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Cause of Death: Voldemort learned Gregorovitch had owned the Elder Wand, so he kidnapped him and combed through his memories for the truth of the wand's whereabouts. A red stunner hit the bricks next to his face, exploding small pieces of shrapnel that embedded into the tender flesh below his left eye. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Known for being one of the most powerful Dark Wizards, Gellert Grindelwald and Dumbledore were close friends as teenagers, and the pair plotted to find all the Deathly Hallows (including the Elder Wand) together. Yes. Sirius Black was raised by a traditional pureblood family, taught to worship the Dark Lord and fear his parents. Enjoy. Hermione gave him a small glare, which he ignored. How do you go from being the most sophisticated girl in school to being one of the most dangerous death eaters? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (100), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (14), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (9), Characters Reading Harry Potter Books (200), Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (19), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (17), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Seriously I can't emphasize enough HOW MUCH of a crack fic this is. So, the Potters went into hiding under the protection of the Fidelius Charm. Join her magical adventures with family, friends, and unexpected loves while she goes to Hogwarts and beyond. In the chaos, Peter turned back into a rat and escaped leaving Sirius with no evidence to prove his innocence. It stalks around him, sniffing his clothes with what Harry hopes is harmless curiosity. Grave Days happened immediately after the Battle of Hogwarts. He was a natural risktaker, rulebreaker and it was clear that he hated to be cooped up. In this instance, as long as Lily and Jamess Secret Keeper didnt divulge the information to Voldemort, they would always be impossible to find. We think that there is a small chance that the Battle of the Department of Mysteries might never have occurred if Sirius had been free. The couple trusted only Peter Pettigrew with their whereabouts, but he betrayed their loyalty by telling the Dark Lord. James' death was caused by Pettigrew's betrayal, which is especially tragic because they had been close friends. Dobby's sweet and sad reaction to realizing his fate makes his death incredibly emotional. Harry also blamed himself for Sirius' death because Voldemort had tricked Harry into going to the Department of Mysteries by making him believe that Sirius was in grave danger which only became true when Sirius arrived there with the Order of the Phoenix to save Harry. Remus Lupin is first introduced as Harry's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the third film, but Lupin becomes a father figure to Harry. - Complete No, Granger. Pansy was supposed to marry the richest guy in school, but what if she falls in love with the other blond in school? Nira mus eli temnej budcnosti a vyrovnva sa s ete temnejou minulosou. Would Harry have lived with him? Bathilda Bagshot wrote "A History of Magic," a book used by all Hogwarts students. By the time he died, Voldemort's soul had been split so many times that he was hardly human anymore. . Though as both godfather and godson are stubborn, we think that discussion would have been quite heated. It will loosely follow the events of the books and span over a few years at Hogwarts. A World Class Idiot . What Now Is By: kmj1989. Cause of Death: Voldemort kidnapped Charity and held her hostage. Its a big thing, compared to Harrys short build, exuding raw power as if it was a second skin clinging to it. Rating: T The Marauders Warner Bros Harry would have been able to confirm with Sirius that he was safe, realised that Voldemort was tricking him and may have even been startled into working a bit harder at Occlumency. "Battle over. While trying to climb to safety, Goyle fell into the fire and died. Now that child is an orphan and will never know his parents. Search for it there. and Albus. In his first year, he was petrified by the basilisk from the Chamber of Secrets when he saw it through the lens of his camera. Selene Black is the younger and only sister of Sirius Black, born the year S. Completed. Both would be trying to protect the other, and both would find it difficult to back down. Time of Death: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". After pacing a strange door appears on the seventh floor corridor inside, contain seven books about the life of Harry Potter. After escaping the flames of the burning Room of Requirement, Malfoy snatches Granger away from the battle at Hogwarts, the last thing he hears is the Dark Lord declaring his victory over the Boy-Who-Lived. When Petunia Dursley begrudgingly brought Harry into her home, she sealed the Charm that had been placed upon him. But there's also some sad one-shots. The Hogwarts Train . This work could have adult content. Would he have been so reckless? She may be a little annoying and vengeful in the eyes of the trio, but her story is still a tragic one. Replaced by his normal gaze, sweet as poison._This story will be a slowburn enemies to friends to lovers with Draco Malfoy. Whereas the most important person in Siriuss life was Harry. Theres just paperwork to fill out and some signatures I need to round up, and until then, the Minister would prefer that you beaccounted for.. But as the days turned to weeks, weeks into months he didn . 17 years later while in hiding at Grimmauld Place, Harry and company find a man long thought to be dead. Her face must have contorted in confusion, because Malfoy leaned in closely, until his hot breath was felt against her neck. Sirius Black Crookshanks (Harry Potter) Original Male Character (s) Original Female Character (s) Worldbuilding Time Travelling Harry Potter Time Travel Fix-It Independent Harry Potter Time Travel After a disastrous third year back in time, in which Harry almost ruined everything, he is forced to learn that he cannot control the world. Sirius Black Fanfiction. His death would have been even sadder if Harry had known Snape was a good guy all along, but ultimately Snape picked on Harry throughout his time at Hogwarts, likely because of his difficult relationship with Harry's father. Fake smiles they used to lie to themselves that everythi. Tonks started to cry. A patronus flowed through the glass as though it weren't even there. Albus Dumbledore had everything set in motion despite the changes to his plans, but things unravel and become unpredictable, what will he do when his past comes back to haunt him? Though we also reckon he would have visited Sirius rather frequently theres only so much Vernon, Petunia and Dudley that a person can take. Sirius and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix would have gone to try and save him no matter what. After many years of murdering anyone in his path to get to Harry, it was a bit of a relief when Harry's spell slowly killed him. Then there is the secrecy surrounding the Horcruxes themselves. He has gone too far this time. In which the past read the future, same old plot but you gotta love it right! Dumbledore had warned Harry to not talk to anyone outside of Ron and Hermione about them. This may sound like the story Exploring Harry Potter's Life. However, it was noble of Grindelwald to conceal the Elder Wand's location and sacrifice his life to prevent Voldemort from growing even stronger. Cause of Death: During Bill and Fleur's wedding, Death Eaters infiltrated the Ministry of Magic, and Voldemort killed Scrimgeour to take control of the government. I wanted it so bad, but I knew Sirius wanted to clear his name before taking care of you. And while he was able to convince Lupin and the golden trio of the truth, disaster struck before he could clear his name. Here. Realising he was at Hogwarts, Sirius escaped to come and find him. The Wizarding World isn't ready for her. Harry approaches, quietly, arms raised in front of him. She is his mate, he knows this beyond a doubt even if he doesn't know why or how he's suddenly sprouted wings and claws. As she grows up and begins to discover love and friendship, her family and friends are drawn into the Second Wizarding War. Time of Death: Prior to the series, revealed in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". Harry is forced to juggle his upcoming inheritance of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and the war against Voldemort, all whilst being the head of a large harem of witches. However, he walked away from Voldemort when he realized the kind of destruction he was capable of. A fellow member of the Gryffindor House, Lavender Brown joined Dumbledore's Army to learn defensive magic in the fifth movie, and she was Ron's overbearing love interest in the sixth. There would be no way that Voldemort would suspect snivelling Peter. If Harry were to stick to Dumbledores rules, it would be highly awkward to have Sirius tagging along with no real understanding of what they were doing. a lot of smut, sadness and fluff. They both actually stayed pretty silent on the subject. There would still have been a fight for the prophecy with the Death Eaters, and Voldemort would probably still have made an appearance. Although it is sad to lose a famed wizard, Flamel's death was peaceful and he got to die on his own terms after living a very long and full life. She was a Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Flying to the safety of an old Black Cottage, he keeps her locked away from harm, all while trying to convince her that not only does he no longer hold any blood prejudice, but without her love he will only further devolve into a beastly form, losing his humanity forever. Charity's death was a gruesome one. The miserable years he spent with the Dursleys would have been for nothing and he would be without the protective shield of his mothers blood. Y para Sirius Black nunca esper agradecer de poseer una forma animaga que le servira para estar a su caliente ahijado. Peter Pettigrew betrayed his childhood friend by revealing their location. Grindelwald was responsible for a lot of death when he was raising his army of wizards. And once he's done, he's going to make sure the rest of their days is filled with love and sex. A Drarry fanfic set in the 8th year of Hogwarts. An hour and a half later, the three of them are flying back into Hogwarts, all of them holding onto the big farm animals. We doubt he would want to miss out on such an adventure. He sent his snake, Nagini, to reanimate her corpse and lure Harry into her house to attack him. She is a resurrected soul, and this is now her third rebirth. He split his soul into seven fragments called Horcruxes that could've allowed him to live forever if they weren't destroyed. Sirius Black attacks Gryffinfor Tower with a knife, and it is assumed that he could have killed with it. A year after the final battle of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall is haunted by the fake smiles her two best friends, Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape had used during their lives. Sirius crossed his arms but nodded. I baked you some fluff. "Dear Harry, knowledge is power. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (55), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) (9), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Parselmouths & Parseltongue (Harry Potter), Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), Alucard | Adrian Tepes | Arikado Genya/Sonia Belmont, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter & Original Male Character(s). And what would happen if Peter suddenly has a change of heart and warns the Potter's? This author is serious on canon-compliance, as he has started replacing the names of Ron and Hermione's children with . Cause of Death: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Lavender falls and is attacked and killed by the werewolf Death Eater Fenrir Greyback. They disguised six members as Harry using Polyjuice Potion, and then those six plus the real Harry paired up with another member to fly to safe houses. Falling in love with your best friend is something Blaise can live with. Harry, I'm sorry Sirius and I couldn't take you in as our own. Will his choice change when he asks himself a simple question- What would my mother do? Sirius's duty as caretaker of Harry is put to the test of a lifetime as he embarks on a quest with him through the entire wizarding world of Harry's past, present, and future through a book. After they arrived, Voldemort told Peter Pettigrew to "kill the spare" (Cedric) because he only needed Harry. He does discover he has a mate, though. His death was upsetting for the magical community because it showed how much Voldemort's power had grown. But do they actually know who it is? Work Search: He was a Gryffindor and a passionate prankster. Sirius Black doesn't want any dark magic infested Internet food in his house! A.K.A the time travel AU where a 20 year old Sirius Black gets in on the Horcrux hunt with the Golden Trio THIS STORY DEALS WITH HOMOPHOBIA AND INCLUDES MATURE LANGUAGE SOMETIMES. One or both of them succeed, and animal instinct kicks in. "And you figure that's you?" contains: Dra. IMPORTANT: AT THE MOMENT, I'M EDITING THIS STORY DUE TO MANY GRAMMAR MISTAKES. Lupin was bitten by a werewolf when he was younger causing him to transform each full moon, but he found solace in his childhood friends, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew, who accepted him and helped him during his time at Hogwarts. As Voldemort grows stronger, her priorities shift and she finally meets the man she's been tracking for. Cause of Death: Snape murdered Dumbledore in the Astronomy Tower with the Killing Curse. His death was the beginning of many more to come and was extra tragic because Mundungus Fletcher betrayed him. But since Sirius was on the run from the law before his untimely death, that never happened. Three buildings down Sirius caught the glint of light that reflected off of James' glasses and sighed in relief. The Battle didn't begin in earnest until midnight, but the hours before were filled with preparations and adventures. Tonks was killed alongside her new husband and they both left behind a newborn son, making her death especially tragic. At first he thought it was just shock after what he'd done. "Alternate Title: THE GUIDE TO SURVIVAL IN A FICTIONAL WORLD" It spoke only six words in Moody's voice. A precaution for what, dare I ask? Severus snapped. The couple had been secretive about their relationship and pregnancy because Lupin was a werewolf. She was an innocent witch with idealistic views nothing justifies her tragic murder. Time of Death: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". Lavender looked beautiful in purple. The summer before her sixth year at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger comes across a pile of books that inexplicably seem to detail the life of one Harry Potter - and herself by extension. Frank lived alone and spent his days caring for the Riddle home he was just doing his job when he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Before we think about what could have happened, lets recap why he was falsely accused in the first place and remained a wanted man. It's not that they're born brave. As we know in Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius made Harry a tentative offer of coming to live with him once his name had been cleared which Harry was more than thrilled about. He's a man of few words." Sirius noted. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Lis Nashira Potter-Black no ha tenido una vida fcil a sus 15 aos se encuentra cansada a ms no poder.De tal forma que cuando los dioses deciden ayudarle en su forma retorcida, haciendo su vida pblica para unas personas selectas que puedan comprender y ayudar con su pasado/presente/futuro. Once he realised that there was a connection between them, he would have exploited it anyway. Finally he's had enough and decides to go all out for once, but when Umbridge fights back, it affects both his life, and possibly her freedompermanently.