3 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. Tevet () is the 10th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, and corresponds to December or January on the Gregorian calendar. For more information, please read the Privacy Policy. This world is just upside down and we need to go today is good! Leviticus 23 was when the 12 Tribes of Israel were wandering the desert with Moses. 2027. Atonement, is a day of fasting and prayer. thats if. Leviticus Chapter 25 explains the Jubilee year. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This date varies year to year on the Hebrew calendar. and the living are caught up in the clouds. I am not saying that every event that occurs outside the late October to mid-November period is irrelevant or unimportant. My on Earth birthday is the 12th. Again, it is just the author expressing his opinion only. The Feast of Trumpets marked the beginning of ten days of consecration and repentance before God. They get slaughtered in the next verses 20 and 21. The significance of Yom Kippur aligns with what will take place at the end of the 70th week of Daniel (or end of the tribulation). Suffice to say any day is a good day for the Rapture! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. many calendar apps. , transliterated Paul said to comfort one another with the knowledge of and hoping for the return of Jesus for the church. I like to blog about Elliott Waves. The only other reference to this festival in the Torah (or Pentateuch) is in Numbers 29:1. calendar feed with events for the current year (2023) plus The book of Revelation lists seven terrible plagues announced by seven trumpets (Revelation 8-11). Several events will begin to be brought about by the end of the 70th week of Daniel, including: Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. (Daniel 9:24). and MaxMind, also licensed under Creative Commons. Also known as the Festival of Lights, the eight-day festival is observed by lighting the candles of a hanukkiah (menorah). This was even more interesting to me as this chapter talks about the Gog Magog War which the nations seem currently lined up for. He was killed by the Philistines at the Battle of Gath, and his kingdom was taken over by Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon. We dont appreciate your special links so you can hack into our computer and other devices. And we the saved follow him down on our own white horses in Revelation verse 14: 14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. North African Chanukah festival of daughters. 1. Zechariah 14 gives us more details on Christ coming down from heaven on his horse to do battle with Satan (and we follow all riding on horses). So adding 80 to 1948 is 2028, the year for all things to be fulfilled then minus 7 years brings us to 2021. The ideas expressed on this site are solely the opinions of the author and are for entertainment purposes only. Where and how did that start?! It took all his time, money, and energy in 2008 / 2009 to write, publish, and print 5,000 copies of the book (Learn Here), Birmingham, UK On March 13, 2013, Karunakaran Iruthayanathan (Alfred) had a dream about the Sun: I saw the sun slowly changing its shape and its brightness became dim like a full moon. Kislev () is the 9th month of the Hebrew year, has 30 or 29 days, and corresponds to November or December on the Gregorian calendar. Numbers 29:1-6 reiterate that this is a day "to blow the trumpets" and specifies the . Everything lands exactly on a feast date, No date is random here. For the sake of simplicity I use 21st of September 2028. Use the calendar to plan for future holidays or as a reference to note which dates previous holidays fell on. Im just not that curious! Subminuette BLACK i ii iii iv v a b c Here in New England we are bracing for Oh Henri with his clouds Im not worried about the flooding because Im on higher grounds (the mountain) but I worry about the wind damage and power outages. Some think the US is destroyed at the rapture with the loss of the church no longer holding back Gods wrath on this nation. For once the abomination of desolations occurs (sacking of Jerusalem and the Antichrist declaring himself God), Jesus had to come back and save the living or no flesh be saved. John saw thrones and most people think this is in heaven, but we all came back to earth in the previous chapter 19 of Revelation on horses. They are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke or do any other activity that may cause them to break the fast. It is one of seven Jewish feasts or festivals appointed by the Lord and one of the three feasts . 14 And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance. I never realized this until today. People are also asked to abstain from eating. I think what happens here is that a lot of people came to Christ during Gods wrath period and now they are revolting over their oppressors once they have seen Jesus come back. The name of the Feast of Trumpets is . This starts 30 days before the Feast of Trumpets. the spoil = the population (souls) of earth. 8 And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. This subscription is a 5-year perpetual Those observing will commence their 25-hour fast until nightfall on Wednesday, all forms of sustenance are prohibited, including water. Events that take place outside this period are unlikely events that start of the 70th week of Daniel, the confirmation of the 7-year covenant (Daniel 9:27). Thanks. In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means the "head of the year." It is also called the Feast of the Trumpets. They have a Feast of Trumpets on the first day of the 6th month, but I used the 7th. This holy day is named after the biblical name for it. For Dr. Awes numbers, I noticed he is usually about one month later than Hebcal and Chabad, so that is my estimate. The Roman road way to salvation you can do it alone if you wish: The Romans Road to Salvation For the Gospel. See Rule #5: This is a Pre-tribulation Rapture group and will not allow other beliefs such as Post-trib or Pre-Wrath views. Therefore we can see in verse 11 above that men shall dwell in it. Start of month of Adar on the Hebrew calendar. . Micro RED [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [A] [B] [C] Yet He returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to save Israel alive and establish Gods kingdom, capitol city Jerusalem. 2028 END YOUTUBE CHANNEL Nashville, TN In January 2021, Gabriel discovered shocking evidence that God has been using our "2028 END YouTube Channel" for the past 10 years (secretly, behind the scenes!) Feast of Booths. This website includes location data created by GeoNames She was the wife of King Jehoiachin of Judah and the mother of Jehoshaphat (Jehovahs son), who was later to become the king who would rule Israel for the next 1,000 years. That was the whole purpose of the book, the rituals, the true historical stories, the deep symbolism in almost every verse, everything! Festival of Lights. Feast of Lots. When one looks at the very first verse of the Bible, which is literally the first sentence of the Bible, it appears God declared the year of the end from the beginning (Learn Here), Nashville, TN It took over a year (Oct 2017 Oct 2018) for Gabriel to create the 10 part 2028 END video series. Day of Atonement September 30 (Saturday) So I imagine they are immortal horses and we better treat them well. This is against forum rules. Late October to mid-November is the time you should watch out for. He lives and reigns, now and forevermore! All the saved come down from heaven after him on our own white horses. Jews believe that on this day God created the heavens and the earth. This is why Jews (or any other unsaved for that matter) cannot possibly understand the bible including the 5 books of Moses and dont believe in any of it (thats why they invented the wicked Talmud). The first four Spring feasts commanded by God in Leviticus 23, were fulfilled by Jesus at his first coming in the first century. According to Leviticus 23:23 - 25, the Feast of Trumpets was a day of rest on which special food offerings were presented to Yah in the form of drink, grain, and meat, in addition to the blowing of trumpets. Celebration of Jewish deliverance as told by Megilat Esther. It is IMPOSSIBLE to make sense or understand ANY PART of the bible in ANY WAY unless you are already saved to Jesus. Feast of Tabernacles, or of the Ingathering. And he is anointed KING of the earth on the same day. September 20-22, is the date range of the first fall feast of 2028, Feast of Trumpets. John is just saying he can determine who was the martyrs and he used the term soul. For instance, all that work that goes into confirming a (new) 7-year covenant is unlikely to take place within a few weeks. And what laws will there be? I can be reached at daneric40 AT comcast.net. This Shabbat is named after the first word of the Haftarah (Hosea 14:2-10) and literally means Return! It is perhaps a play on, but not to be confused with, the word Teshuvah (the word for repentance). Whether it is Av or Elul starting the 8th, August is very hopeful! The topic Watch Dates is closed to new replies. Start of month of Sh'vat on the Hebrew calendar. and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. This is the saved on horses as seen in Revelation 19:14. 8. This is the Day Jesus comes back on his white horse and defeats Satan, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the armies of the earth gathered around in the vicinity of Jerusalem, the Valley of Megiddo. If not, my eyes are glued from any day now to Sept 6th 8th to be lifted up in the clouds because Im reading some watchers feel the mandatory vaxx could start here in the U.S. in like another 4 to 6 weeks . In other words, it is a way to cleanse the body of impurities that may have accumulated over the course of a persons life. When Jesus comes back he will fulfill the 3 fall Feasts. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. READ How Many Times Will The Trumpet Be Blown? Celebration marking the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of a new cycle. We do not need to be educated about any other way. I am the author of several end time books, including Prophecy Proof Insights on the End Times, a comprehensive book about the end times. Verse 12 is a recap verse and explains how Jesus defeated the Antichrists armies. . A 3 day window! The Battle of Armageddon takes place 1 month prior to the end of this chart. Ok this is an important clue on what day it is. For means because. Biblical Christians refer to it as the Feast of Trumpets. If the jab is a depopulation method, what are the prophetic implications for so many Israelis taking it? mid trib would have to come either before winter or after. Think Jewish time, here on the east coast they are 7 hours ahead, so I am looking forward to a possible exit this evening or tomorrow evening and I will take next Wednesday if not. In truth, it is not much of a battle at all. the calendar events into Google Calendar and merge with your own calendar Exciting times! . 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. Join my mailing list, and as a special welcome gift, Ill send you my eBook guide to studying Bible prophecy. Israeli Memorial Day. Bump! The water you use to brush your teeth is more than just a glass of water. Then we get to verse 2 below providing more backstory for why Jesus had to come back in verse 1. Judah or also the land of Judaea by the time the Romans subjugated the land as a province of Judaea. Instead, God calls it the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah in Hebrew), when He ordained to blow the shofars rams horns. It makes perfect sense that Jesus comes back on this day. 21 September 2028 will be the first Fall feast, known as the Feast of Trumpets. 20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. Jesus is coming too, first for the church. My guesstimating is the Father tells the Bridegroom around 0300 to go get his Bride for the day long celebration. Verse 11 is fulfillment of the Day of Atonement, the second Fall feast! April 19, 2025 - 1290 days = October 7, 2021 (Feast of Trumpets) = The 7 year covenant confirmed. Verse 3 is the same point in time/day as Revelation 19:11. So God is telling us in verse 1, that Jesus came and reaped the earth of his saved people in the middle of the last 7 years. sabbath of return, https://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadded.html?m1=4&d1=12&y1=2025&type=sub&ay=&am=&aw=&ad=1260&rec=, https://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadded.html?m1=10&d1=30&y1=2021&type=add&ay=&am=&aw=&ad=2520&rec=. We dont know how long things will take. Elliott Wave Theory, Technical Analysis, and Social Mood Commentary, Wave labeling color code as follows (note [brackets] used in lieu of circles for convenience sake) : Then Jesus returns. (holidays begin at sundown on the indicated dates) On September 6, at sundown, Jewish people will begin celebrating one of their most important religious holidays, Rosh Hashanah. And note the verse tells us they were rich in great abundance and isnt that the truth that Judaism controls all the worlds monies? Sometimes I feel like were seconds away and sometimes it feels like years. 6. Perhaps we should toss a coin 777 times?! Ethiopian Jewish holiday occurring 50 days after Yom Kippur. Or something like that. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV9oLILldTMnQHIznKvv22A/videos. If it made no sense, you need to be saved! Fast commemorating the destruction of the two Temples. Year, or a happy and healthy New Year, is what some people . This is where a loud trumpet call on the first day of the 7th month (Gods calendar, otherwise known as the Hebrew calendar). Well, you better read the first five books, the LAW the 5 Books of Moses to understand what will be allowed and what wont be allowed. And it has happened on the first Fall feast day, 21st September, (or 1st day of the 7th calendar month) Feast of Trumpets. It is the time when the people of Israel celebrate their victory over the Babylonian exile and their return to the land of their forefathers. an october start time for the trib + 6 months would be a midtrib springtime April. The throne judgements may also be where the damned who made it still alive on earth, those who have the mark of the beast, are brought forth before Jesus and we slay them. Whenever it occurs I will be eternally grateful! If Jesus were to return on the 9th of Av, redeeming that day, in 2028 that would be August 1, 2028. Some people think that the feeding of the 5000 could be a reference to the Jews that flee during the Tribulation. Rosh Hashana literally means "head of the year.". Taking into account the written historical record and astronomical data, Mr. Ramsundar concludes Christ was crucified on Wed April 28, AD 28 (Learn Here). Commemorates the re-unification of Jerusalem in 1967. It is Gods will and plan and he is always in control. If you dont like that, go to another forum. Prayers for forgiveness in preparation for the High Holidays. Days start night before my date. For when the master of the field declares the harvest is over, the workers of the field are constrained to work no longer! Today being one! I tend to believe it is being over promoted. What does the blowing of the trumpet mean in the Bible? They were the ones attacked, sacked and conquered by the Antichrists armies as was Gods plan like he had the Jews sacked by Roman armies from 67 -73 AD. We, as Believers, follow the New Testament. He will not be around to deceive and lie during Christs reign on earth: 1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. Festival of Weeks. Jesus uses a Jewish figure of speech to tell us the day of the Rapture is the Feast of Trumpets. You cannot make this stuff up. It commemorates the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 C.E. 4 future years. Geri, it just sounds unlikely to me that 25% of Tel Aviv is gay. One of the codes was found on a short skip sequence in Ezekiel 39.