circus. It all starts out in the Loud House. The rest of the circus folk all headed to the dining tent, while Lincoln looked to the audience, I'm home! said Lincoln happily, as he went to join the rest of the circus family in the dining tent. -We'll miss you to Lincoln, said Mr. Rolan, but you belong here in Royal Woods, and don't worry you will always be an honorary part of this circus family.. Am I really like that? Lori: Ugh! -Leni we have to get home, there's nothing more we can do at this time, said Lori sadly. -This house felt empty without you Lincoln, said Leni, as the whole family got close to Lincoln. Apparently when he was packing his things in a huff, he didn't notice the family picture had also slipped into his backpack. Lincoln is sick so I am a doctor. Just feeling the same way I love feeling! Lincoln Loud Needs a Hug Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be. Afterwards came the horse show which also went well with the crowd, especially Lana who was impressed with all the horse and rope tricks. Lincoln? he uttered as he opened the door. Lola: Quit being a wuss, and handle things yourself, you weakling,. Lynn: Look at this, Stinkoln is freaken dead! Lincoln was right! Lincoln Loud (A loud house Wall-E. by Ethan Deemer 25.5K 361 17 In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his paren. After posting however, everyone wanted to see more stories from me, and I continued to make more. Lisa comes into Lincoln's room with the flaslight. My forty-second fanfiction, and sequel to the infamous Season 2 episode, "Brawl in the Family". All of you guys are the real talent of this show, said Lincoln. He came across one, and went into the office. -What are you doing here? shouted a circus barker, as Lincoln ran to get away from him. He was already a few towns over, and didn't know where he was. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! -Well guys, said Lincoln, as he spoke to his family, we have ten hours till the show tonight, during that time I can introduce you guys to all my new friends. Lori puts Lincoln down and Lincoln introduces his family to the Rolan Circus, and they were more than happy to meet each other. -Hello Lincoln, I'm Winston Palmer, and this is my wife Lara, and our son Skip, said Mr. Palmer. One of the issues I always had with The Loud House was that I always found Lori to be a very bossy and disrespectful character most of the time, hence why she's easily my least favorite sister. -We don't know where he is, or if we'll ever see him again, said Lisa. Still no luck.. Simon Lynch's boss wanted him dead after Lincoln was shot: he hoped his mole Aaron could get the job done before the police would arrest and interrogate Lynch, but Aaron was too late for that. -To be honest he did have a reason to be angry, said Luna. -Lincoln, why would you runaway from home like that? asked Mr. Palmer. :What can I do for you?. This story idea evolved from many different thoughts, such as whether or not having it where Lincoln leaves town, where he goes, and if he meets anyone during his travels. Im looking for someone who would like to take on an online script role play for fun based off the 2021 Netflix movie, The Loud House movie. He sat there on the bus, as some other passengers looked and wondered why he had so many bags with him. Loud House . Lori: (in her head) Wait, Lori! The parts with Lily at the beginning were added in shorty before finishing up, because I felt like I needed some nice moments to supplement the depressing tone at the beginning. Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. I was originally going to make Lincoln get hurt at the mall, but I couldn't come up with a way for Lori to cause it, so I changed it to what it is now. Lincoln resorts to drastic measures to save his relationship with his older sister Lori. I have to get you back before Lori finds me in here! Lola. I found this in one of my bags, its a picture of me with my parents and sisters, said Lincoln, as he showed them his family picture. Then his one of his estranged, metahuman sisters drops by for a visit, and that becomes significantly more difficult. Well anyway, I've had a long day, and would like to hit the sack.. (Flashback to show Lincoln on the couch, watching TV. Did I become a flu zombie or something like that? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. He picked up the note, and let out a huge scream. -We know! said the circus folk in unison. Not a country. But I have no invites for anyone! Proof that the remaining 10% is worth living with ten sisters for here. I can't let the same thing happen between me and Lincoln. We're all to blame for this, said Leni. It's the only way out, and I can't stand to be in this insane asylum any longer.. : POW! (Later, Lincoln was downstairs watching TV. -I'm really gonna miss hearing you say that Lily, said Lincoln sadly, as he walked out of her room. But Lori? It's just a mix of everything he could find in the house that can (somewhat) save him from some bruises, like Lynn's football helmet, kitchen gloves, bubble wrap, and some thick jacket. No blood or gore. -This is Tobias, our big cat tamer, said Skip. Following the miraculous event that gifted the Loud sisters with superpowers, the Loud Family, and Lincoln in particular try to adjust to the additional chaos this change in the status quo throws into their lives. We should like, do it again sometime! Leni ran over to Lori and she also hugged him very tightly, I totes missed you the most Lincoln, said Leni as she also teared up. Leni: I downloaded this game where you have to guess the movie by the icon, but I can't guess it! -This is awesome. Note: I don't own anything. Lola: (arriving home) Mom. It is not that serious. Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. -WHERE IS HE? said all of the sisters, as they all came up to the door. -Oh man this is it Lincoln, said Lincoln to himself. -It is on, said Lynn as she and Lana began to fight. Lynn: Always have to tattle to mommy and daddy huh Linc, , as Lola and Lana laughed at him. -Those monkeys are very impressive, said Lisa. Wow! (Lori suddenly stopped what she was saying, and noticed the fear in Lincoln's eyes, which suddenly gave her memories of what she did to Lincoln last month, and all the things she's done to him in the past. When Lori and Leni decide to become strippers for a little extra cash for college, they are surprised when they discover who a particularly generous fan really is. -Okay buddy now it's time to show them your trick with Daisy, said Skip, as Lincoln went up to Daisy, so they could start. Sure, she's sometimes really horrible towards me, but at least I know that she still deeply cares about me and learns from her past experiences. I didn't mean to treat you so horribly in those past few years. Loud to Mr. Rolan while shaking his hand. All right ladies and gentlemen, now we come to what you've probably all been waiting for. -The show starts tonight at eight, so we have less than twelve hours, replied Mr. Palmer. I will never forget you guys. It was just another evening at the Loud House, but this particular evening was even more chaotic than usual. Afterwards the Loud family took to the streets, and went out to search for Lincoln. Stop! he shouted, as he chased after Lincoln. -Everybody, I have something I need to tell you, said Lincoln as he walked into the dining tent. Here it is, enjoy. Lisa: It will if you take one teaspoon. -Girls you have to eat something, said Lynn Sr. -How can we eat, when Lincoln is out there somewhere, and we don't know where? said Luna. -THE CIRCUS? what happened to archie in monarch of the glen; funeral poem our father kept a garden. He slowly opens his eyes to see Lynn and Lucy standing next to him). I need something. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! -Of course Mr. Rolan, what's up? asked Lincoln. -He said he didn't want to see, or talk to any of us Leni, said Lynn. Oh! Now Lynn cries for Lincoln to survive. Lincoln is drawn to the digital world and finds a new friend. (The Loud House) For a while, the Loud House has been quiet with a boy and his eleven sisters. Lincoln jumped in his makeshift protective suit. Lincoln was behind the curtain, as he and the Palmers were about to go on to do their primate act. Hey he's really good, as his big cat act continued. Meanwhile Lincoln was at a diner having dinner, and he continued to ignore calls from his family. Lori: Oh come on Leni! WARNING: This story has a VERY dark tone behind it, and contains scenes with blood. Lily began crying, and Lincoln picked her up, and made her stop crying. He continued to juggle, while also leaping on the beach ball, and then tossed the spheres back to Skip and Lincoln, as they caught them in buckets. Lincoln was in his room and he sighs. Lisa: Let me listen to your heart Lincoln. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. Are you ready to see me bench press this bench with some of my circus co-stars sitting on it? Ezra sat in the middle of the bench, while an acrobat, and the female clown were sitting on the two ends. Now he has a somewhat Unorthodox family. -Yes! replied Lincoln, and the waitress happily filled his glass. Resume whatever it is you are doing. Once he reached the bottom, he became unconscious), (The other sisters heard the sound of Lincoln falling down the stairs, which alerted them to come out of their rooms to see what happened), (Luna runs off-screen to get the phone, while the rest of his sisters try to aid him. Please put me down please I just ate?. Now, since it's so boring in here, I've asked everyone in the house if they wanted to do something, but they're all too busy at the moment. The Loud sister's have been a massive pain towards the whole town of Royal Woods. (Watching the video caused Lori to get teary-eyed. Lori: (turns towards Leni) That's no excuse Leni! (Lincoln gets shot) ??? -What do you mean Lincoln? asked Mr. Rolan. Meanwhile, back in Royal Woods the Loud sisters sat in the living room completely depressed, after a week of their brother missing. Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. The rest of the circus folk were all delighted to hear this, and looked towards Lincoln, hoping he will accept the offer to become part of their show. -Well then, we've got to prepare you for your first show with us Lincoln, said Mr. Rolan. Lynn: Oh really? We can go a head and inform the authorities that we found you, and your family can come pick you when we set up there.. -And now ladies and gentlemen, get ready for our very own Palmers Primate Palooza, with the newest member of our circus family, LINCOLN LOUD! shouted Mr. Rolan, as they all came out to start their show to a receptive crowd. Lincoln: C'mon Frank! I originally didn't have much interest in writing fan fiction, and this was originally going to be my last. Because if you taught me anything, is that those things are easy to replace, but not the trust you had for me. -Well, we've all inconvenienced him at some point, like when we attacked him for the best seat in the car and how we were so mean to him about both his Ace Savvy costume & clogging the toilet, ruining his chances of getting his zombie bran & getting him in trouble with mom and the time we messed with his life during the stupid sister fight protocol. Is Lincoln okay?! He wondered how long he would stay here, and where exactly he would find his new life. -Yeah! You physically injured your own brother. I thought to myself, "What if Lori's behavior caused Lincoln to get hurt?" -This is Bongo, said Skip as he brought over one of the monkeys on his shoulder. Leni: I don't know how to operate this battery powered torch shine light up thingy. In Chapter 10, the Loud sisters have been shunned by all their friends and classmates with Lynn Jr. being kicked out of all sports teams. Aren't they great? she asked her family. -Whoa! -I missed you guys too, replied Lincoln. 12 Kudos: 9 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 579 One Helluva Loud House by Geo_Soul But today, there's not really much to do.