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Since this house is owned by Jupiter, the lord of houses 7, It is a common and fiery sign. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, deal and write about stock market, sports, politics, arts and literature, religion and Vedic rituals, will paint with pure imagination, will have intelligence, will have attractive physique and will perform obscene dances. mercury He may has desires of power and position just like King. It means they will express their information in manner that people will admire, which will raise their ego, but since the Sun is debilitated, the individual will not receive the desired admiration. The Sun in the 11th House of Aries, Libra, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, and Pisces sign brings great wealth and fame to the natives. and the team have been researching Vedic astrology and Nadi Shastra. Sun here may create problems in the education of person because Sun in the 5th house, gets weak and the native may face lots of change in his education. Since it is a sign owned by Saturn, the lord of 8th & 9th to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will have to face hurdles and hardships in all their research efforts. Therefore, as long as Sun is not being aspected by any malefic planets, the marriage of the native will work, but he may have to face occasional arguments fights in the relationship. The native works hard to increase wealth. The air quality gives this house some volatile characteristics (aspiration, hopes), Saturn represents the return of good investments made in life (such as building up a. pension). Leo is ruled by SUNhence SUN will be the lord of this house. The air quality gives this house some volatile characteristics (aspiration, hopes); Saturn represents the return of suitable investments made in life (such as building a. pension). Gemini Horoscope Predictions for 2023. As the 11t house is the house of wealth and earnings. While the native will have great success in his career. He is very active. 3 Baths. Since the Sun is in an adversary symbol, gaining authority is difficult. Sun in the 3rd house for Gemini Ascendant is a great position for Sun to be in, and this is because in the 3rd house, Sun is a Karak planet, alongside, Sun is also in its own sign Leo, where Sun here gives excellent results. Because from the 5th house, Sun directly aspects the 11th house of wealth where Sun gets exalted. Mercury is the lord of GEMINI sign. Moon also represents our mother, wife, sister and daughter. SINCEthe 2nd house falls in the star of Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter, the Gemini ascendant borns will be sincere, respectful, honest and truthful in financial matters; will deal in jewellery shops, treasury and banks. Aquarius, the 11th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 9th house to Gemini. Pisces Ascendant sign lord is Jupiter of 1st and 10th house in a horoscope Ascendant. Gemini ascendant borns would be able to steadily study science. 8. SINCEthe 3rd house falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, besides i!s planetary karakas, as it is also the lord of the 3rd house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will need press publicity, will use intelligence in writing, will express own ideas, will participate in debates and discussions, will write to boost the confidence and courage of the readers and will have stable mind with courage and confidence. Offering water to the Sun God The second best remedy for Sun is to offer water to the Sun God everyday in the morning. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, serve as supervisors in competitive examination centres, will suffer due to hereditary disorders, excessive intake, allergy, acidity, and the side effects of medicines, will study nursing courses and medical research, will make joint efforts in medical fields and will have illegal affairs in research fields. As we know, the 3rd house is also one of the houses where Sun becomes very strong. Sun in 11th House for Aries Ascendant in Astrology, Sun in 7th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Moon in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 1st House for Pisces Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant in Astrology. The sun represents your self-esteem, your ego and your personality, and as mentioned before, all are . This video will explain you Sun in 1st house for libra ascendant. Gemini minds are always active, even while at rest. This is if Sun is weak, that is if it has the aspect planets like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn. Sun here makes the native become very successful in the line of business. At the same time, as Sun is exalted in the sign, it shows balanced ego and confidence. The natives fate and bhagya will be very strong. They are very humble and do not like to show their ego. The 11th house relates to the 3rd part of the legs, the calves, and shins. March 16: Venus in Taurus. There is no doubt, the native will get lots of opportunities in life to become successful. The 11th house corresponds with Aquarius. Mother of the native can be very critical or detail oriented and can take the role of father in home. If Sun is in a strong position in the 12th house, then the native spends his money on good things and religious activities. Younger siblings can travel to distant land for studies. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, have cordial social relationships, will live in government quarters, will receive musical instruments as donation from the government, will enter into partnerships, will marry the lover and will associate with voluntary organisations; .hold honour, name, fame and status as eminent artists, will become officers with administrative capacity, will manufacture artistic goods, will be responsible for temples that were undertaken by the government and will hold posts of easy jobs. This is also a very powerful remedy and by doing this, one will get protection from enemies, increase in positive energy at home, increase in wealth, health, ones fate and bhaya will start to unlock and growth in life. And astrology is all about measurements. The following birth chart tool is useful for listing the positions of planets in your chart by sign and house. .have collective thoughts and joint efforts, will listen to others, will suffer due to contagious diseases and at abdominal regions of the body, will become weak due to loss of power of immunity, will lack independence in actions, will invite competitions and oppositions due to their activities and will become well known persons; .marry among relatives, residents in the same compound or opposite houses and caretakers of house, land, organisations and vehicles. Ascendant influences how the world sees you; its your first impression. They just love to naturally enjoy life, while most of the other zodiac signs are still working on the betterment of their lives and learning from their mistakes. is in the ninth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna. Since Pisces, the 12th sign of Kaalpurushas, is the 10th house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will not hesitate to undertake secret activities like adulteration etc. Moon for Gemini Ascendant in 2nd House Lord: Sun for Gemini Ascendant in 3rd House Lord: Mercury for Gemini Ascendant in 4th House Lord: Venus for Gemini Ascendant in 5th House Lord: Mars for Gemini Ascendant in 6th House Lord: Jupiter for Gemini Ascendant in 7th House Lord: Saturn for Gemini Ascendant in 8th House Lord: Saturn for Gemini Ascendant in 9th House Lord: Jupiter for Gemini Ascendant in 10th House Lord: Mars for Gemini Ascendant in 11th House Lord: Venus for Gemini Ascendant in 12th House Lord: You may find more information about Gemini Ascendant sign by following this Gemini Horoscope. The hands of Gemini rising signs tend to be physically vulnerable. Also, they do not like short distance travel. The sign Gemini extends over three stars leading to the following body natures: Mrigasira : Owned by Mars Lean but extra-muscles, Arudra : Owned by Rahu Stout with respiratory disorders. astrology Hence the Gemini ascendant borns will do their profession in the fields of research centres, investigation & customs departments, adulteration, secret planning, shoe makers, hospitals and imports and exports etc. In, Moon in 9th house in Aquarius Sign For Gemini Ascendant 1) Before knowing the effect of Moon in 9th house in Aquarius sign for Gemini, Moon in 8th house in Capricorn sign for Gemini Ascendant 1)Before knowing the effect of Moon in 8th house for Capricorn Sign for Gemini Ascendant, Your email address will not be published. As Gemini is a sexual sign, the native has a lot of sexual energy. Sun in all 12 houses for Leo Ascendant October 11, 2021 by Ancient Astrology Talks Leo ascendants, the zodiac sign of the King of all planets Sun, Leo ascendants are very unique people, having the energy of the Sun fully within them, they are born with a stratospheric levels of self-confidence and determination. These videos are ba. SINCEthe 8Ih house falls in the star of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars, the Gemini ascendant borns will involve with quarrels, riots, struggles, terrorism, seizures, false allegations, police and military actions, use of weapons, bomb blasts, cruel accidents, forgery, cheating, suicide squads, murders and robbery; they will be troubled by brothers. There is no doubt, Sun in the 6th house creates a yoga called Shatru Hanta Yoga where, the native gains victory over his enemies. Director, producers can also be seen from this position. They will make investments quickly, will undertake voyage, will hoard liquid articles and will have pleasant bed comforts. Hence, for Gemini Ascedants, Sun is a very important planet. The native with Sun in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant earns immense wealth. He may always win over his enemies. Assume the map is Leo Ascendant chart with Sun in Gemini's 11th house. Ltd. 2001-2023. The skill to attract others towards them, they are the ones who know how to do it best. There is no way around that. SINCEthe 8th house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the lord of 3rd house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns could get into troubles by sudden communications from government; they would also be troubled by anonymous letters. The native with Sun in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant in Vedic Astrology faces some loss and separation from his brothers and sisters. CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.comBook link- Raaj, This video is hosted by Kapiel Raaj. This is if Sun is in a weak position, aspected or in conjunct with planets like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn. The native with Sun in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant is courageous and laborious. While, there is a possibility that the native can also become famous, and well known in his community or workplace. His brothers and sisters love and admire him. S/he can be in a leadership or authoritative position in a large organization in government or private sector. From seventh house, Sun aspects first house which shows ego and confidence is developed from recognition and fame among masses. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Monthly Horoscope For March 2023. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, be benefited from society, banks, government recognition, partnership deeds, spouse and relatives, will gain through government subsidy and tax evasion; .gain by holding honorary or high posts, through status, leadership, administrative capacity, name and fame and responsible counselling. Taurus, the 2nd sign of Kaalpurushas, is the 12th house to Gemini. The natives siblings may live in foreign lands. This means that, Sun for Gemini Ascendants have a direct connection with hard work in life. Ketu would act like Mercury as far as the significations of houses are concerned. Lucky Gems for Gemini Ascendant: Emerald and blue sapphire Scorpio, the 8th sign of the Kaalpurushais the 6th sign to Geminihence they tend to suffer from stress and pain resulted by sudden illnesses and diseases. The native will be very ambitious, while he can also become greedy and materialistic. Siblings can create obstacles for the person. Spouse may be employed in the field of education by government agencies and may hold position of authority. They will suffer due to muscle pains and high fever; will serve in industries, will become manual labourers, cooks, tailors and producers of medicine and food. It indicates that your partner is well-educated person who could be employed as Professor or Teacher at large university. Mars is also the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Gemini. SINCEthe 5th house falls in the star of Swathi, ruled by Rahu, the Gemini ascendant borns will have sex with foreigners, will involve in gambling and prostitution at foreign places, and may become swimmers and sprinters. They may also involve in the government departments of investigations, customs, excise, sales tax, auditing, prisons, hospitals, postmortem wards, punishments and seizures. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns will gain success only after struggles. The Gemini ascendant borns will face dejections in their efforts to help others; they may be cheated by opposite sex. Spouse carries lot of experience and learning to the table. So the Gemini ascendant borns will, gain secret success, will fall unconscious due to allergic food, will change service of their choice, will suffer due to inability to diagnose the diseases and will gain success after making undue expenditure for the same; have secret activities in societies, will face breach of agreements in societies, will face troubles in fortunate opportunities, will fail in achieving and will keep new and modem methods in secrecy. He will be fearless. Assume the ascendant is Scorpio, and Sun dominates 10th house with the Leo sign and resides in the 11th house in Virgo. The native will have friends who will try to steal values and things from the native. They can adapt very quickly to situations. We can also have bad health as a result of psychic attacks from hidden enemies (Also . He has responsibility of his siblings. Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, makes them clever. A natal Sun in the eleventh house means that you were born around 10-11 A.M, when the Sun shines bright. So the expenditures of Gemini ascendant borns will in a way end up as investments; they will do very well in their second profession; they tend to conceal gold and other valuables; they may gain from hidden treasures. SINCE the 12th house falls in the star of Krittika, ruled by Sun, the lord of 3rd house to Gemini, the Gemini ascendant borns will invest on commercial and business ventures. His elder brothers also support him. Instability and fluctuations, Mathematics, Calculative, Thinking twice before doing once, Neurology, Cunning. Scorpio the 8th sign of Kaalpurushas, is the 6th house to Gemini. Since it is a house owned by Mars, the lord of houses 6. serve in social service, voluntary and labour welfare organisations, will become labour contractors or agents to government officials and will act as marriage brokers; render hard labour under severe working conditions and dirty circumstances; will repair old goods and will have heavy workloads. The native with Saturn in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant gains wealth through malicious deeds. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He will have high-self-esteem and he will want people to listen to him and follow him and his words. This is indeed one of the most powerful remedies known to mankind in Vedic Astrology. He has good physical and mental strength. This position can show Fighters, policeman, soldiers. They are really authoritative, something most people would not like as friend. Gemini Ascendants are one of the most interesting and unique zodiac signs among all 12 zodiac sign. They will gain by accepting bribery in accident wards and mortuary hi hospitals, insurance claims, magics and wills; .gain through ancestral properties, confidence, honesty, education, leadership, research, religious service, endowments, transplantation, law, temple properties, ancient monuments and life at foreign countries. Since the Sun is in the sign of Scorpio, this indicates karmic relationship with Father. Sun in the 1st house is a great position and it will naturally boost the energy levels of the native. Here, there is no doubt, Sun helps the native gain victory over his enemies. This is the core message of Sun being the lord of the 3rd house for Gemini ascendant and which ever house, Sun creates a connection with, hard work will be one of the biggest quality that will be taken into consideration. They are more ambitious in fulfilling their personal desires. purcnase things of choice and will purchase properties with encumbrances; their vehicles and their belongings will get damaged. Moon in 11th house For Gemini ascendant It's a Gemini ascendant chart where moon with a cancer sign rules the 2nd house and sits in Aries in the 11th house. They have a strong desire of communication and preaching. Ketu would act like Mercury, the lord of houses 1. deal and write about stock market, sports, politics, arts and literature, religion and Vedic rituals, will paint with pure imagination, will have intelligence, will have attractive physique and will perform obscene dances. Mercury is the lord of houses 1. lways think about themselves, will have a high percentage of vitamins, will show happy relationships, will be selfish with self-pride, will have independent opinions, will have imagination and will make new changes in their activities, will have a high sense of taste and will have proper body functioning. Jupiter is also the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Gemini. This means that, the more the native works hard in life, the better his life becomes. Sun is responsible for our career, power and status in our lives. is in the fourth house to GEMINI/ MITHUNA Lagna. Your email address will not be published. Such natives, they are focused upon their goals and once they decide on doing something and dreaming big in life, they will not sit still until they achieve their goals, dreams and wishes. But the major difference is that Sagittarius seeks to expand their horizons in a broader sense and Geminis interest lies in seeking knowledge to move ahead in social circles. It depicts the ups and downs of relationships with Father. 7. Siblings can benefit from the native. Which means for Gemini Ascendants, since Sun is the lord of the 3rd house, it is said that if the native works hard in life, Fate or Bhagya will automatically shine for the native. SINCEthe 8th house falls in the star of Shravana, ruled by Moon, the Gemini ascendant borns will suffer due to mental depression, forgetfulness and unconsciousness, lack proper knowledge, meet with accidents in water, lose their mental balance and will involve in anti-social thoughts and activities. It depicts someone who works for the government or large Private Corporation and faces challenges in their daily lives. They carry needed inclination for research and innovation. Since the Sun is in Capricorn, the enemy's sign, which signifies hard work and power, it indicates that gaining some authority in life would take lot of effort. It is a god position for advocate or lawyer or vedic study. The native will earn his wealth though his own self-efforts and hardwork. The next most favourable planet is Saturn which owns the 9th house and is placed in his mooltrikona sign. Shocking Negative Traits Of Each Zodiac Sign: Why Tulsi Leaves Are Not Offered to Lord Shiva? Their personality, ego, belief system can change after marriage or they can preach higher belief system to masses. Hence the Gemini ascendant borns have a chance to give birth to twins. Here because, hard work has directly connected with the house of the self.