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But more were available and cause particular havoc by enfilading our lines at ranges sometimes as small as 100 yards. Battalion concurrently allotted to the Regular Army, World War I: St. Mihiel; Meuse-Argonne; The fight raged all day without gain. 17 August 1944: Third Army, 12th Army Group, but attached to V Corps, First Army. The enemy, contrary to general expectations had disclosed his intentions of defending in place to the end, whatever the price. on the left of the 329th Inf was stopped for no gain. Heavy enemy fire, both artillery and flat trajectory, continued to rain upon the only vehicular approach route and thwarted all efforts of engineers to construct a ford for the passage of tanks. 22 July 1944 357th Inf: 315th Train Headquarters and Military Police, 357th, 358th, 359th, and 360th Ambulance Companies and Field Hospitals. 2nd Bn 359th Inf and 1st Bn 358th Inf (now attached 359th Inf) attacked at 0830 and reached without difficulty their objective on the E nose of the FORET. It was finally held short of its objective. They approached our positions through a zone which took them in front of the 3rd Bn 358th Inf rather than through the cleared area in its (3rd Bns) rear. At the end of the days fighting the Division had advance its lines approximately 2000 yards. 1st Bn, attacking at 0800, scaled the N slopes of the Foret on the right of the 3rd Bn and, swinging wide, advanced against sporadic resistance to seize the high ground in the vicinity of LA VILLE which provided dominant observation over W half of the Corps zone. 359th Inf: The 358th Inf now consisted of its organic 1st Bn, 2nd Bn, 359th Inf and the 315th Engr Bn. The enemy emerging from cover after the completion of the preparation and not finding himself attacked at close quarters was alerted to and ready for the attack when finally launched. By 1600 it had cleared the area of german resistance taking numerous prisoners, and established contact with 4th Rcn Tr and had organized its outposts. By 2030, patrols of the 1st and 2nd Battalions had entered the town. The Boche engaged our infantry with hand grenades and close range MG fire from trees, spider trap holes and carefully camouflaged dug-in positions in the tangled under growth, inflicting heavy casualties. However, the slow advance do the 8th Inf Div and the improbability of its passing through the 359th Inf at any reasonable hour caused the Division Commander to order the 358th Inf to attack at 1500, with the 359th Inf following as soon as practicable after it could side-slip into position (the sideslip itself hinging upon its relief by the 8th Inf Div). 2nd Bn was badly handled at daylight by a Boche attack which split the leading companies and disrupted its own attack preparation. Whether the Boche were forewarned of the impending attack or whether the inactivity on the remainder of the Corps front permitted him to concentrate all available artillery on the attack area has never been accurately determined; the bitter fact remains that the heavy artillery fire which began at H-Hour and continued throughout the day from the outset disrupted and disorganized the assault echelons and foredoomed the failure the well planned and well coordinated attack. During the day, the 82nd Airborne Division, supported by the 345th FA Battalion of the 90th Infantry Division drove a bridgehead across the Merderet River at 308910. On two occasions during the day, German tanks appeared in the area of the 357th Infantry. Remainder of the regiment was staged forward to the vicinity of GORGES preparatory to the relief of the 358th Infantry. The 247th Rifle Division was the fourth of a group of 10 regular rifle divisions formed from cadres of NKVD border and internal troops as standard Red Army rifle divisions, very shortly after the German invasion, in the Moscow Military District. By the way, World Cat (an on-line catalog of the books held by a large number of libraries) . Thus at midnight the 8th Div had not yet passed through our lines and our resumption of the offensive was consequently postponed. BPL This failed to materialize due to the severity of the enemy resistance. 1 Km S of PERIERS it passed through the 90th Rcn Tr and took up the fight against a strong Boche blocking detachment on that road. The resumption of the attack (in a southeasterly direction) had been planned as a coordinate effort by the 359th and 358th Infs. Thoughtfully written and gratefully shared. It was activated on 1 December 1939. In one or more jurisdictions, laws other than copyright are known to impose restrictions on the use of this Item. Share a testimony from a relative or a friend, veteran or civilian, resistance member, ally or German, actor or witness of History. 2nd Bn had moved 1 company forward under cover of darkness to outpost its LD generally along the line vacated by the 1st Bn 358th Inf in its slideslip to the right. 5 July 1944 12 june (D+6) : The plan in brief was as follows: (a) 359th Inf, on the right, to seize and consolidate the FORET DE MONT CASTRE, a rugged and heavily wooded hill mass which dominated the entire Corps zone. At 1400, the 3rd Bn 358th Inf attacked SE into the heavily wooded reverse slopes of the FORET. Operations memorandum covering the subjects of rehabilitation, housekeeping and Tank-Infantry training was drawn up and put into effect immediately. Heavy fire delayed organization of the attack and it was subsequently postponed until dawn. Attacked in column of battalions at 0530 with the 2nd Bn leading. 1st Bn 358th Inf on Division order moved SW from the vicinity of ST JORES to come abreast of and relieve the pressure on the 2nd Bn 359th Inf. The experience of the last two days indicated now that the enemy was aware of our intentions ,any further attempts to assault the ISLAND frontally when the Corps moved forward held scant chance of success. At 1017 the 1st Bn 358th Inf and 2nd Bn 359th Inf passed to the control of the 358th Inf. At 0600 357th and 359th Infs resumed their advance to the S keeping entirely clear of the PERIERS COUNTANCES ROAD. Evacuated after wounded, but killed by straffing enemy plane. Across the entire front enemy reaction was intensified adnd with 8 out of 9 infantry battalions completely committed, the possibility of a damaging enemy counter-thrust loomed large. 90th Rcn Trcontinued to screen the right rear of the Regt, blocking approaches up the valley N of the FORET from the W. 358th Inf (less 1st Bn): 1st and 3rd Bns moved at 1700 and 1800 respectively after their relief by elements of 358th Inf. All units of the Division maintained their respective positions. Menu. By 2000 LES BABLONS was finally in our hands and the 3rd Bn had advanced to connect up with the 1st and 2nd Bns. The instinct for self-preservation outweighed obedience to orders and posed insurmountable obstacles to rapid reorganization. The DSC was awarded to two of his comrades in Company A, 344th Field Artillery Battalion, as well as two men of the 359th Infantry Regiment. Elements of CT 9 (- Group A) assembled at Reuville by nightfall. (1) Except in the narrow zone of the attack, the entire Army front was inactive and the Boche was able to give undivided attention to this sole threat to the integrity of his front. The remainder of the Division sailed eastward along the coast of England. Both Regiments supported by effective Artillery barrage continued to press the attack in their respective sectors during the day. The 1st Bn 358th Inf and 2nd Bn 359th Inf in close contact, one with the other, consolidated their position and made those readjustments requisite to a continuation of the attack. WW There were a few pictures taken by those few men who can do their job plus under any conditions; but the pictures were unable to be located. The 208th Infantry Division, or 208.Infanterie-Division in German, was a large military unit that served during World War II.Like most German infantry divisions, the bulk of its troops were foot-mobile infantry supported by horse-drawn artillery.. As soon as covered, the 2nd Bn 358th Inf and 3rd Bn 359th Inf moved rearward and swung obliquely left into their new zone of action. The constant mortaring received by this unit made regrouping difficult but by 1700 it had reorganized and was able to push on to take LA BUTTE. E Co was withdrawn and rejoined the 2nd Bn, which again passed to Division control and moved to its original assembly areas SW of ST JORES. Upon order of Corps, the Division attacked on 10 June 1944 with the object of seizing the high ground east of the Douve River. 2nd Bn 357th Inf, in Regtl Reserve, moved to the area vacated by the 1st Bn 358th Inf. 1st Bn passed to the control of 357th Inf at 0845 after the 1st Bn 357th Inf passed thorough it. 1st Bn 358th Inf had sustained an attack shortly after midnight which drove it off the high ground on the NE corner of the FORET DE MONT CASTRE. The Division plan visualized the commitment of this battalion on the left of the 2nd Bn 359th Inf after the latter had reached the eastern extremity of the narrow corridor through which it was attacking and had turned to the SE. Combat chronicle [ edit] The 90th Infantry Division landed in England, 5 April 1944, and trained from 10 April to 4 June. Blood, guts and superior equipment had finally broken the Mahlman line. 183. Plans called for two regiments to attack abreast, take an intermediate objective and then push on to the final goal. The only offensive action on the part of the regiment was the elimination by the 1st Bn of the strong point which had checked its advance the previous day. 357th Inf (Less 3rd Bn), moved by infiltration across the DOUVE RIVER causeway to a new assembly area vicinity of APPEVILLE. The 22nd Infantry Division was a specialized German infantry division in World War II. The . Particular attention was paid to the bridges opposite the towns of Chef du Pont (330938) Les Dupres (330933), and Grainville (315997). Elsewhere, the units adjusted their lines and made preparations for a continuation of the attack on the morrow. It was consequently directed that the 4th and 6th Armd Divs pass through the 90th and 79th Inf Div respectively and drive towards COUTANCES and points to the S. During the night Div staff completed necessary arrangements for the passage of the armor while the engineers worked with feverish speed to demine the CARENTAN PERIERS Road and provide a passable route through the demolished town itself. The 90th Infantry Division landed in England, 5 April 1944, and trained from 10 April to 4 June. At 0800 the head of the 4th Armd Div column passed through PERIERS and rolled unopposed southward to ST SAUVEUR LENDELIN. Name Beginning With (2) Updated 7/2/11. During it the 90th Inf Div played a vitally important part. Although reinforced by tanks, it was unable to reduce this pocket of resistance. 2nd Bn, ont he left, made excellent progress during the early hours, reaching the RR within its zone enroute to La BUTTE. Their attack was very effective it greatly aided the 358th Infantry in its approach to Pont lAbbe. 18 june (D+12) E Co, in 1st Bn reserve, supported by tanks, attacked SE at 0900 to seize BEAU COUDRAY and re-establish contact iwth leading companies of the 3rd Bn. The transport stayed afloat just long enough to enable rescue of all the men. 1st Bn remained in its original position until the reserve Bn of the 121st Inf had come abreast of it and then moved left to an assembly position as Regimental Reserve. Home | On the 18th of July the 4th Armd Div, available for employment in a defensive role only, replaced the 4th Inf Div in the interval between the 90th and 83rd Divs. [2] 1st Battalion was then allocated to the Army Reserve's 91st Division (Training Support). The road from ST JORES S to BEAU COUDRAY bisects a narrow corridor of normal hedgerow country flanked on the E by the (PRARIES MARECAGEUESES DE GORGES) and on the W by flat grassy meadow devoid of all cover. Here again, a Boche counterattack spearheaded by tanks struck the BN right, disorganizing G Co and widening the existing gap between the 1st and 2nd Bns. Since adjacent units were considerably to the rear, the original assault companies were faced left and right respectively to protect the flanks, while K Company assaulted through the gap with the support of one platoon of medium tanks. 359th Inf: 1st Bn, right assault battalion of the Div, met heavy resistance at the LD from the German garrison vicinity of PRETOT. ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 Unable to silence this fire with either mortars or artillery, E Company rose to the man and charged across the stream, overrunning the German positions. It remained in a position of readiness immediately rearward of the 1st Bn. Manhattan,Kansas.Sunflower University Press, 1996; Harold M. Hyman. The Story of the 90th Infantry Division, 90th Infantry Division Preservation Group Living History & Reenactment Articles, "Tough 'Ombres! Moving for the most part dismounted, it reached PERIERS at 1530, passed through the town and continued S in the direction of ST SAUVEUR LENDELIN. At noon Division ordered Regiment to turn S, cross TAUTE R and seize the high ground S of ST SEBASTIEN DE RAIDS. Private First Class Orville E. Johnson 359th Infantry Regiment 06/29/1944 Private First Class Elmer O. Jones 359th Infantry Regiment 12/13/1945 Private Bernard R. Kadlec 357th Infantry Regiment 12/12/1944 Private Eugene P. Kane 358th Infantry Regiment 07/16/1945 Private First Class Thomas F. Keeley 359th Infantry Regiment 11/10/1944 San Antonio,Texas:San Antonio Printing Co., 1918 : The Story of the 90th Infantry Division -- WWII G.I. 2nd Bn advanced at 1000 meeting no resistance. F Co followed and was committed on the G Cos left. FAQ | The 359th Infantry Regiment is a unit of the United States Army. After defensive action along the river Douve, the . All three Regiments continued to organize their defensive positions. Neither artillery nor mortar concentrations had any effect in reducing the volume of enemy fire delivered from what subsequently was found to be cut and covered emplacements and the companys advance was completely blocked. In the course of the days operations the Div had strengthened its hold on the Foret by 4 Bns as the right flank swung considerably forward. Its lineage is carried on by the 90th Sustainment Brigade. 1st Bn regrouped on the NOSE and completed plans for passage through 2nd Bn 359th Inf at dawn the following day. At this point, they came under extremely heavy fire from Hill 92 to their immediate front. Added to all other difficulties, a dense fog overhung the Division area rendering the much depended upon liaison planes useless. After beating down the immediate resistance, the battalion halted for reorganization prior to the resumption of the advance. The 358th Inf, extending to the left (E), 90th Rcn Tr extending to the S would relieve the 357th Inf and initially contain the ISLAND. of the 1st Battalion, an element of the 91st Division (Training Support); 1st Regiment was alerted to pass through 358th Inf the following day and continue the attack S through BEAU COUDRAY. 357th Inf: However, 3rd Bn 358th Inf effected relief of 3r Bn 359th Inf to place the attack LD under Regtl control. The presence of the Boche tanks on the one side and the inability to move AT or TD weapons in position to oppose them on the other resulted in a stalemate until dark. 2nd Bn moved from its original positions at 1600 and completed the mop up of PERIERS occupying that town for the night. At 1345 it passed to the control of 359th Inf for the completion of mop up operations W to the Division boundary. 16 june (D+10) I uploaded a couple of his personal photos. The 359th Infantry Regiment was constituted for World War I at Camp Travis, Texas on August 5, 1917 as a unit of the National Army. 20-21 July 1944 After a short rest, the 90th continued across the Moselle River to take Mainz, 22 March, and crossed the rivers Rhine, the Main, and the Werra in rapid succession. The 8th Infantry Division on our immediate right moved rapidly till encountering the reverse slope positions of Hill 92. On the NE side of the PRARIE, 83rd Inf Div, operating with VII Corps, cound count as gains only a few hedgerows. England, while Group A (Composed of foot elements of the 1st and 3rd Battalions 359th Infantry Regiment and forty vehicles) was located at Camp Syon Abbey in Devonshire, England, and attached to the 4th Infantry Division. Colonel Christian H. Clarke, Jr [view folder] 358th inf assembled in the vicinity of CATHELAMAIS while the Division opened at CHATEAU PERRON (284697). Notice All rights reserved. 2nd Bn initiated relief of the 3rd Bn and elements of 1st Bn, 357th Inf at 1500 while 3rd Bn extended to the left to equalize sectors relief was completed and sector responsibility passed to CO 358th Inf at 1800. The 1st and 3rd Bn together with the 2nd Bn 358th Inf maintained what was tantamount to a regimental strongpoint against continuous probing and attack. 359th Inf: It moved to an alert area and was committed to action in the vicinity of Picauville to the East of Pont lAbbe. The 357ths lines ere restored. By midnight the battalion had reached the road, connecting up with the 3rd Bn to its right rear. from assignment to the 90th Infantry Division, 359th Infantry withdrawn 17 October 1999 from the Combat Arms The remainder of the Division, less residual elements, went aboard transports as follows: One-half Division Headquarters and CT 8 (less 3rd BN) on the Excelsior at Newport. As the 4th Armd Div on the immediate right was holding fast, the 1st bn was swung into the gap which thus developed and followed on the right rear of the 2nd Bn. The Division plans for the resumption of the attack called for simultaneous jump off of all 3 regiments at 0645. It was active in Europe as part of the 90th Infantry Division during World War I and World War II, and components of the regiment were later part of the United States Army Reserve. The 358th Infantry Regiment was stationed at Cam Llangattock . The lateral movement of the 1st Bn 358th Inf was not completed during the night, and consequently at daybreak elements of the 2 Bns were intermingled. At 2240 elements of the Battalion had again entered the town, and by 2330, Gourbesville had passed completely into the possession of the 3rd Bn of the 357th Infantry. At 1400 the 3rd Bn 359th Inf and 2nd Bn 358th Inf moved forward, advancing to the EW road just S of the FORET. EN. The remainder of the regiment, after being covered by the advance of the 357th Inf, assembled in the vicinity of ST JORES as Division Reserve, closing in that area at 2100. Share. [2], The 359th Infantry was reactivated on March 24, 1947 as a unit of the Organized Reserve Corps (ORC). 2nd Bn remained in assembly area. At 1500, on Div order 1st Bn moved to ST JORES to fill the gap between the 2nd Bn, 359th Inf and 1st Bn, 358th Inf. 29-31 July 1944 2nd Bn remained in position as Division Reserve, patrolling to contact with the 1st Bn 358th Inf. For information about the World War II History Center Research Database, . Debouchment from the bottleneck represented by the corridor, was contingent upon the prior capture of BEAU COUDRAY and its successful assault was necessary preliminary to the further development of Regimental Plans. The rapid capture of the FORET DE MONT CASTRE loomed increasingly important without it i we had no observation; with it the Boche had too much. Patrols which attempted to cross the stream drew heavy fire from the buildings lining the far bank and the battalion was soon engaged in a hot fire fight. 391.3.6 Records of cavalry regiments (1916-41) 391.4 RECORDS OF THE ENGINEERS 1846-1939 1,076 lin. Alerted immediately the enemys general withdrawal had become apparent, the troop went into action at 1200. Upon relief, assembled all units of the regiment in the general area of GORGES. Caught at the LD by heavy enemy fire, and unable to fight back effectively, they could not be expected to react like seasoned veterans. They list the 357th, 358th, and 360th but not the 359th. 21 june (D+15) Enemy Artillery was active in the 357th Infantry area. The VIII Corps directed all Artillery in the Corps to fire one-sixth of a unit of fire to represent a simulated attack. Finally at 1100, elements of F Co pushed across the stream W of SEVES and secured a lodgment but no additional 2nd Bn troops effected a crossing. The attack was finally postponed until the next day, and in lieu thereof plans were completed for the relief of the Engr Bn by the 3rd Bn under cover of darkness. All men were saved, but the bulk of the equipment other than individual was lost. The units continued to improve their defensive positions. World War II US Army 359th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division Service Number: 38104403 Born: September 6, 1916 Inducted: March 21, 1942 Killed in action July 3, 1944 in France . 391.3.5 Records of the 11th-15th Cavalry Regiments. On that same day, Erich Hartmann, the highest-scoring fighter ace in history, along with a squadron of the elite Jagdgeschwader 52 fighter wing (the highest-scoring fighter wing in history), surrendered to the 90th.